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Everything posted by dimdic

  1. But how can i select for example "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro" font to show in my hints ??
  2. Is it possible to change font in briefing ?? Is it also possible to change font to the hints during the game ?? I want for example to use the font "Webdings" which has some symbols, or use a spanish font which has special letters (for example ñ ) . Thank you.
  3. How can i find the names of the parts of a vehicle that can be animated ?? So in this way i can use the "animate" command and animate them through scripting commands. Thank you.
  4. Hi there !! The command assignedVehicleRole may return: [] - Not assigned to any vehicle ["Driver"] - Assigned as driver ["Cargo"] - Assigned as cargo ["Turret", [turret path]] - Assigned to a turret (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/assignedVehicleRole) E.g. _RoleArray=assignedVehicleRole player With which code can i check if the returned array is empty??? Is there any way to check this, except from using the command count ? E.g. _RoleArray=assignedVehicleRole player; if (isNull _RoleArray) then { hint 'empty'}; //isNull _RoleArray doesn't work !!
  5. Hi! Is there any way to delete all objects & units inside a specific area of my map ? Thank you.
  6. Yes Horner !! That's true! I wanted to delete them! The important thing was the idea of using the command "nearestObjects" !! Thank you a lot!
  7. Hi there !! I want to make a question.. Is there any way (scripting command or any other way) to increase the rotation speed of aiming (i.e. increase mouse sensitivity) ONLY when i am gunner of a vehicle, such as a gunner with an M2 50 cal weapon ! Thank you
  8. Hi there! How can i check if the network during a multiplayer mission is overloaded ? Thank you.
  9. I am running windows 7 ! It's a local network connection (using a switch)! No it's not a dedicated server!
  10. I have created a mission where a M113 vehicle is driven by the player. At a moment a trigger activates an ied 10 meters in front of the m113 and a script file is executed ! I have positioned opfor units behind some rocks near the ied. Their preferences are : CombatMode never fire, behaviour: safe, stance: prone, and initialization statements: disableAI "MOVE". The script of the code is this : { if ( (side _x==east) ) then { _x enableAI "MOVE"; _x setUnitPos "AUTO"; _x setSkill 1; _x setSkill ["SpotDistance",1]; _x setSkill ["AimingAccuracy",1]; _x allowFleeing 0; _x setBehaviour "AWARE"; _x setCombatMode "RED"; _x reveal player; _x reveal (vehicle player); _x doFire (vehicle player); forceRefreshTargets (group _x); }; }forEach allUnits; The problem is that opfor units DON'T fire their weapon (they do nothing) which is very strange. I want them to fire against M113. Opfor units are not in a group. What shall i do to work properly ?? Thank you.
  11. Only one of them has rpg. The others have rifle !!! Is that the problem ??
  12. How can i see if the array returned from the command "groupSelectedUnits " is empty (so in this case no units are selected!!) ??? Thank you.
  13. You are right my friend, but it works fine AS IT IS :) !!!! That's why i didn't add any solution!! In my original code i had the fourth line ( fourth line: _cond=_this select 0; ) with comments. I was sooo dizzy that i could't see that i have comments in this line :/ !! It was stupid post!
  14. I have written a piece of code, but it doesn't work. Here i am explaining what i want it to do: The player has 5 subordinate units. I want a hint to appear when the player selects a specific subordinate unit (soldier 3 with name "name_of_soldier3"). What's wrong with it ?? _myfun= { private ["_cond"]; _cond=_this select 0; waitUntil { hint "Waiting to select soldier 3 (press button F3)"; call _cond }; sleep 2; hint "You have selected soldier 3"; }; _cond= { (((groupSelectedUnits player) select 0)==name_of_soldier3) }; _z=[_cond] spawn _myfun; Unfortunately, when i am the player and select soldiers 3 nothing happens :d: Any ideas?? Thank you. ---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ---------- FINALLY IT WORKS FINE !!!!! sorry about this post, erase it please !! :/
  15. I have a trigger with Activation "BLUFOR" and activation type "PRESENT" . I want a specific Blufor Unit that passes through the trigger area without activating the trigger ! Is this possible ? Thank you. I also have a trigger with Activation "OPFOR" and activation type "Detected by Blufor". I want a specific Opfor Unit that is seen by Blufors without activating the trigger.
  16. Thank you Igneous01!! 1. Works fine ! I think (this && !(unitname in thisList)) works also fine. 2. I made a mistake in my second question. Here is the right one : I have a trigger with Activation "OPFOR" and activation type "Detected by Blufor". I want a specific Blufor that sees an Opfor without activating the trigger.
  17. Hi there. I have made an introduction with a moving camera in the beginning of a mission and only the server can see it. How can i fix it ? Thank you.
  18. Hi there. I have the following problem: During my mission I am creating a unit (airplane) using the createVehicle command (_myair="airplane" createVehicle (getPos soldier) ). Later on i want to delete the airplane that i created. BUT the command "deleteVehicle object _myair) ; " doesn't work. As i can see, "_myair" is not the name of the airplane that i created. How can i set a name to the airplane so that i can refer to it later on ? Or is there any other solution to my problem ? Thank you.
  19. Oh, i am sorry! It was a misprint.. i use the command "deleteVehicle _myair" and not "deleteVehicle object _myair) " , and the command doesn't work ! Is my problem related to the fact that i use a local variable "_myair" and not a global "myair" ??
  20. To be more accurate.. i created a multiplayer senario and when i tested with my friends i found out several problems. So i need your help concerning the following: 1)Commands that are executed in a trigger "On Activation" field, are executed on all machines !! I DON'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN !!! I want them to be executed only once!! 2)I have created an introduction with a moving camera in the beginning of the senario and only the one who is the server can see that. Does anybody know how to solve these problems ??? Are there any other basic things that i should know before or after creating a multiplayer senario ? Or any problems that i am going to face and i haven't spotted them yet?? Thank you.
  21. Hi there! I have put my subordinate units in the map in a column, having a direction of 270 degrees (degrees are measured clockwise from north). I put the commandStop (i tried also doStop) in the init for all my subordinate units because i want my units to be stationary at beginning of the mission even if i move around them (i am their leader). BUT when the missions starts and command "commandStop" runs, my units change direction automatically and look at north (0 degrees). Do anyone know what's going wrong, and how can i solve this problem ?? Thank you a lot.
  22. My problem is that if i use the commands "unitname stop true;" "unitname disableAI" then i need to run a script with the commands "unitname stop false" or "unitname enableAI "MOVE";" "unitname enableAI "ANIM";" and i don't know the condition (and how) i should run this script! And this because I want my units to be stanionary, and then (WHENEVER i want) select them and order them to get in a vehicle !!
  23. Hi there! I want a fighter aircraft pass above a specific position and fire its canon there !! Thank you.