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Everything posted by case1489

  1. I need help with this script I found it a while back and haven't found the part that I'm needing to get it to work UBGonly-Ken.sqf /* // Put the following line in the vehicle you want to make exclusive: handle = [this, 360, 120, 0, false, false, "this addEventHandler ['GetIn', {_this execVM 'UBGonly-Ken.sqf'}];"] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; this addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this execVM "UBGonly-Ken.sqf"}]; */ //Created by Paveway and edited by Kenquinn // Modified by Nomad to be .pbo independent private ["_masterUIDArray"]; _masterUIDArray = masterUIDArray; _vehicle = _this select 0; _seat = _this select 1; _player = _this select 2; _nameCheck = false; _startFuel = fuel _vehicle; //sleep 0.1; //if (!(local _vehicle) || !(_player == player)) exitWith {hint str _player}; sleep 0.1; _vehicle setFuel 0; _vehicle vehicleChat format["Welcome %1!", name _player]; //Debug //hint format ["%1 got in %2 seat of %3", name _player, _seat, typeOf _vehicle]; //hint str toArray name _player; if (!(_player in _vehicle)) exitWith {_vehicle setFuel _startFuel;}; _name = toArray name _player; if (getPlayerUID _player in ExcludeUIDs) exitWith { _vehicle vehicleChat "You are not a UBG member or your identity could not be verified."; _vehicle vehicleChat "Join UBG at battleguns.freeforums.org to become qualified to fly!"; moveOut _player; sleep 0.2; _vehicle setFuel _startFuel; }; if ((_name select 0 == 84) && (_name select 1 == 65) && (_name select 2 == 87) && (_name select 3 == 95)) then { if (getPlayerUID _player in _masterUIDArray) then { _vehicle vehicleChat "UBG member! and name in PID List"; _nameCheck = true; } else { _vehicle vehicleChat "UBG member!, but your name is not the PID list."; _vehicle vehicleChat "Please send your PID to case-1489 and wait for the script to be updated."; }; }; sleep 1.0; if (!(_player in _vehicle)) exitWith {sleep 0.2; _vehicle setFuel _startFuel;}; if (_nameCheck) then { _vehicle vehicleChat format ["Engine Unlocked: Have a safe flight %1!", name _player]; } else { _vehicle vehicleChat "You are not a UBG member or your identity could not be verified."; moveOut _player; sleep 0.3; }; sleep 2.0; _vehicle setFuel _startFuel; sleep 0.3; _vehicle setFuel _startFuel; sleep 0.3; _vehicle setFuel _startFuel; x_servercustomcode call compile preprocessfile "\userconfig\UBG\masteruidlist.sqf"; call compile preprocessfile "\userconfig\UBG\exclusionmasteruidlist.sqf"; Please note I am playing on a domination mission
  2. how do i get backpacks on co40 Domination 2.60 CO ?
  3. i am looking for Domination_2_60zc_West_.Chernarus mission file and can not Find it can sum 1 help me ?
  4. can sum 1 help me out all i need is this code to respawn on my C130j this addAction ["Green on - GO!", "parascript.sqf"];
  5. The para jump script I am looking four allows me to fly the C130 and eject the AI. where they are all jumping out of the plane one at a time not all at once and it needs to be four MP mission
  6. Okay what I'm trying to do is get to where the add action Respawns with the plane with a vehicle marker script the vehicle marker script is nul = [this] execvm "scripts\ubg\SHK_vehicleMarker.sqf"; this setVariable ["SHK_VehMrkGrp", " C130"]; SHK_vehicleMarker.sqf // nul = [this] execvm "SHK_vehicleMarker.sqf"; // nul = [Vehicle,MarkerIconType,MarkerColor,WreckTimer] execvm "SHK_vehicleMarker.sqf"; if !isdedicated then { if (isnil "SHK_fnc_VehMrk_showHint") then { SHK_fnc_VehMrk_showHint = { hint parseText format["<t align='center'>We just lost a(n) %1!</t><br/><br/><t color='#3366ff'><img size='4' image='%2'/></t><br/><t color='#ffcc33'>%1</t><br/><br/><t>This vehicle will respawn back at its original location in 5 minutes. It is NOT able to be picked up by the wreck chopper.</t>", getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _this >> "displayName"), getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _this >> "picture") ]; }; }; if (isnil "SHK_eh_VehMrk_showHint") then { SHK_eh_VehMrk_showHint = ""; "SHK_eh_VehMrk_showHint" addPublicVariableEventHandler { (_this select 1) call SHK_fnc_VehMrk_showHint; }; }; }; if !isserver exitWith {}; private ["_veh","_typ","_col","_tmr","_pos","_txt","_str","_mrk","_dmg","_crw","_man","_wrc","_tim"]; _veh = _this select 0; _typ = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {"mil_dot"}; _col = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {"ColorOrange"}; _tmr = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {1800}; _veh setVariable ["SHK_VehMrkWrecked",false]; _pos = getPos _veh; _str = format ["SHK_VehicleMarker_%1%2%3",typeOf _veh,(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1)]; _mrk = createMarker [_str,_pos]; _mrk setMarkerAlpha 0; _mrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mrk setMarkerType _typ; _mrk setMarkerColor _col; while {sleep 2.345; true} do { if (isnull _veh) exitWith {}; if (count crew _veh > 0) exitWith {}; if (damage _veh > 0.99) exitWith {}; }; while {sleep 0.567; !isnull _veh} do { _mrk setMarkerPos (getPos _veh); _dmg = damage _veh; _crw = crew _veh; //if (count _crw > 0) then { //_man = _crw select (count _crw - 1); // _txt = _man getVariable ["SHK_VehMrkGrp",str group _man]; _txt = _veh getVariable "SHK_VehMrkGrp"; //} else { //_txt = ""; //}; if (_dmg <= 0.1) then { _mrk setMarkerAlpha 1 }; if (_dmg > 0.1) then { _mrk setMarkerAlpha 0.5 }; if (_dmg > 0.99) then { _mrk setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _txt = format ["%1",_txt]; _wrc = _veh getVariable ["SHK_VehMrkWrecked",false]; if _wrc then { _tim = _tmr - (time - (_veh getVariable "SHK_VehMrkWreckTime")); private ["_h","_m","_s"]; _h = floor(_tim / 3600); _m = floor((_tim/60)-(_h*60)); _s = floor(_tim mod 60); _txt = format ["%1 %2:%3:%4",_txt, if (_h < 10) then {format ["0%1",_h]} else {_h}, if (_m < 10) then {format ["0%1",_m]} else {_m}, if (_s < 10) then {format ["0%1",_s]} else {_s} ]; } else { _veh setVariable ["SHK_VehMrkWrecked",true]; _veh setVariable ["SHK_VehMrkWreckTime",time]; SHK_eh_VehMrk_showHint = _veh; publicVariable "SHK_eh_VehMrk_showHint"; if !isdedicated then { _veh call SHK_fnc_VehMrk_showHint; }; }; }; _mrk setMarkerText _txt; }; deleteMarker _mrk; and the vehicle Respawn code is veh = [this, 20, 120, 0, FALSE, FALSE] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; vehicle.sqf /* ========================================================= Simple Vehicle Respawn Script v1.7 by Tophe of Östgöta Ops [OOPS] Put this in the vehicles init line: veh = [this] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Options: There are some optional settings. The format for these are: veh = [this, Delay, Deserted timer, Respawns, Effect, Static] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Default respawn delay is 30 seconds, to set a custom respawn delay time, put that in the init as well. Like this: veh = [this, 15] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Default respawn time when vehicle is deserted, but not destroyed is 120 seconds. To set a custom timer for this first put the respawn delay, then the deserted vehicle timer. (0 = disabled) Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10] execVM "vehicle.sqf" By default the number of respawns is infinite. To set a limit First set the other values then the number of respawns you want (0 = infinite). Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10, 5] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Set this value to TRUE to add a special explosion effect to the wreck when respawning. Default value is FALSE, which will simply have the wreck disappear. Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10, 5, TRUE] execVM "vehicle.sqf" By default the vehicle will respawn to the point where it first was when the mission started (static). This can be changed to dynamic. Then the vehicle will respawn to the position where it was destroyed. First set all the other values then set TRUE for dynamic or FALSE for static. Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10, 5, TRUE, TRUE] execVM "vehicle.sqf" If you you want to set the INIT field of the respawned vehicle, first set all other values, then set init commands. Those must be inside quotations. Like this: veh = [this, 15, 10, 5, TRUE, FALSE, "this setDammage 0.5"] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Default values of all settings are: veh = [this, 20, 120, 0, FALSE, FALSE] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Contact & Bugreport: harlechin@hotmail.com ========================================================= */ if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // Define variables _unit = _this select 0; _delay = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {30}; _deserted = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {120}; _respawns = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {0}; _explode = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {false}; _dynamic = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {false}; _unitinit = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {}; _haveinit = if (count _this > 6) then {true} else {false}; _hasname = false; _unitname = vehicleVarName _unit; if (isNil _unitname) then {_hasname = false;} else {_hasname = true;}; _noend = true; _run = true; _rounds = 0; if (_delay < 0) then {_delay = 0}; if (_deserted < 0) then {_deserted = 0}; if (_respawns <= 0) then {_respawns= 0; _noend = true;}; if (_respawns > 0) then {_noend = false}; _dir = getDir _unit; _position = getPosASL _unit; _type = typeOf _unit; _dead = false; _nodelay = false; // Start monitoring the vehicle while {_run} do { sleep (2 + random 10); if ((getDammage _unit > 0.8) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0)) then {_dead = true}; // Check if the vehicle is deserted. if (_deserted > 0) then { if ((getPosASL _unit distance _position > 10) and ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) and (getDammage _unit < 0.8)) then { _timeout = time + _deserted; sleep 0.1; waitUntil {_timeout < time or !alive _unit or {alive _x} count crew _unit > 0}; if ({alive _x} count crew _unit > 0) then {_dead = false}; if ({alive _x} count crew _unit == 0) then {_dead = true; _nodelay =true}; if !(alive _unit) then {_dead = true; _nodelay = false}; }; }; // Respawn vehicle if (_dead) then { if (_nodelay) then {sleep 0.1; _nodelay = false;} else {sleep _delay;}; if (_dynamic) then {_position = getPosASL _unit; _dir = getDir _unit;}; if (_explode) then {_effect = "M_TOW_AT" createVehicle getPosASL _unit; _effect setPosASL getPosASL _unit;}; sleep 0.1; deleteVehicle _unit; sleep 2; _unit = _type createVehicle _position; _unit setPosASL _position; _unit setDir _dir; if (_haveinit) then {_unit setVehicleInit format ["%1;", _unitinit]; processInitCommands;}; if (_hasname) then {_unit setVehicleInit format ["%1 = this; this setVehicleVarName ""%1""",_unitname]; processInitCommands;}; _dead = false; // Check respawn amount if !(_noend) then {_rounds = _rounds + 1}; if ((_rounds == _respawns) and !(_noend)) then {_run = false;}; }; }; What I am needing is the vehicle marker script and the vehicle Respawn strip and the pair jump script in altogether like this handle = [this, 10, 600, 0, false, false, "this addAction ["Green on - GO!", "parascript.sqf"];nul = [this] execvm ""scripts\ubg\SHK_vehicleMarker.sqf""; this setVariable [""SHK_VehMrkGrp"", "" C130""];"] execVM "vehicle.sqf";this addAction ["Green on - GO!", "parascript.sqf"]; nul = [this] execvm "scripts\ubg\SHK_vehicleMarker.sqf"; this setVariable ["SHK_VehMrkGrp", " C130"]; but as you know it is not working do to that error so I am needing something similar to this that works
  7. Thank you a lot that is what I was looking for and here's a short question will the ad action respond with the plane when the plane crashes ? ---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ---------- Just found out that the ad action will not respond with the plane how can I get the ad action to respond with the plane this is what i am using handle = [this, 10, 600, 0, false, false, "this addAction ["Green on - GO!", "parascript.sqf"];nul = [this] execvm ""scripts\ubg\SHK_vehicleMarker.sqf""; this setVariable [""SHK_VehMrkGrp"", "" C130""];"] execVM "vehicle.sqf";this addAction ["Green on - GO!", "parascript.sqf"]; nul = [this] execvm "scripts\ubg\SHK_vehicleMarker.sqf"; this setVariable ["SHK_VehMrkGrp", " C130"]; and it is not working it says add ] to the first entry of "this addAction ["Green on - GO!", "parascript.sqf"];"
  8. well that 1 is not working but it did add the "Green on - GO!" to the plane but the AI did not jump out at all when I hit the action
  9. I tried that one out but it is working and what I am looking four is a pair jump script that I can use in co30 domination 2 AI and works on all the players and let's all the players pair jump their AI out of the C130
  10. I need to know all the light class name that is on Takistan none of the runway lights though just the street lamps
  11. quick question i add more city's that i can cap how do i do it in Takistan ?
