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About Chladic88

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Chladic88

    XBox 360 Controller

    I some examples i have it same right you: Arrow Up and Down: quick menu Arrow Left : exit from quick menu X-button: Accept in quick menu or action button (for clicking on things in cockpit) L2/R2: pedals Left Stick: Cyclic Right stick up and down: Collective R1: Free look (with Right stick to move camera or head) O-button: Change look (outside/cockpit) R3: Weapon change L1: Fire from weapons Square button: gps Select: zoom Other buttones i forgot now ...in tuesday i will be flying (i like it and i like to make videos from it). I have some backups of config files for all cases .... i have weak pc for this game and i have backups on flashdisk for case, when my PC want burn :D :D
  2. Chladic88

    XBox 360 Controller

    i dont know ... but im using DualShock 3 from ps3 system. I have downloaded Motion joy program, in which i setup controller like PS3. Game dont support ps3 controller direct. But game see it. Then i use X360 scheme, which i can map like i want. You must look in keybiding and there look on red words ... This is collision ...
  3. I had same problem, when i bought take on bundle via steam. Problem was in steam, you must run steam like administrator, then will be hind DLC instaled. Now im flying with hinds :-) P.s. my hind can dance :D :D
  4. So, once, when i play strategic game, i want drive to rafinery. But in my way was one "jump". Here is it: http://youtu.be/BSlZgNG3Eso Maybe little bit funny... Its not fault of UI, its my fault :D So, what to do now?!?
  5. So, here is my try: So, what im doing bad? Sorry for long time, by writing, i have text for trigers in smartphone ...
  6. I cant get to turn on Radio Bravo (and radio Alfa too) ... if you want, ill make for you video ... How you make it here? Not in Arma 2, its little bit diferent ... When i press 0, then i see first menu where is 0 grey, not white like others ... To Death17: You can still use not buyed version, but with watermark.
  7. Ok Ok ... I try, what is in video ... I can record helicopter move, but i dont make playback of this move (i have all 3 files, mission, init, path with some text [146kb])... Problem is, if im in other character/choper i havent radio, its grey ... What im making(or doing?!?) wrong?!?
  8. Like i sayd yesterday ... Download Bandicam, install it and then run it ... Set your folder and record buttons in bandicam. Then minimaze (dont close) it and run TOH. After menu loading, will you see in left bottom corner two green number. Its FPS. When you are recording video, numbers will be red. After record is video very good and it have good compresion. P.S. i dont know, if i can put here download link to Bandicam, but if you will use google, you find it. P.P.S. in demo version of Bandicam, you can record only 10 minutes long videos and every video will have watermark with link to bandicam.
  9. So, try program named BandiCam ... Im using him ... here is example: P.S. dont look at fly :D im not good like others players ...
  10. Today in czech tv series Re-Play received CC:GM 4/10 :-(
  11. Hi BI, i found something odd in translation in Czech language of game. If i fly with 2-engine helicopter, its all O.K. , but if i want turn engines off (from idle), i see 2 diferent texts. Now i take (not helicopter :D :D) photo and highlighted it. So, why diference between texts? Always, when i turn engines off via context menu, i must search it (and then im saying, im dumb :D :D) P.S. Now i hope, its ok.
  12. Ahoj, doufám, že nevadí, když to sem plácnu Äesky, jelikož jste ÄeÅ¡tí vývojáři her, nemÄ›lo by to vadit. VÅ¡iml jsem si jedný vÄ›ci v pÅ™ekladu, který je jinak bezchybný. Když nasednu tÅ™eba do stÅ™ednÄ› velké helikoptéry, proletím se a pak jí vypínám, je v kontextovém oknÄ› napsáno "Zavřít Å¡krtící klapku motoru 1" a asi o dva řádky níže je napsáno "Å krtící klapka motoru 2 zavÅ™ena" (jde tedy o dvou motorové helikoptéry). ProÄ tyto odliÅ¡nosti?
  13. Chladic88

    No Multiplayer servers .

    I want try multiplayer ... but without another ppsl i havent chance to try it :-( Im from czech republic, and TOH is my first game from BI. I dont like war games, but i love helicopters ... What about monday?
  14. Chladic88

    Steam daily deal TOH 66% OFF and DLC

    Dobrý den jeÅ¡tÄ› jednou, hru jsem spouÅ¡tÄ›l pÅ™es steam, jak v online tak v offline režimu. (v offline běží lépe). Jak jste říkal, že steam může mít problém spustit instalaci, mohu jí nÄ›jak spustit ruÄnÄ›? PÅ™es steam to nepustím, říká že už je hind nainstalovaný... Odesláno z n8 Edit: tak jsem to zkusil a vyÅ¡lo to, hned se Hindy nainstalovali. DÄ›kuji moc za pomoc :-)
  15. Chladic88

    Steam daily deal TOH 66% OFF and DLC

    Hmm .. but if i look into steam instalation folder, i see there Hind DLC files (for exempla Czech manual). I think, its downloaded, but its not working with game ... I dont want buy another game, i have it bought ... CZ: Hmm ... když se podívaj do instalaÄní složky steamu, tak tam vidím soubory z hindů ( jako například manuál nebo i modely). Myslím, že se to stáhlo, ale nÄ›jak to nechce frÄet ve hÅ™e. A nechci si kupovat nÄ›co, co už koupený mám ...