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About SnakedoctorAAF

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  1. SnakedoctorAAF

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Ah yeah, that's fair enough. I have no real problem with credit card info, but any alternative would be good. And thanks a lot for the hospitality :D And yeah, I still haven't got a reply yet today, although BIS responses have been prompt over the last couple of days (they're coming from the NSW office). Think they finally got back from holidays (first email sent early Dec, didn't get a reply till two days ago). I'm sure more questions will come, but definitely regarding ordering, payment and delivery as opposed to content (I'm aware of most of the included content already). That said though, as part of the VBS2 PE content list I was sent, one of the pointers was "VBS2 Tool Suite". I'm assuming and hoping that this suite includes Visitor 4, as that is a major selling point for me. Is anyone able to clarify if this includes Visitor 4, as well as any other software? Will probably throw down the order tomorrow sometime if I can, and will register on those forums asap. Thanks again for the help and I'll keep you updated :) Cheers. [update] Got a reply a while earlier, confirming that Bank Deposit is an option - they provided their bank details via email. Also asked them that question regarding the tool suite, it does come with Visitor 4 as well as Oxygen 2 and FSM editor or something of the like.
  2. SnakedoctorAAF

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    I see, this is understandable. Thanks for the quick reply and multiple email idea though, clever and seems more or less secure. I sent BIS an email in the meantime asking if they do alternate payment options (bank deposit specifically), but after reading this I am expecting a no.
  3. SnakedoctorAAF

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Hello, I'm planning to buy VBS2 and am currently involved in an email conversation regarding the purchase. I'm just here to ask those of you who have purchased the software already, do BIS usually ask for credit card information over email? Doesn't seem normal to me that a company would ask for this kind of information over fax/email/phone as opposed to a more secure service, but I think I might just be acting a little paranoid. Thanks.