  12. wow to much work then thx for the info
  13. Is there a way to get UPSMON-Urban Patrol Script working in Domination ?
  14. ok i just want to no if these is a bug My squad.xml icon.paa says failed to load image and while look the image size that uploaded it only shows that was able to upload at least 8kb of the file and the original is 46kb I also tried several different types of formats in the icon.paa and none of them work still says failed to load image and shows the same upload file size of 8kb
  15. My squad.xml shows it's working but when I go on multiplayer hop into a mission and load up the game crashes and it says reinforcements pack has stopped working but when I take out the squad image.paa it loads up just fine I am including a download link to my squad.xmls.zip http://battleguns.freeforums.org/download/file.php?id=3 if anyone can help me please do so this is getting really annoying
  16. case1489

    Need help with my squad.xml

    hear is an update on my RPT file ===================================================================== == E:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe == "E:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=E:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2;Expansion;ca" "-name=.case:-:1489." -winxp -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=6 -connect= -port=2302 ===================================================================== Exe timestamp: 2011/12/24 02:27:34 Current time: 2011/12/24 02:50:00 Version 1.60.87580 Cannot create object 148:35 Cannot create non-ai vehicle ACE_ACESII, Cannot create object 104:28 Cannot create object 51:61 Cannot create object 51:60 Cannot create object 51:59 Cannot create object 65:35 Cannot create object 92:34 Cannot create object 2:16686 Cannot create object 2:17862 Cannot create object 2:17117 Cannot create object 2:16934 Cannot create object 2:16933 Cannot create object 2:17116 Cannot create object 2:17115 Cannot create object 2:17743 Cannot create object 2:17742 Cannot create object 2:17914 Cannot create object 2:17913 Cannot create object 2:17912 Cannot create object 2:18055 Cannot create object 136:10 Cannot create non-ai vehicle firemarkerinv, Cannot create object 139:206 Cannot create non-ai vehicle firemarkerinv, Cannot create object 139:307 Cannot create non-ai vehicle firemarkerinv, Cannot create object 139:452 Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend3) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_1_v2_dam_ep1.p3d Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin4) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin5) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend4) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend5) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d Cannot create object 127:181 Cannot create non-ai vehicle firemarkerinv, Cannot create object 146:15 Cannot create non-ai vehicle ACE_UsedParachute_Round, Cannot create object 124:16 Cannot create object 2:25024 Cannot create object 2:25023 Unit not created: Subgroup 19:3 not found Cannot create object 19:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 19:7 not found Cannot create object 19:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 19:11 not found Cannot create object 19:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 19:15 not found Cannot create object 19:17 Unit not created: Subgroup 8:1 not found Cannot create object 8:3 Unit not created: Subgroup 8:5 not found Cannot create object 8:7 Unit not created: Subgroup 8:9 not found Cannot create object 8:11 Unit not created: Subgroup 8:13 not found Cannot create object 8:15 Unit not created: Subgroup 8:34 not found Cannot create object 8:36 Unit not created: Subgroup 8:38 not found Cannot create object 8:40 Unit not created: Subgroup 8:42 not found Cannot create object 8:44 Unit not created: Subgroup 27:3 not found Cannot create object 27:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 27:7 not found Cannot create object 27:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 27:11 not found Cannot create object 27:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 27:15 not found Cannot create object 27:17 Unit not created: Subgroup 24:3 not found Cannot create object 24:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 24:7 not found Cannot create object 24:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 24:11 not found Cannot create object 24:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 24:15 not found Cannot create object 24:17 Unit not created: Subgroup 24:29 not found Cannot create object 24:31 Unit not created: Subgroup 24:33 not found Cannot create object 24:35 Unit not created: Subgroup 24:37 not found Cannot create object 24:39 Unit not created: Subgroup 24:41 not found Cannot create object 24:43 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2590 not found Cannot create object 2:2591 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2593 not found Cannot create object 2:2594 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2596 not found Cannot create object 2:2597 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2599 not found Cannot create object 2:2600 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2602 not found Cannot create object 2:2603 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2605 not found Cannot create object 2:2606 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2608 not found Cannot create object 2:2609 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2611 not found Cannot create object 2:2612 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2614 not found Cannot create object 2:2615 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2617 not found Cannot create object 2:2618 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2620 not found Cannot create object 2:2621 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2623 not found Cannot create object 2:2624 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2626 not found Cannot create object 2:2627 Unit not created: Subgroup 18:3 not found Cannot create object 18:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2629 not found Cannot create object 2:2630 Unit not created: Subgroup 18:7 not found Cannot create object 18:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2632 not found Cannot create object 2:2633 Unit not created: Subgroup 18:11 not found Cannot create object 18:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 18:15 not found Cannot create object 18:17 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2635 not found Cannot create object 2:2636 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2638 not found Cannot create object 2:2639 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2641 not found Cannot create object 2:2642 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2644 not found Cannot create object 2:2645 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2647 not found Cannot create object 2:2648 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2650 not found Cannot create object 2:2651 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2653 not found Cannot create object 2:2654 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2656 not found Cannot create object 2:2657 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2659 not found Cannot create object 2:2660 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2662 not found Cannot create object 2:2663 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2665 not found Cannot create object 2:2666 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2668 not found Cannot create object 2:2669 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2671 