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Posts posted by Gamerboy

  1. I've always felt that when someone gets shot in Arma, it takes too quickly to heal them. In a way, I like ACE in this retrospect due to the fact that when you are shot, the medical process is much longer.

    If Arma keeps its current wounding system, stuff like stretchers or ambulances to load men into to get them away would be useless, for all you do is walk up to them and heal them in under five seconds.

    So, my wish:

    Make it longer or harder to revive wounded soldiers, making it necessary to actually pull them off the battlefield.

    Also, another wish which has been said above, are PvP/Melee animations. I revert to ACE once again, for they have added a knockdown animation to capture prisoners alive. In Arma, it is close to impossible to catch a prisoner, in ACE, it is dangerous, but very, very plausible. Adding Melee animations will allow disarming or even for the to-be-prisoner to fight back, engaging in a sort of GTA style brawl.

    A third wish of mine is to make AI recognize cover, and have something of a survival instinct. I understand AI is a bitch to code, and you might have to rewrite the entire engine to make AI recognize the entity in front of them is cover, especially with the new physics engine, but it would be nice to see if AI could at least walk towards something to prevent from becoming a pincushion. Of bullets. This has been said already in the form of using buildings as cover, but what about trees, or small walls? Or trucks, both destroyed and not?


  2. I've played all of them and i don't have that problem. I play them almost every day so i don't know why that's happening to you. I've not touched any scripts that alter the game play. Strange!

    My son was playing Utes yesterday on his PC and he also spawned properly every time. Running the latest ACE 2, ArmA2 OA. When i play it i play in Multiplayer and host on Internet not LAN. Other than that i don't know why it's happening to you. Sorry! Also i play my non ACE versions and again, spawn properly! ;)

    I'll fire it up and host on LAN and see if i spawn properly. ;)

    ---------- Post added at 09:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 AM ----------


    I just fired up ACE 2 and played my ACE 2 versions and played Utes & Chernarus. Every time i died i respawned as i should do, at whichever location i chose.

    I then fired up ArmA2 OA without ACE 2 and played the none ACE 2 versions of Utes and Chernarus. Again, everytime i died i respawned as i should do, again at whichever location i chose. I couldn't reproduce the problem you have or an explanation. I played hosting on LAN and Internet and played fine!

    Verdict: Confused! :confused:

    ---------- Post added at 09:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 AM ----------

    My ACE 2 addon's list:








    And ACE 2 as well. The latest version updated through six updater. Hope that helps. ;)

    Sorry to get back to you so late, It works perfectly fine on Internet, just not on LAN. I heard that lan was buggy anyway, so I'm on teh netz from now on.

    I do thank you for the maps quite a lot though...

    Also, I noticed with your mods, I use ARMA X and ARMA X-Navy, so I wonder if that does anything. OR, if it is the Mods of yours I DON'T Have, the Shack Tac hud/movement and ASR camo. I'll probably use those if I keep getting the problem to see if it fixes.

  3. No worries. Chernarus is a bit of a beast to play. It's bound to bring some PC's to their knees. Luckily not had that problem for a while, threatening my PC with death usually helps! ;)

    Anyway before i eat my much loved breakfast, here's the other two.





    I find Utes is a lot of fun for such a small map, because it's in your face from the onset! When i've tidied up Takistan, moving camps etc to flat locations i'll upload that as well. ;)

    Right breakfast and some beer later. ;)

    And before i forget. All credit to Benny & his motley crew and WildFire6. Thanks guys.

    Thanks for the map, but there is ONE problem. The Respawning does not work? On all of your maps, I respawn on some desolate island instead of base... Help me with this?

  4. I've been playing mine and it never happened to me. What version are you using? ;)

    Here, try mine. But note, i removed walls from the factories and MHQ i prefer a harder game with more risks. I removed the TierOne Operators, never like addons to be forced apart from ACE 2 that is. I moved a button or two over to the left in the GUI, (On back i think).

    Plus a few other little things. I also moved all the town camps, respawns & depots so that they're on flat areas. Always found that annoying, spawning in a bloody forest! Also note that this is my own private edit so if there's something you don't like......TOUGH! :)


    Let me know if it's ok and i might upload Utes & Zargabad. All credit to Benny & his motley crew and WildFire6. Thanks guys. :)

    Thanks man, I'll try it now. Owe you a million.

    I would LOVE utes and Zarggy.

    Thanks again.

  5. I've tried to play that, but it says I'm missing 0h2_Wheeled or whatever that is. Won't let me play.

    Edit: The one edited by Joehunk is the OTHER one. Woops.

    Yeah, but when I play that, the respawning does not work. The AI and me do not spawn on HQ.... What gives?

    I think I have an idea, but I dunno: Could it be with me "Skipping" the loading screen by exiting out and in again? Because it went on for quite a while, so I tried to overpass it.
