hey guys,
i recently downloaded kronzky's urban patrol script,
i opened editor and (after placing the stuff for the mission) i place some rectangle markers with a name (foxtrot for example) if i place a group of ai units in the area and add nul=[this,"foxtrot","RANDOM","MIN:",30,"MAX:","80,"] execVM "ups.sqf" to thier INIT field (tried without capital letters too)
no unit is found patrolling, also tried a small area with many units,
i do however notice that when i go in to the in game map the markers have changed position (the the the far left in my case)
i have placed the script file in the missions folder and i am using chernarus. (ARMA2:CO RFT) (i also use ACE2)
what can i do to fix this,
thanks in advance.
(i am sorry for the bad grammar)