not found Cannot create object 2:2672 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2674 not found Cannot create object 2:2675 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2677 not found Cannot create object 2:2678 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2680 not found Cannot create object 2:2681 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2683 not found Cannot create object 2:2684 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2686 not found Cannot create object 2:2687 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2689 not found Cannot create object 2:2690 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2692 not found Cannot create object 2:2693 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2695 not found Cannot create object 2:2696 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2698 not found Cannot create object 2:2699 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2701 not found Cannot create object 2:2702 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2704 not found Cannot create object 2:2705 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2707 not found Cannot create object 2:2708 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2710 not found Cannot create object 2:2711 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2713 not found Cannot create object 2:2714 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2716 not found Cannot create object 2:2717 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2719 not found Cannot create object 2:2720 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2722 not found Cannot create object 2:2723 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2725 not found Cannot create object 2:2726 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2728 not found Cannot create object 2:2729 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2731 not found Cannot create object 2:2732 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2734 not found Cannot create object 2:2735 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2737 not found Cannot create object 2:2738 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2740 not found Cannot create object 2:2741 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2743 not found Cannot create object 2:2744 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2746 not found Cannot create object 2:2747 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:2749 not found Cannot create object 2:2750 Unit not created: Subgroup 10:1 not found Cannot create object 10:3 Unit not created: Subgroup 10:5 not found Cannot create object 10:7 Unit not created: Subgroup 10:9 not found Cannot create object 10:11 Unit not created: Subgroup 10:13 not found Cannot create object 10:15 Unit not created: Subgroup 21:3 not found Cannot create object 21:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 21:11 not found Cannot create object 21:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 21:7 not found Cannot create object 21:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 21:15 not found Cannot create object 21:17 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:3009 not found Cannot create object 2:3011 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:3013 not found Cannot create object 2:3015 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:3017 not found Cannot create object 2:3019 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:3021 not found Cannot create object 2:3023 Unit not created: Subgroup 26:3 not found Cannot create object 26:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 26:7 not found Cannot create object 26:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 26:11 not found Cannot create object 26:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 26:15 not found Cannot create object 26:17 Unit not created: Subgroup 15:1 not found Cannot create object 15:3 Unit not created: Subgroup 15:5 not found Cannot create object 15:7 Unit not created: Subgroup 15:9 not found Cannot create object 15:11 Unit not created: Subgroup 15:13 not found Cannot create object 15:15 Unit not created: Subgroup 23:3 not found Cannot create object 23:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 23:7 not found Cannot create object 23:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 23:11 not found Cannot create object 23:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 23:15 not found Cannot create object 23:17 Unit not created: Subgroup 12:1 not found Cannot create object 12:3 Unit not created: Subgroup 12:5 not found Cannot create object 12:7 Unit not created: Subgroup 12:9 not found Cannot create object 12:11 Unit not created: Subgroup 12:13 not found Cannot create object 12:15 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:5851 not found Cannot create object 2:5853 Unit not created: Subgroup 20:4 not found Cannot create object 20:6 Unit not created: Subgroup 20:8 not found Cannot create object 20:10 Unit not created: Subgroup 20:12 not found Cannot create object 20:14 Unit not created: Subgroup 20:23 not found Cannot create object 20:25 Unit not created: Subgroup 9:1 not found Cannot create object 9:3 Unit not created: Subgroup 9:5 not found Cannot create object 9:7 Unit not created: Subgroup 9:9 not found Cannot create object 9:11 Unit not created: Subgroup 9:13 not found Cannot create object 9:15 Unit not created: Subgroup 9:29 not found Cannot create object 9:31 Unit not created: Subgroup 9:33 not found Cannot create object 9:35 Unit not created: Subgroup 9:37 not found Cannot create object 9:39 Unit not created: Subgroup 9:41 not found Cannot create object 9:43 Unit not created: Subgroup 50:2 not found Cannot create object 50:4 Unit not created: Subgroup 28:3 not found Cannot create object 28:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 28:7 not found Cannot create object 28:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 28:11 not found Cannot create object 28:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 17:3 not found Cannot create object 17:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 17:7 not found Cannot create object 17:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 17:11 not found Cannot create object 17:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 17:15 not found Cannot create object 17:17 Unit not created: Subgroup 25:3 not found Cannot create object 25:5 Unit not created: Subgroup 25:7 not found Cannot create object 25:9 Unit not created: Subgroup 25:11 not found Cannot create object 25:13 Unit not created: Subgroup 25:15 not found Cannot create object 25:17 Unit not created: Subgroup 14:1 not found Cannot create object 14:3 Unit not created: Subgroup 14:5 not found Cannot create object 14:7 Unit not created: Subgroup 14:9 not found Cannot create object 14:11 Unit not created: Subgroup 14:13 not found Cannot create object 14:15 Unit not created: Subgroup 22:4 not found Cannot create object 22:6 Unit not created: Subgroup 22:8 not found Cannot create object 22:10 Unit not created: Subgroup 22:19 not found Cannot create object 22:21 Unit not created: Subgroup 22:23 not found Cannot create object 22:25 Unit not created: Subgroup 11:1 not found Cannot create object 11:3 Unit not created: Subgroup 11:5 not found Cannot create object 11:7 Unit not created: Subgroup 11:9 not found Cannot create object 11:11 Unit not created: Subgroup 11:13 not found Cannot create object 11:15 Client: Object 19:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 19:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 19:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 19:17 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 8:3 