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Everything posted by HamBYBusH

  1. is this an aas game mode?
  2. AKA as noob :D what really make me feel in love with this game is the opportunity to put your hands on it to change it as you wish. for the last 2 weeks i played no stop. but now i have the desire to create some pvp map(hell yeah i love pvp over all). before boring you with noob questions that you might faced thousands and thousands of time i wonder if there is any guide,pdf file or documentary(lol..:D) showing how to create a pvp mission from the first step. i need to understand how to put a flag which can be capped by teams, but before being capped it should be neutralized and i would like that some flags capped give you access to a new tank spawning near the flag. i guess the game mode could be called C&H. i would also to put inside the game a sort of money system to let the people being able to buy wepons at certan conditions. could you guys help me a bit :D
  3. ok many thx :) i hope you'll be so kind guys to answer me if i dont fully understand something :D
  4. HamBYBusH

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    hi all :) i want to say thx for the great game you made. i have the combined operation purchased 2 weeks ago and is awesome. i played only arcade games like bf2-bf3 and other stuff basically because i didnt know there was an infantry simulator on the market. thx god 1 friend send me a link about arma 3 and i see the light: if arma 3 will come out it means there is an arma 2 somewhere! :D and here i am :D thx for the game, you saved 1 teenager from the bf3 world. i cant stop to play this game. since 2 weeks.