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Everything posted by Riller

  1. Riller

    Project CDF

    Well, the ARMA2 website says that the CDF doesn't have any special forces, instead relying on stationing the troops based on their home area so they have some knowledge of the terrain and such, though it might make some bit of sense for them to have it after the war, based upon the effectiveness of the Razor-team in the war. Also, just re-mentioning the SCUD, 'cause it seems to be in use by every single ex-soviet army ever.
  2. Riller

    Project CDF

    Other nice additions could be stuff like the night- and thermal-sighted AKs, the An-2, maaybe the T90 and BTR90 (Though I doubt Russia would be too fond of exporting those after events of ARMA II). Oh, and some form of more effective air defense unit, Humvee Avenger or something like the Shilka with some Stingers, Strela or Igla missiles bolted to the side, Linebacker-style.
  3. Riller

    Project CDF

    Wonderful job on most of the stuff in this mod, finally someone's making the CDF a proper, useful faction without having to go over the top with the T72s in missions. I would suggest going over some of the skins again, though. The BTR-60's camo doesn't match up to the others in the green, and the L-39ZA is using the ground-forces shade of green. Try looking at the BIS SU-25, it's green is greener and a bit brighter. In fact, the BTR and L-39 might be perfect if you switch the colours around. Either way, it is wonderful to see someone adding new things to the CDF that isn't just delta-force-replicas that speak Chernarussian. P.S. May I suggest adding SCUDs too? Possibly to the Chedaki side, too, to give a nice objective to search and destroy in missions.