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About dimdic

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. But how can i select for example "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro" font to show in my hints ??
  2. Hi there !! The command assignedVehicleRole may return: [] - Not assigned to any vehicle ["Driver"] - Assigned as driver ["Cargo"] - Assigned as cargo ["Turret", [turret path]] - Assigned to a turret (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/assignedVehicleRole) E.g. _RoleArray=assignedVehicleRole player With which code can i check if the returned array is empty??? Is there any way to check this, except from using the command count ? E.g. _RoleArray=assignedVehicleRole player; if (isNull _RoleArray) then { hint 'empty'}; //isNull _RoleArray doesn't work !!
  3. Yes Horner !! That's true! I wanted to delete them! The important thing was the idea of using the command "nearestObjects" !! Thank you a lot!
  4. Hi! Is there any way to delete all objects & units inside a specific area of my map ? Thank you.
  5. Hi there !! I want to make a question.. Is there any way (scripting command or any other way) to increase the rotation speed of aiming (i.e. increase mouse sensitivity) ONLY when i am gunner of a vehicle, such as a gunner with an M2 50 cal weapon ! Thank you
  6. I am running windows 7 ! It's a local network connection (using a switch)! No it's not a dedicated server!
  7. Hi there! How can i check if the network during a multiplayer mission is overloaded ? Thank you.
  8. Only one of them has rpg. The others have rifle !!! Is that the problem ??
  9. I have created a mission where a M113 vehicle is driven by the player. At a moment a trigger activates an ied 10 meters in front of the m113 and a script file is executed ! I have positioned opfor units behind some rocks near the ied. Their preferences are : CombatMode never fire, behaviour: safe, stance: prone, and initialization statements: disableAI "MOVE". The script of the code is this : { if ( (side _x==east) ) then { _x enableAI "MOVE"; _x setUnitPos "AUTO"; _x setSkill 1; _x setSkill ["SpotDistance",1]; _x setSkill ["AimingAccuracy",1]; _x allowFleeing 0; _x setBehaviour "AWARE"; _x setCombatMode "RED"; _x reveal player; _x reveal (vehicle player); _x doFire (vehicle player); forceRefreshTargets (group _x); }; }forEach allUnits; The problem is that opfor units DON'T fire their weapon (they do nothing) which is very strange. I want them to fire against M113. Opfor units are not in a group. What shall i do to work properly ?? Thank you.
  10. How can i see if the array returned from the command "groupSelectedUnits " is empty (so in this case no units are selected!!) ??? Thank you.
  11. You are right my friend, but it works fine AS IT IS :) !!!! That's why i didn't add any solution!! In my original code i had the fourth line ( fourth line: _cond=_this select 0; ) with comments. I was sooo dizzy that i could't see that i have comments in this line :/ !! It was stupid post!
  12. I have written a piece of code, but it doesn't work. Here i am explaining what i want it to do: The player has 5 subordinate units. I want a hint to appear when the player selects a specific subordinate unit (soldier 3 with name "name_of_soldier3"). What's wrong with it ?? _myfun= { private ["_cond"]; _cond=_this select 0; waitUntil { hint "Waiting to select soldier 3 (press button F3)"; call _cond }; sleep 2; hint "You have selected soldier 3"; }; _cond= { (((groupSelectedUnits player) select 0)==name_of_soldier3) }; _z=[_cond] spawn _myfun; Unfortunately, when i am the player and select soldiers 3 nothing happens :d: Any ideas?? Thank you. ---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ---------- FINALLY IT WORKS FINE !!!!! sorry about this post, erase it please !! :/
  13. Is it possible to change font in briefing ?? Is it also possible to change font to the hints during the game ?? I want for example to use the font "Webdings" which has some symbols, or use a spanish font which has special letters (for example ñ ) . Thank you.
  14. Thank you Igneous01!! 1. Works fine ! I think (this && !(unitname in thisList)) works also fine. 2. I made a mistake in my second question. Here is the right one : I have a trigger with Activation "OPFOR" and activation type "Detected by Blufor". I want a specific Blufor that sees an Opfor without activating the trigger.