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About Adloff

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  1. I’ve now found a different solution: NouberNou’s ‘MapPlus’ addon, which works whith my version of ArmA 2 (only ArmA 2 itself).
  2. I’ve already tried simply copying the file to my addons folder (which shouldn’t be a problem as long as it’s the only addon). But when starting ArmA, I get the message: “Addon ‘RemovedSattelite ...’ requires addon ‘CA_AIR_E_MQ9PredatorB’. A quick Google search suggests that I’m missing Operation Arrowhead. Isn’t there a way of getting this addon to run without OA, perhaps by modifying it? (Alas, I can’t extract the pbo, due to an “unknown block in the headerâ€.) Many thanks for your hitherto and your further help and Best regards, Adloff
  3. This sounds good indeed. Can you tell me how to use/install it? Thx in advance, Adloff
  4. Dear forum members, first: Hi to all, I’m new here! Can anybody tell me if there’s a possibility to deactivate the air photographs in the map? (By “map†I mean that navigation tool, not a mission terrain.) I’ve already tried deleting those layer pictures from “chernarus_Data_Layers.pboâ€, but then soon discovered that they’re also needed as textures for the ‘real’ terrain in the game. Has anyone got an idea? Thanks in advance and Best Regards, Adloff