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About mcmatthew7898

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  1. mcmatthew7898

    count units in vehicles

    thanks for the help very useful
  2. i am making a mission where you and a small force of militia have to survive a US attack. to do this i use count thislist <6 to make sure that you do not have to deal with stragglers. But whenever i do this the game ends when it starts because all of the US soldiers are in vehicles' cargoes and it only counts them as one unit so the game thinks there are less than 6 when there are actually about 40 but in cargoes. any suggestions on how to make the game count the units in a vehicles cargo
  3. This may sound like a stupid question but is there a money system in Arma 2 multiplayer? i saw a video on youtube and it showed someone taking over towns and getting money that he used to buy vehicles and AI soldiers. i am going to get this game in a few weeks and was wondering if that is the default multiplayer or if it was a mod. if so what is the default multiplayer like?