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 8:7 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 8:11 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 8:15 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 8:36 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 8:40 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 8:44 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 27:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 27:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 27:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 27:17 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 24:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 24:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 24:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 24:17 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 24:31 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 24:35 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 24:39 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 24:43 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2591 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2594 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2597 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2600 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2603 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2606 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2609 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2612 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2615 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2618 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 51:61 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 51:61 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:2621 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2624 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2627 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 18:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2630 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 18:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2633 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 18:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 18:17 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2636 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2639 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2642 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2645 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2648 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2651 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2654 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2657 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2660 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2663 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2666 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2669 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2672 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2675 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2678 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2681 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2684 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2687 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2690 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2693 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2696 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2699 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2702 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2705 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2708 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2711 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2714 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2717 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2720 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2723 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2726 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2729 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2732 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2735 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2738 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2741 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2744 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2747 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2750 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 10:3 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 10:7 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 10:11 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 10:15 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 21:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 21:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 21:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 21:17 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 51:60 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 51:60 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 51:59 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 51:59 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:3011 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:3015 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:3019 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:3023 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:16686 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:16686 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:17862 (type Type_69) not found. Client: Object 2:17862 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:17117 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:17117 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:16934 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:16934 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:16933 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:16933 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:17116 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:17116 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:17115 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:17115 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:17743 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:17743 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:17742 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:17742 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:17914 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:17914 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:17913 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:17913 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:17912 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:17912 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:18055 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:18055 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 26:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 26:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 26:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 26:17 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 15:3 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 15:7 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 15:11 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 15:15 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 23:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 23:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 23:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 23:17 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 