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Everything posted by Hardballer

  1. Hardballer

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Arma 2 Music Video : Ghost Assassin NCcK2oJIHnk
  2. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/clearGroupIcons
  3. Hardballer


    There is maybe a better way but you could drop a bomb on the house you want to be destroyed at the beginning of your mission.
  4. Try with {"Music\Qom_Nasheed.ogg", 0.05, 1}; If you want your volume to be lower you can change 0.05 to 0.005 etc
  5. Hi, Put this code on the init line of any vehicle nul = [this] execVM "music.sqf"; Now create music.sqf and put this code in it. _object = _this select 0; while {alive _object} do { _object say3D "Qom_Nasheed"; sleep 15;}; For a 35 seconds sound write sleep 35 With this code the sound will be played in a continuous loop until the vehicle destruction