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Everything posted by nev_vern

  1. nev_vern

    how to include OA/Arma2 islands?

    Will a 10 second Google search I found the syntax is: -mod=c:/ArmA2/AddOns Of course change it to point to your arma2 addons folder, which ever drive that may be. Pretty simple, huh? :)
  2. nev_vern

    joystick Suggestions for TOH

    It will add more control, much more control. Just imagine for a second with a normal joystick with no extensions, you move the stick 1" to get the heli to do something, but to do that same thing with an extended joystick you could be moving the stick 3" or more to get the same result. If you want to see what it really is like with an extension do this: Get a thin piece of wood, or a stick (maybe 10 inches long)and use tape or elastic bands (or both) to secure it to your joystick, make sure it is held in place and does not move, and fly around using this stick, you will instantly see how much extra control you have with an extended joystick. This is what I did and that made me get a cyclic.
  3. nev_vern

    G940 or Warthog?

    Interesting. How did you make the extension? I do know of the website which sells extensions and how easily it is to wire up, but how did you make it? Is the extension aluminium or plastic?
  4. nev_vern

    G940 or Warthog?

    True, but you must try and find a good balance I guess. I have a heli cyclic with no centering spring but its extremely difficult/practically impossible to maintain a perfect hover if you are looking anywhere but straight ahead. This is mostly due to the lack of feel from a heli cyclic, it has tension but no centering. Thats why in some situations it is easier with a fighter style stick with centering spring. But you may ask, "If you can hover a heli in real life with no centering spring when looking around then you must be able to do it in real life?" - Wrong. You could have the most realistic heli simulator ever built along with 64 bit (if they existed) heli controls and you still would not be able to fly like you would be able to in real life. That is because we are not in a real heli, you body is very sensitive to tactile feedback that you will fly a real heli by what your body is feeling and not just with your eyes like we sim pilots do. When I flew a heli in TK with my Warthog the thing that stood out the most is trim, you always had to trim, with my cyclic, if I put the sensitivity high enough you do not notice it and becomes much easier when you are adjusting the collective, such as going from hover to forward flight and vice versa. When you are are in a hover and you have the heli trimmed properly then it is actually easier with a centering joystick to maintain the hover when looking to the left and at the ground, for example. Just because of the feedback from the spring around center. Different controller types favour different situations on computers.
  5. nev_vern

    joystick Suggestions for TOH

    I guess you need to learn how to manage your money better, I have mortgage and loan's to pay off and I have plenty of expensive hardware with plans on more in the not to distant future. Oh, did I tell you that I only have a minimum wage job? Wish I had enough money to wipe my arse with.
  6. nev_vern

    joystick Suggestions for TOH

    Dam, that takeoff is rough, what do you think the cause of that is for you? Did you trim straight away after takeoff or did you engage auto hover?
  7. nev_vern

    G940 or Warthog?

    I have the Warthog too, and that is what I would recommend if you dont want a proper heli setup with cyclic etc. The build quality is superb with the warthog and boy is it heavy. The stick has a very decent amount of centering force also. You will smile from ear to ear, thats a guarantee.
  8. nev_vern

    joystick Suggestions for TOH

    I would love to make you a video, but I do not have a camera. The best I can do is give you the link to a video. The controls in the video are the same as the ones I have purchased. EDIT: DUHHHHH, forgot to include the link lol
  9. nev_vern

    Look down, out of the Window.

    Have a look in the screenshots only thread, there is a picture someone posted where he has his head out of the heli, you can see he also has a sling with a crate hanging from it. How did he get this to work, and how come we can't. Being able to lean out the window/door is something I would like to be able to do but am unable to just like a few people here have posted, I can only move around in this tiny box above the guys shoulders. The thread is called "Take On Helicopters | Photography only no discussion"
  10. nev_vern

    joystick Suggestions for TOH

    I originally bought this as a test (an expensive test) for fixed wing flying, I wanted to see if I had more control over the aircraft for formation flying in FSX using the FSRecorder addon, and to be honest I think I do have more control (even though I dont use it for formation flying because in formation you are usually looking at least 45 degrees to the side and because of the no centering force it becomes harder). If I want to bank and turn the aircraft at say 4G then maintaining almost exactly 4G is not a problem unlike with joysticks where the stick is very small where you grab the stick not far from the pivot point. The cyclic is almost 3 feet high, and even though the stick only moves about 20 degrees in either direction, because of it's length your hand can move quite a lot (maybe a foot from extreme left to extreme right. Anyway, even though I purchased this about 2 years ago I have only had a maximum of maybe 5 hours using it, because I noticed that in the fore/aft motion of the cyclic there was a little bit of free play in the cyclic before the mechanism with the potentiometer moved, there was about an inch of free movement in the fore/aft axis. After I purchased TKOH I had a look at it to see if I can do anything about it, my problem was I did not tighten the screws enough! After tightening the 2 screws there is no free play at all. Ok, I am drifting from your question, let me get back on track.... I think I should of purchased the twist grip in stead of the throttle, as I only use the maxflight stick for TKOH or when flying a heli in FSX since i repaired the free play in the cyclic problem. When I said the quality is not like more expensive heli setups I meant it in a 50/50 manner. The build quality is very good, its made of durable steel parts, so it wont brake easily. The thing I am concerned about is how much resolution the potentiometer are. My fighter style throttle seems to have a much lower resolution than the cyclic, seems a little inaccurate on the readouts (numbers jumping around) but no problem with the cyclic. I actually emailed the company yesterday to ask about how much the pricing for the twist grip collective is, and how much resolution the controls are, still waiting for a reply. I will also ask if he is thinking of making 16bit resolution with hall sensors versions in the future, which will definitely make this cheaper alternative more competitive with the higher end hardware.
  11. nev_vern

    joystick Suggestions for TOH

    I have this http://www.maxflightstick.com/MaxFighter_Standard.html Not as expensive as other heli controls that have been suggested here, and most likely not as good quality. I do have a Thrustamster Warthog, but I think this heli setup is better, has no centering spring the throw of the cyclic is pretty big too. Because the range of motion of the cyclic I upped the sensitivity in TKOH to 2.0 and I can fly the aircraft with very little movement. Though the only thing is, because it does not have centering spring hovering when looking sideways is very difficult, you got to be looking almost straight ahead to see the attitude and roll changes. All in all it is pretty good fun. I will one day purchase the collective with twist grip. (I originally purchased this for fixed wing.)