12:3 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 12:7 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 12:11 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 12:15 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:5853 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 20:6 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 20:10 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 20:14 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 20:25 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 9:3 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 9:7 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 9:11 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 9:15 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 9:31 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 9:35 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 9:39 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 9:43 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 50:4 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 28:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 28:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 28:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 17:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 17:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 17:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 17:17 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:25024 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:25024 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:25023 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:25023 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 25:5 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 25:9 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 25:13 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 25:17 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 14:3 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 14:7 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 14:11 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 14:15 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 22:6 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 22:10 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 22:21 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 22:25 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 11:3 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 11:7 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 11:11 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 11:15 (type Type_89) not found. Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ACE_15Rnd_9x19_S_M9'. Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: Error: creating magazine ACE_15Rnd_9x19_S_M9 with scope=private Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.Library'. Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.type'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.count'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value "############################# co30_domination_2_60t_west_oa #############################" [11829,325.671,0,"Executing Dom init.sqf"] [11829,325.672,0,"Dom init.sqf processed"] [11830,326.582,0,"Executing Dom d_init.sqf"] [11830,327.069,0,"Dom d_init.sqf processed"] Group B 1-1-B (0xe1825600) - network ID 2:25481 - no main subgroup Network simulation, time = 0.000 Group B 1-1-B (0xe1825600) - network ID 2:25481 - no main subgroup Group B Artillery 1 (0xe1825600) - network ID 2:25481 - no main subgroup Group B Artillery 1 (0xe1825600) - network ID 2:25481 - no main subgroup Group B Artillery 1 (0xe1825600) - network ID 2:25481 - no main subgroup Group B Artillery 1 (0xe1825600) - network ID 2:25481 - no main subgroup Group B Artillery 1 (0xe1825600) - network ID 2:25481 - no main subgroup Group B Artillery 1 (0xe1825600) - network ID 2:25481 - no main subgroup Client: Object 2:18055 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:18055 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:2750 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2741 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2732 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2744 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2723 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2735 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2747 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2714 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2726 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2738 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2717 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2729 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2711 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:25024 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:25023 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:2720 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2708 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:2705 (type Type_89) not found. Client: Object 2:25023 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:25024 (type Type_203) not found. ======================================================= ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 009D6EA1 Allocator: E:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\dll\tbb3malloc_bi.dll graphics: D3D9, Device: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series, Driver:aticfx32.dll resolution: 1920x1080x32 Addons: CACharacters_E in ca\characters_e\, CAWheeled_E_Volha in ca\wheeled_e\volha\ CAWeapons_E_KORD in ca\weapons_e\kord\ CAWheeled_E_stryker in ca\wheeled_e\stryker\, CASounds_E in ca\sounds_e\ CAAir2 in ca\air2\, zargabad in ca\zargabad\ CA_Animals2_Chicken in ca\animals2\birds\chicken\ CAWheeled_E_LandRover in ca\wheeled_e\lr\ Ind_Shed_02 in ca\buildings2\ind_shed_02\ CA_Missions_GarbageCollector in ca\modules\garbage_collector\ pond_test in ca\structures\pond\, CAStructuresBarn_W in ca\structures\barn_w\ CAStructuresHouse_A_Hospital in ca\structures\house\a_hospital\ CAFonts in ca\uifonts\, CAWeapons_VSS_vintorez in ca\weapons\vss_vintorez\ CAWeapons_Colt1911 in ca\weapons\colt1911\, CAWheeled3 in ca\wheeled3\ CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_Bunker in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\bunker\ CA_Missions_BAF_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions_baf\templates\secopsbaf.west\ CAWeapons_E_LeeEnfield in ca\weapons_e\leeenfield\ CA_Animals2_Cow in ca\animals2\cow\, CAWeapons_E_ZU23 in ca\weapons_e\zu23\ CA_E in ca\ca_e\, CAAir2_ChukarTarget in ca\air2\chukar\ CA_Missions_E_SecOps in ca\missions_e\som\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Infostands in ca\mp_armory\misc\infostands\, CAAir3 in ca\air3\ CARocks_E in ca\rocks_e\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Misc_PowerStation in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_powerstation\ CAAir2_Pchela1T in ca\air2\pchela1t\ CA_Animals2_WildBoar in ca\animals2\wildboar\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Red_Light in ca\mp_armory\misc\red_light\ CAWeapons_E_TOW in ca\weapons_e\tow\, BI_SRRS in ca\modules\srrs\ CA_Missions_BattlefieldClearance in ca\modules\bc\ CA_Modules_ARTY in ca\modules\arty\, CARoads2Bridge in ca\roads2\bridge\ CATracked2_T34 in ca\tracked2\t34\, CA_Dubbing_PMC in ca\dubbing_pmc\ CAWheeled_PMC in ca\wheeled_pmc\ CACharacters_BAF_Head in ca\characters_d_baf\heads\ CAWheeled_E_UAZ in ca\wheeled_e\uaz\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_powerline in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_powerline\ CAWeapons_E_M14 in ca\weapons_e\m14\, CAWheeled_E_V3S in ca\wheeled_e\v3s\ CAAir_E_AH64D in ca\air_e\ah64\, CAWeapons_E in ca\weapons_e\ Shed_wooden in ca\buildings2\shed_wooden\ CA_Missions_AmbientCombat in ca\modules\ambient_combat\ CARoads2Dam in ca\roads2\dam\ CAStructuresHouse_Church_02 in ca\structures\house\church_02\ CAWheeled2_LADA in ca\wheeled2\lada\, CAWheeled2_Kamaz in ca\wheeled2\kamaz\ CACharacters_PMC_Head in ca\characters_pmc\heads\ CALanguage_PMC in ca\language_pmc\, CACharacters_BAF in ca\characters_d_baf\ CA_Modules_E_OO in ca\modules_e\oo\, CAAir2_F35B in ca\air2\f35b\ CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\config\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Garbage in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\ CAWheeled_E_SCUD in ca\wheeled_e\scud\ Ind_SiloVelke in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_silovelke\ CA_Missions_SecOps in ca\missions\som\ CAStructuresHouse_Church_03 in ca\structures\house\church_03\ CAStructuresHouse_A_Office01 in ca\structures\house\a_office01\ CAWeapons in ca\weapons\, CAWeapons2_SMAW in ca\weapons2\smaw\ CAWheeled2_TowingTractor in ca\wheeled2\towingtractor\ CAWheeled2_LAV25 in ca\wheeled2\lav25\, CA_Missions_PMC in ca\missions_pmc\ CAWeapons_E_M119_Howitzer in ca\weapons_e\m119_howitzer\ CAWeapons_E_SPG9 in ca\weapons_e\spg9\ CALanguage_missions in ca\languagemissions\, CAWeapons_E_M16 in ca\weapons_e\m16\ CA_Animals2_Dogs_Fin in ca\animals2\dogs\fin\ CAWheeled_E_Pickup in ca\wheeled_e\datsun_armed\ Ind_Mlyn in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_mlyn\ WarfareBuildings in ca\misc3\wf\, CAMisc_fix_Weap in ca\misc_fix\weap\ CA_Missions_Armory2 in ca\missions\armory\, CASigns2 in ca\signs2\ CAStructuresHouse_A_Office02 in ca\structures\house\a_office02\ CATracked2_BMP3 in ca\tracked2\bmp3\, Utes in ca\utes\ Warfare2Vehicles in ca\warfare2vehicles\ CAWheeled2_HMMWV_Ambulance in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m997a2_ambulance\ CA_L39 in ca\l39\, CAAir2_UH1Y in ca\air2\uh1y\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Garage01 in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_garage01\ CAStructures_E_HouseK in ca\structures_e\housek\ CAWater2_seafox_EP1 in ca\misc_e\seafox\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_BuildingWIP in ca\structures_e\housea\a_buildingwip\ CAWeapons_E_Javelin in ca\weapons_e\javelin\, CAAnimals in ca\animals\ CA_Modules_E_UAV_Heli in ca\modules_e\uav_heli\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Plasticpole in ca\mp_armory\misc\plasticpole\ CAWheeled_E_TT650 in ca\wheeled_e\tt650\ CA_Modules_E_Functions in ca\modules_e\functions\, CA_AH64D in ca\ah64\ Church_01 in ca\buildings2\church_01\ Misc_WaterStation in ca\buildings2\misc_waterstation\, CA_Dubbing in ca\dubbing\ Ind_SawMill in ca\structures\ind_sawmill\, CATracked_W_BAF in ca\tracked_w_baf\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Statue in ca\structures_e\housea\a_statue\ CAWeapons_E_Igla in ca\weapons_e\igla\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Entrance_Gate in ca\mp_armory\misc\entrance_gate\ CAStructures_E_HouseL in ca\structures_e\housel\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Sign_Armex in ca\mp_armory\misc\sign_armex\ CARoads_E in ca\roads_e\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Coltan_Mine in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_coltan_mine\ CAAir in ca\air\, CA_Modules_E in ca\modules_e\ CAWeapons_E_M136 in ca\weapons_e\m136\, CAStructures_E_Ind in ca\structures_e\ind\ CAWeapons_E_M240 in ca\weapons_e\m240\ ind_silomale in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_silomale\ CA_HighCommand in ca\modules\hc\, CA_Modules_DynO in ca\modules\dyno\ CAStructures_Ruins in ca\structures\ruins\ CAWeapons2_HuntingRifle in ca\weapons2\huntingrifle\, CA_BAF in ca\data_baf\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Laptop in ca\mp_armory\misc\laptop\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Loudspeakers in ca\mp_armory\misc\loudspeakers\ CA_Animals2_Rabbit in ca\animals2\rabbit\ Rail_House_01 in ca\buildings2\rail_house_01\ CA_MPA_Core in ca\mp_armory\armory_core\ CAWheeled_E_Old_bike in ca\wheeled_e\old_bike\ CAWeapons_E_fnfal in ca\weapons_e\fnfal\, CAAir_E_Halo in ca\air_e\halo\ Ind_Garage01 in ca\buildings2\ind_garage01\, CATracked_E_BMP2 in ca\tracked_e\bmp\ CAStructures_Proxy_BuildingParts in ca\structures\proxy_buildingparts\ CAStructures_Wall in ca\structures\wall\, CAWheeled2_Ikarus in ca\wheeled2\ikarus\ CAWheeled2_VWGolf in ca\wheeled2\vwgolf\ CA_DubbingRadio_PMC in ca\dubbingradio_pmc\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_cables in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_cables\ CAWheeled_E_MTVR in ca\wheeled_e\mtvr\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Villa in ca\structures_e\housea\a_villa\ CA_Animals2_Goat in ca\animals2\goat\ Ind_Workshop01 in ca\buildings2\ind_workshop01\ CAStructures_A_BuildingWIP in ca\structures\a_buildingwip\ CATracked2_us_m270mlrs in ca\tracked2\us_m270mlrs\ CATracked2_2S6M_Tunguska in ca\tracked2\2s6m_tunguska\ CAWater2_fishing_boat in ca\water2\fishing_boat\, CAWater2 in ca\water2\ CAWeapons_PMC_XM8 in ca\weapons_pmc\xm8\, CAWheeled_W_BAF in ca\wheeled_w_baf\ CA_Animals_E in ca\animals_e\, CAWeapons_E_PK in ca\weapons_e\pk\ CAHouseBlock_A in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_a\ CA_Modules_E_Gita in ca\modules_e\gita\, CATracked_E in ca\tracked_e\ CA_AIR_E_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air_e\mq9predatorb\ Barn_Metal in ca\buildings2\barn_metal\, Shed_small in ca\buildings2\shed_small\ CABuildings2 in ca\buildings2\, CAData_ParticleEffects in Ca\data\particleeffects\ CAMisc_fix in ca\misc_fix\, CA_Modules in ca\modules\ CAStructuresHouse_HouseBT in ca\structures\house\housebt\ CAStructures_Nav in ca\structures\nav\, CATracked2_T90 in ca\tracked2\t90\ CATracked2 in ca\tracked2\, CAWeapons_bizon in ca\weapons\bizon\ CAWeapons_AK in ca\weapons\ak\, CAAir_PMC in ca\air_pmc\ CAWeapons_BAF in ca\weapons_baf\, CAWeapons_E_AK in ca\weapons_e\ak\ CAHouseBlock_B in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_b\ CA_Animals2_Anim_Config in ca\animals2\animconfig\ CAStructures_E_Wall in ca\structures_e\wall\ Misc_PowerStation in ca\buildings2\misc_powerstation\ CATracked_E_M2A2_Bradley in ca\tracked_e\m2a2_bradley\ CATracked_E_M1_Abrams in ca\tracked_e\m1_abrams\ CA_CruiseMissile in ca\air2\cruisemissile\, CACharacters2 in ca\characters2\ CA_Modules_ZoRA in ca\modules\zora\, CA_Modules_Coin in ca\modules\coin\ CAStructuresHouse_Shed_Ind in ca\structures\shed_ind\ CAStructures_Railway in ca\structures\rail\railway\ CAWeapons_M252_81mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\m252_81mm_mortar\ CAAir_PMC_KA137 in ca\air_pmc\ka137\, ProvingGrounds_PMC in ca\provinggrounds_pmc\ CAStructures_PMC_Walls in ca\structures_pmc\walls\ CAStructures_PMC_FuelStation in ca\structures_pmc\ind\fuelstation\ Warfare2_E in ca\warfare2_e\, CAWeapons_E_scar in ca\weapons_e\scar\ CAWeapons_E_M47 in ca\weapons_e\m47\ CAHouseBlock_C in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_c\ CA_MPA_MP in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp\, CAMP_Armory_Misc in ca\mp_armory\misc\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Lamp in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_lamp\ CA_MPA_Scenarios in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp_scenarios\ CA_Modules_UAV in ca\modules\uav\, CARoads2 in ca\roads2\ CAStructures_Mil in ca\structures\mil\, CAStructuresHouse in ca\structures\house\ CAStructuresHouse_A_FuelStation in ca\structures\house\a_fuelstation\ CAWater2_Destroyer in ca\water2\destroyer\, CAWeapons2 in ca\weapons2\ CA_Modules_Alice2 in ca\modules_e\alice2\ CAHouseBlock_D