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About mine

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  1. Where can I download a release version of this? The download link in the original post is dead and when I try to download the latest version from your website the file is locked with a password.
  2. mine

    How to improve FPS in game

    "-world=empty" Game starts without stratis loaded, FPS may be better in the menu? Won't make a difference ingame. "-nosplash" Game starts without splash screens. This won't make a difference either. I've played with and without these and there is no difference to me. Perhaps you can show some screenshots with it disabled and enabled?
  3. mine

    Nausea when driving

    After looking at it a bit more in depth I have come to the conclusion that it's not a visual effect, more a problem with how the camera handles when you drive around. And thanks for the concern, but no, I'm not sick. I only feel this when I'm driving in 3rd person. It gets especially bad when I'm on multiplayer and playing with lower FPS. I also have head bob turned off, not sure this even matters when you are driving though?
  4. mine

    Nausea when driving

    Whenever I drive in 3rd person I get nauseous within a minute to the point where I have to stop driving or get into 1st person. I suspect that the weird effect when driving in 3rd person is to blame. It's hard to explain what it is but it sure was not present in Arma 2. Has anyone else experienced this?
  5. mine

    Driving horrible...

    I agree that the driving is better, but the sensitivity needs tweaking, I have to turn the wheel so much just to turn a little bit. The tire screech is awful aswell, doesn't fit in at all and I doubt you'd get that effect from stopping or turning on grass. I don't even think it works well on asphalt. The sound does not sound very dynamic.
  6. Oh ok. It says that the files you download are supposed to replace some files in the Hsim folder, so I thought that something was wrong.
  7. How do I install this? I don't seem to have a Hsim folder in my root game folder.