Hi everyone. Firstly, i made an account here just to ask you guys if i would like ArmA. I've never played an ArmA game before, but i love games that are open-world, offer the player choices, variety, and realistic experiences.
I've done some research and tests (including www.canyourunit.com) and my system exceeds the maximum recommended settings.
Also, i am a big single player fan and a huge fan of flight experiences in games.
So I'm basically wondering if you'd think i would like these games. I'm looking for;
A realistic military experience
Choices in the game
Lots of different vehicles, etc
Good single player!
Also, i don't know which one to start off with. I'm a Steam user, and i don't want the entire collection. I was looking at either ArmA 2 or ArmA 2 : Operation Arrowhead. (Both $20) I can't decide which one is better/is better for me starting out. So please give me good advice on all these points.
Thanks so much in advance!