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About G0nz0

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    OFP noob-10 years late
  1. G0nz0

    Why I haven't played ARMA 2

    Gezzer-I know exactly what you're talking about. I also played alot of BF2 before going to Arma and OFP. It IS painful to learn at first-I'll bet some people never get used to it-but if you stick with it, you will learn the UI, and here's the bottom line: Once you do, go try and play BF2 and you will feel like you are playing Asteroids or something. Just the fact that you can't free look will drive you to turn the game off. I learned the controls by setting up very simple missions in the editor-you know-player here, a few enemies over there with a waypoint headed toward your position. Then start incorporating vehicles. This way you aren't trying to deal with a pressure situation like a real scripted mission where you will just get frustrated. I found this to be a very easy, and fun way to learn the game. Anyway-just my two cents-I wouldn't give up on it, you won't be sorry.
  2. When you work your way backwards to OFP by buying retail Arma, then retail ARMA 2 OA, then download ARMA2 to get Combined Ops. Then finally the Arma CWA download for 5 bucks from Desura... and that's the game you prefer over all of it. 10 years late to the party :) Then (lol) you order a retail GOTY version for 30 bucks so you can try multiplayer because all the servers are still 1.96. Then, as you drive to work, you notice that the trees remind you of the ones on Everon. Or as you're walking around (in real life) , you glance over your left shoulder, and are momentarily glad that your view is not being obscured by a launcher. Yeah-I must admit, once you develop a taste for OFP, it really becomes an obsession. It's amazing what they did when they built this game, I just wish I would have discovered it sooner.