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Everything posted by Synsalot

  1. Yes I know but thats the problem, my Tusk wont move up the road when i switch to MG and the game is stuck, the dummies arent even up yet. For the LD; I am infantry in that tutorial (and in missions as well) and I need to learn where (and when) to get LD so I can paint and the A-10 will bomb the tanks. I simply dont have it in my inventory and cant find it in crates etc.
  2. Hey guys, I just started playing ARMA 2 OA and in the tank tutorial I am stuck because the tank wont move right before the HMG training starts (after you lit up three trucks with HE rounds). I played the tut once before the latest patch and it was fine then, so it isnt a biggy, but just wondered if its a known bug or anything. More importantly: In the support tut I cant laser the tank models. The A-10 just keeps circling and I cant find a laser designator anywhere to paint the tanks? I started to play the SP missions and again I can call in airstrikes but....no laser designator to be found. Pls help..this 'bugs' me a lot Thanks !