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Posts posted by jptiger

  1. hi guys

    i bring you my new mission, on torabora this time. not to long, not to short and some random features.

    original with BAF and extra version with USARMY.

    More factions to come in near future.


    The Taliban still has control over ToraBora, the British Army is slowly pushing in the region from the southeast. the army is frequently patrolling the region, and today 2 5man teams will patrol the region to monitor taliban movement, and to seek and destroy taliban equipment, a vital part, and main objective for this mission is to destroy the communications tower to disable taliban communications, and get the upperhand in the British Army's upcoming Battle for torabora.


    -random patrols

    -dynamic positioning of taliban forces

    -Coop10 and Singleplayer (bravo team NOT supported)

    -living world with animals and civilians

    -Random positioning of objectives


    v2.0 (25-05-2013)

    -added USARMY version

    -slightly altered opfor placement

    -removed "debug" from ambient civilian module

    -tweaked the IEDS

    required addons



    Arma2 British Armed Forces



    Desert mercenaries and BlackOPS

    recommended addons





    if you would like this mission with other forces, like the French army.

    or if you have any other suggestion, please contact me or simply place it in the topic below.




    other work by me

    Hostage Rescue http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20550

    Dutch Royal Army Patrol http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20316

    undercover chernarus/panhera http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16923

    weaponscourse template http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18451

  2. There is a function called BIS_fnc_relPos that you should look. You pass to it an object or position (in your case Object A), a desired distance, and a direction in degrees. If you combine this function with BIS_fnc_randomInt, you can randomize the distance and direction each time object B spawns. Example:

    private ["_distance", "_direction", "_randomPos"];
    _distance = [1,500] BIS_fnc_randomInt; // Random distance between 1 and 500m.
    _direction - (0,359] BIS_fnc_randomInt; // Random direction between 0 and 359 degrees.
    _randomPos = [myObject, _distance, _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; // The position at the random distance and random direction from myObject (rename myObject as required).

    so you place function module on the map,

    but do i have to place the code in the init of object-B (car)

    myobject is Object-A (unit)?

  3. hi guys.

    for a new mission concept i am looking for a way to spawn object-B (a car) somewhere within a 500meter radius from object-A (unit)

    Object-A is randomly placed with the RANDOM markers.

    are there script i could use of any other ways. ( or maybe pre placing object-B's and spawning the with createvehicle if object-B) is in a triggers range. (but this will ruin the search and recover part of the mission)

    thanks in advance.


  4. wow, that is overwhelming :)

    first of all i like to thank you a lot for taking the time to help me, it will certainly help me to get on my way.

    first i am going to read it a couple times (that will be tomorrow, or soon, since it is 6am already :)

    and read the guide (that will take time :) fortunately i have some train trips coming up)

    thanks again.

  5. hey guys,

    first of all i'd like to say i don't want to be a pain in the behind.

    for quite some time now i am trying to make my own map in arma2.

    however so far, everything i have tried failed.

    there are too many tut's out there, and almost everyones give completely different instructions, incomplete and/or are horribly outdated

    do you guys have any advice what i can do, or what tutorial/walktrough i can follow what works and is not too outdated. (fantasy or real world)

    for learning purposes i am not looking to make it much bigger than 5x5 50elv.

    thanks in advance.

  6. don't be too afraid of Slovenia, the government is already putting plans into action that will help to get the budget safe, besides the problem is different then in Cyprus, Greece Spain etc.

    and Slovenia has a small economy (60billion), and the banks are much smaller than in Cyprus (in comparison to the state itself).

    western stock exchanges have not suffered a lot from Cyprus because of the budget the EU has put aside, so i don't expect Cyprus be be a big problem to the (western) European economies

  7. as it turns out, the Russian vehicles pack by vilas is required for this mission,

    i will try to get this pack out of the mission, but it will take some more time, i will also fix some other minor bugs in the mission.

    release of v2 should be somewhere next week (including fixed readme)

  8. hi guys,

    my latest mission, has been updated, it is now fully playtested and many bugs have been fixed.

    razor team will rescue a civilian from enemy hands


    version 2.0 (08-05-2013)

    - fixed and changed readme

    - small changes to the russian base

    - added some dialogue via triggers

    - fixed dependencies and cleaned up the mission file

    - slightly tweaked setting for random weather

    - minor fixes and changes


    -random weather


    -random patrols

    -chopper evac and transport

    -dynamic positioning of static defenses

    -Coop5 and Single player

    required addons:



    ACEX (RU)


    FDF-Podagorsk (FDF-MOD not required)

    recommended addons:

    razor replacement pack by macscottie (strongly adviced)



    ZEU AI



    have fun.


    (this is my first COOP, so if there any problems, or if you have tips let me know :)

  9. hi guys.

    i am almost done with my second major mission (OA)

    in this mission you have a 5man razor team, and you will free some hostages in an opfor camp.

    i want to make it possible to play this mission coop,

    what should i do to make sure the setup is correct.

    i already have every unit in the team set to playable.

    do i have to give them names (for objectives) of do i have to make the config different.

    and do i just place it in the MPmissions folder after i PBOed it

    sorry if already posted somewhere, i have not been able to find an answer.

    sorry for the grammar,

    thanks in advance


  10. after many months of work, it is finally done.

    this mission featuring the dutch armed forces mod you will be leading a patrol within rebel territory everything can happen.

    a couple of dynamic features, however the core stays the same.

    every team member is set to playable.

    playtime: 0.5 up to 2 hours



    ARMA2ACR (lite)

    DAF: Dutch Armed Forces - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17658



    JSRS1.5 (recommended)

    (CO)SLX (recommended)

    download: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20316

  11. hi.

    arma 3 (and 2 in my opinion) should have an option (module) when placed on the map makes all bullets non-fatal, but they will still do virtual damage and knock you out, when knocked out, the "victim" can reset his health using the menu, (or admin only, module settings) this mode makes training sessions with friends of the same side much easier, since you can quickly get going if you are "killed" without the need of re spawning. and you can make training drills (and missions) much more interesting since.

    what do you think of this feature, will it be possible. any more suggestions.



    (sorry for the grammar :P)

  12. hey guys.

    something great about arma 2 is the environment, the fact that you can hide anywhere.

    so it is a great game for sniping, only one problem except from a billion dayz server (that restart every 3hours, and many people sits in the same place over and over again, cherno :P) there are no servers (at least i have not been able to find one)

    so why not make a server that has a map (chernarus E.G) where a number of people roam free (all weapons allowed) and some vehicles for transportation. but whitout all the zombies and crab,just for pro. sniping

    what do you think, will it be possible. will the attendance be high enough.

    any idea?!


    sorry for the awfull grammar =)
