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About JesseDavis

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  1. JesseDavis

    volumetric clouds

    Oops! Sorry folks, my bad! I could have sworn the clouds were low :-p Btw Neokika, how did you get rid of the flight vector display while keeping the regular gauges?
  2. would be nice to have a widget or display somewhere that shows what trim, if any, is set. when using buttons to tune the trim i find it hard to figure out how much change has occurred whilst wrestling the stick at the same time. rudder trim seems easy but cyclic trim much harder. numbers/deltas/bar charts? (okay 3 threads in 5 minutes - I'll shut up now) J.
  3. from the questions and answers forum I've learned that the 2D HUD layer as-is is all or none. Would dearly like to pick and choose the options that are displayed. A rookie like me just wants to turn off the magical flight vector. later I will want to turn off all the extra parts of the gauges, like the center of gravity dot on the VSI And if this layer were modular by nature it would make it easier to modify for the community, no? J.
  4. this may be a bridge too far, especially considering that the game barely runs on my PC, but I was disappointed today to discover that you cant fly up into the clouds and over them. I was flying along, a grey seattle day and up above me through a hole in the clouds I see a patch of blue. Thinking of all the eye candy up there I pegged the collective and started a loooong trip up. only I never got above the clouds. I never even got into them. Even at 4,000 meters (I set auto hover and went for a smoke) they were always just a few meters above me. :confused: too bad because they looked real enough from below. I could have sworn they were volumetric but If you can't fly around them I guess not. Seems important for a flight sim. Any input from others? Granted most of this game is down on the deck, but imagine the day that a freak pea-soup fogbank rolls into seattle and you need to pop in and out of for a mission. J.
  5. Okay thanks. I will have the full version soon enough I suppose so I will be on the update/addon train. Cheers. Fun game! I just beat gold on the first demo time trail with no auto-trim, oh yeah!
  6. This may be simple and obvious but after much poking around can't solve it (still using the demo, ToH is on my Christmas list!) who can point out how to turn off the flight vector / airframe indicator portion of the HUD? I've been flying trainee with auto-trim off so that I can see the virtual gauges; my pc won't run at a resolution that makes the cockpit very usable (q6600, ati 3850, 1280x800). However, though the flight vector and attitude indicator (the green virtual HUD lines) are very useful I tend to get tunnel vision flying with them and don't even look around. I turned off the HUD elements in difficulty options and have much more fun flying without, but I certainly would like to be able to see the virtual guages. taking the tim to look down at and zoom in to the real instruments often ends abruptly at the nearest building. What option turns off just the green lines? Do I need to open a .cfg file? Thanks in advance.
  7. If you can't afford a trackIR, then freetrackNoIR is a reasonable alternative and is supported natively in ToH. Just make sure you have a reasonably good webcam (PS3Eye works great)
  8. JesseDavis

    Analog sticks

    For analogue collective you need a real slider or throttle, that doesn't spring back after moving. Using the shoulder buttons (as digital buttons and not analogue) works well for collective on a gamepad Remember you can use more than one joystick! I am using a Hotas in my hands, and my pedals are plugged into a steering wheel for driving games which sits under my desk (force feedback turned off in the driver panel though). For example if you had an old driving wheel you could attach a lever to it and mount it under your chair on the left, for a realistic collective lever, and then also use the pedals. Or you could break open an old joystick and remove the springs, and then build something to hold it in place through friction.
  9. This one is really bugging me. I use the artificial horizon when flying choppers to figure out my attitude and accelerations. Also the vertical speednindicator for hovers and landings. Really really would like a fix for this. Does anyone know of a mod or fix for this? Could it be as simple as making some HDR textures with values for the MFD lines in the 'bright as the sun' range? Alternatively, is there a software HUD available somewhere which gives the artificial horizon and vertical speed indicators? Wouldn't be too realistic but any real pilot would have half an eye on these guages at all times I think. [edit] went over and updated the ticket with these comments too