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Everything posted by TheDuceCat

  1. Okay, here is what is happening. When I test out my mission by making an OPFOR as the player and check out the spawn zone, it works perfectly. When I delete him, and reset my BLUFOR to the player, nothing works. What is going on?
  2. I used the mod before and used the internal module in my mission, but then deleted it and switched to the script version.
  3. I searched the manual, but couldn't find anything. I set them all to zero, so it should show nothing, but it still does.
  4. It didn't work. Here is my config line if(isNil "DAC_Com_Values") then { DAC_Com_Values = [0,0,0] }; Also, how can I make it so each group has a set amount of units, instead of 2-4, 2-6, etc...
  5. I'm using the script version of DAC, how do I disable the little initialization information window when the mission starts?
  6. TheDuceCat

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Does this mod work with other mods? Say I load up Invasion '44 and have a co-op mission with this mod installed. Will it improve the AI there, too? Or only vanilla and ACE?