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Everything posted by LT_Hicks

  1. LT_Hicks

    UCP Soldiers

    Nice mod! And very helpful inclusion of the psd files :) Any idea where I can get hold of similar psd files for the plate carrier/vest and misc/helmet textures?
  2. 13NOV2011 - 20NOV2011 Following the intense campaigning as part of the UKJTF(L) Operation ORYX A Coy were rotated out of theatre to undertake training activities ahead of the forthcoming deployment to Takistan as part of the ISAF Operation LINSTOCK. The LONGSTONE series of training and exercises were held at the Copehill Down MoD Training Facility on Salisbury Plain and focused on refreshing key skills and familiarisation with newly issued equipment, including the THOR III C-IED jammer and the Bulldog AFV, which will be essential to the forthcoming operation. Longstone I Each Section were made to rotate through three thirty minute 'stands' with a set instructor and designated learning objectives for each stand followed by a final thirty minute exercise in order to bring the learning together. Stand 1: OBUA movement Instructor: 2LT.Hicks Equipment: Standard Aim: Instruction on Section level urban movement drills, covering arcs, calling openings, obstacle crossing. Method: Section level instruction and practical demonstration. Stand 2: OBUA REEF Instructor: TBC (CPL.Taylor) Equipment: BFA/Flashbangs Aim: To apply principles of OBUA movement to REEF drills. To practice REEF in urban environment. Method: Section level instruction and practical demonstration. Stand 3: OBUA/FISH Instructor: SGT.Emmet Equipment: BFA/Flashbangs, all to have ACE grenade throw configured. Aim: instruction on Fireteam and Section level room and building clearance Method: Section level instruction and practical demonstration to focus on: windows and doors, cutting the cake, breach and clear, use of flashbangs and fragmentation grenades, co-ordinating within structures. Emphasis on controlled aggression, clear communication, rapid movement and individual battle skills. Closing Exercise: OBUA with OPFOR DISTAFF: 2LT.Hicks & SGT.Emmet Equipment: BFA/Flashbangs Aim: Practice of OBUA/FISH drills with live ‘OPFOR’ Method: each Section will take turns to divide into two OPFOR fireteams and occupy two separate buildings. Remaining Sections will conduct two separate simulated assault, breach and clear operations. DISTAFF will be on hand to nominate casualties (who will also be instructed to self nominate by 'surrendering') and call ENDEX as required. Debrief for each iteration to include both sides. Longstone II Exercise LONGSTONE II took place on 162000ZNOV11 at CHD Military Training Facility. LONGSTONE II focused on C-IED training including Force Protection ECM/EW using the THOR III DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) jamming device. Participants gained an overview of C-IED SOPs including Confirm; Clear; Call; Cordon; Control. With a focus on Render Safe Procedures (RSP) for UXO including BIP (Blow in Place) training. There was also the opportunity to reinforce recent learning on Operations in Built Up Areas (OBUA) core skills, followed by a platoon level live-fire exercise. The stands covered during the exercise were as follows: Stand 1: C-IED Instructor: SGT.Emmet Equipment: Standard Aim: Instruction on Section level C-IED procedures in accordance with new SOPs: http://www.16aa.net/showthread.php?t...4969#post34969 Method: Section level instruction; practical demonstration and Section level exercise. Stand 2: Urban Air Assault Instructor: 2LT.Hicks Equipment: Standard, all to have ACE grenade throw configured. Aim: instruction on Fireteam and Section level urban air assault operations – including room and building clearance Method: Section level instruction and practical demonstration to focus on: air assault landing in the urban environment (including but not limited to FRIES) and assault on target building(s). Closing Exercise: Plt Level Urban Assault DISTAFF: 2LT.Hicks & SGT.Emmet Equipment: Standard - live ammunition to be used Aim: Practice of OBUA/FISH drills with live ammunition and static targets. Method: as per map detail. 1Plt will conduct simulated live-fire urban assault from E of Copehill Down Village. wa_NHPGAj5g Y-4-nZfiUoU F-RwXCHjmU8 Longstone III Longstone III forcused on Convoy training ahead of the 16AA's deployment to Takistan for Operation LINSTOCK. Part 1: Convoy Training Instructors: 2LT.Hicks & SGT.Emmet Equipment: Standard Aim: Instruction on Convoy procedures in accordance with SOPs: http://www.16aa.net/showthread.php?t=417 Method: Platoon level instruction; practical demonstration and Platoon level exercise. Part 2: Combined Convoy/C-IED Training Instructors: 2LT.Hicks & SGT.Emmet Equipment: Standard Aim: Instruction on Platoon level Combined Convoy/C-IED procedures. Method: Platoon level instruction; practical demonstration and Platoon level exercise. Closing Exercise: Plt Level Urban Convoy Exercise DISTAFF: 2LT.Hicks & SGT.Emmet Equipment: Standard - live ammunition to be used Aim: Practice of Convoy Operations/OBUA/FISH drills with live ammunition and static targets. Method: as per map detail. 1Plt will conduct simulated convoy/C-IED exercise from W of Copehill Down Village.
  3. Reserved for Operation ORYX Debrief