in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_d\ CAStructures_E_Wall_Wall_L in ca\structures_e\wall\wall_l\ CAWeapons_E_RPG18 in ca\weapons_e\rpg18\, CAWheeled_E_s1203 in ca\wheeled_e\s1203\ CAData in Ca\, CA_HC_Sounds in ca\missions\data\sounds\ CA_Modules_clouds in ca\modules\clouds\ CAWeapons_2b14_82mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\podnos_2b14_82mm\ CAWheeled_Pickup in ca\wheeled\datsun_armed\ CALanguageMissions_baf in ca\languagemissions_baf\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Minaret_Porto in ca\structures_e\housea\a_minaret_porto\ CAWheeled_E_BTR40 in ca\wheeled_e\btr40\, CAAir_E_UH60M in ca\air_e\uh60m\ CA_AIR_E_Su25 in ca\air_e\su25\, CAWeapons_E_Strela in ca\weapons_e\strela\ CAAir3_Su34 in ca\air3\su34\, CAWeapons_E_DSHKM in ca\weapons_e\dshkm\ CAWheeled_E_Ikarus in ca\wheeled_e\ikarus\ CA_E_ParticleEffects in ca\ca_e\data\particleeffects\, CA_MPA in ca\mp_armory\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Minaret in ca\structures_e\housea\a_minaret\ CA_Heads in ca\characters\heads\, CA_Modules_Alice in ca\modules\alice\ CAStructures_IndPipe1 in ca\structures\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\ A_TVTower in ca\structures\a_tvtower\, CAWheeled2_V3S in ca\wheeled2\v3s\ CAWheeled2_M1114_Armored in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m1114_armored\ CAWheeled3_M1030 in ca\wheeled3\m1030\ CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_Ruin_Cowshed in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\ruins\farm_cowshed\ CAAir2_C130J in ca\air2\c130j\, Warfare2 in ca\warfare2\ CAAir_E_CH_47F in ca\air_e\ch47\, CAA10 in ca\a10\ CAWheeled_E_Offroad in ca\wheeled_e\hilux_armed\ CA_Missions_FirstAidSystem in ca\modules\fa\ CA_Modules_StratLayer in ca\modules\strat_layer\ CAStructuresHouse_rail_station_big in ca\structures\rail\rail_station_big\ CAStructures in ca\structures\ CA_Modules_PMC_SimpleFIrstAid in ca\modules_pmc\simplefirstaid\ CAWheeled_D_BAF in ca\wheeled_d_baf\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Office01 in ca\structures_e\housea\a_office01\ CAWeapons_E_ksvk in ca\weapons_e\ksvk\, CAWeapons_E_G36 in ca\weapons_e\g36\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Shed in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_shed\ Farm_Cowshed in ca\buildings2\farm_cowshed\, CAMisc_E_WF in ca\misc_e\wf\ CAWeapons_E_MAAWS in ca\weapons_e\maaws\ CA_Modules_E_Jukebox in ca\modules_e\jukebox\ CATracked_E_M113 in ca\tracked_e\m113\ CAStructuresHouse_HouseV2 in ca\structures\house\housev2\ CAWater2_seafox in ca\water2\seafox\, CAWheeled2_MTVR in ca\wheeled2\mtvr\ CAWheeled2_HMMWV_BASE in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\ CAWeapons_E_M2StaticMG in ca\weapons_e\m2\ CAWeapons_E_M9 in ca\weapons_e\m9_beretta\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Interier in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_interier\ CAUI in ca\ui\, CA_Missions_E_Armory2 in ca\missions_e\armory\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Well in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_well\ CALanguage in ca\language\, CAStructures_E in ca\structures_e\ CAAir_E_AH6J in ca\air_e\ah6j\, CAMisc2 in ca\misc2\, missions_ew in ca\missions_ew\ CATracked in ca\tracked\, CAWeapons_AmmoBoxes in ca\weapons\ammoboxes\ CA_Modules_PMC_Functions in ca\modules_pmc\functions\ CAAir_BAF_CH_47F in ca\air_d_baf\ch47\, CAAir_E_An2 in ca\air_e\an2\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Construction in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_construction\ CA_Anims_E in ca\anims_e\, CATracked_E_us_m270mlrs in ca\tracked_e\us_m270mlrs\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Mosque_big in ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_big\ CAWheeled_E_HMMWV in ca\wheeled_e\hmmwv\, CAWheeled_E_BTR60 in ca\wheeled_e\btr60\ CAAir_E_A10 in ca\air_e\a10\, CAWeapons_E_Metis in ca\weapons_e\metis_at_13\ CAWheeled_E in ca\wheeled_e\, CAAir_E in ca\air_e\ CABuildingParts in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\, CAMisc3 in ca\misc3\ CA_Modules_Silvie in ca\modules\silvie\, CAWater2_Fregata in ca\water2\fregata\ CAWheeled_Offroad in ca\wheeled\hilux_armed\ CACharacters_PMC in ca\characters_pmc\ CAWheeled_PMC_ArmoredSUV in ca\wheeled_pmc\armoredsuv\ CA_Sounds_Baf in ca\sounds_baf\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Market in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\ CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Water in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_water\ CAWheeled_E_ATV in ca\wheeled_e\atv\ Ind_Pec in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_pec\ CA_Modules_Functions in ca\modules\functions\, CAMusic in ca\music\ CATracked2_AAV in ca\tracked2\aav\, CAWeapons_M1014 in ca\weapons\m1014\ CALanguage_missions_PMC in ca\languagemissions_pmc\ CA_Missions_BAF_2 in ca\missions_2_baf\, CA_Modules_E_DynO in ca\modules_e\dyno\ CA_Animals2_Dogs_Pastor in ca\animals2\dogs\pastor\, Arma2_Ka52 in ca\air2\ka52\ CATracked_E_ZSU in ca\tracked_e\zsu\, CAWheeled_E_M1030 in ca\wheeled_e\m1030\ CA_Missions_AlternativeInjurySimulation in ca\modules\ais\ CAStructures_Nav_pier in ca\structures\nav_pier\ CAStructuresHouse_HouseV in ca\structures\house\housev\ CAWeapons_Warfare_weapons in ca\weapons\static\ CAWheeled2_BTR90 in ca\wheeled2\btr90\, CAStructures_PMC in ca\structures_pmc\ CA_Missions_BAF in ca\missions_baf\, CA_Anims_E_Wmn in ca\anims_e\config\wmn\ A_Crane_02 in ca\buildings2\a_crane_02\ CAStructures_E_Mil in ca\structures_e\mil\ CAStructures_Proxy_Ruins in ca\structures\proxy_ruins\ CAStructures_Misc_Powerlines in ca\structures\misc_powerlines\ CAweapons_m107 in ca\weapons\m107\, CA_Missions2_PMC in ca\missions2_pmc\ CAStructures_PMC_Misc in ca\structures_pmc\misc\ CAStructures_PMC_Ruins in ca\structures_pmc\ruins\ CAStructures_PMC_Buildings in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\ CA_Dubbing_Baf in ca\dubbing_baf\, CA_Anims_E_Sdr in ca\anims_e\config\sdr\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Sign_Direction in ca\mp_armory\misc\sign_direction\ CA_SoundsMissions_E in ca\soundmissions_e\ CA_Animals2_Sheep in ca\animals2\sheep\ Ind_Dopravnik in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_dopravnik\ Chernarus in ca\chernarus\, CA_Modules_Animals in ca\modules\animals\ CAStructuresLand_Ind_Stack_Big in ca\structures\ind\, CA_PMC in ca\ca_pmc\ CARoads_PMC_Bridge in ca\roads_pmc\bridge\, CALanguage_Baf in ca\language_baf\ Ind_Tank in ca\buildings2\ind_tank\, CAAir_E_C130J in ca\air_e\c130j\ CAAir2_MV22 in ca\air2\mv22\, CATracked_E_T34 in ca\tracked_e\t34\ HouseRuins in ca\buildings2\houseruins\, CAMisc_fix_A2FREE in ca\misc_fix\a2free\ CAWeapons_ZU23 in ca\weapons\zu23\, CAWeapons_DMR in ca\weapons\dmr\ CAWheeled2_GAZ39371 in ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\ CACharacters_W_BAF in ca\characters_w_baf\, CATracked_BAF in ca\tracked_d_baf\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_FuelStation in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_fuelstation\ CASigns_E in ca\signs_e\, CA_AIR2_Su25 in ca\air2\su25\ CAWheeled_E_Old_moto in ca\wheeled_e\old_moto\, CA_Anims in ca\anims\ CAWheeled_E_Ural in ca\wheeled_e\ural\, CA_Editor in ca\editor\, CAMisc in ca\misc\ CA_Missions in ca\missions\ CAStructuresShed_Small in ca\structures\shed\shed_small\ CAStructures_Rail in ca\structures\rail\ CAStructures_Castle in ca\structures\castle\ CAWeapons_Saiga12K in ca\weapons\saiga12k\ CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_GeneralStore_PMC in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\generalstore\ CA_Dubbing_E in ca\dubbing_e\, CA_DubbingRadio_E in ca\dubbingradio_e\ CAWheeled_E_BRDM2 in ca\wheeled_e\brdm2\ CAWeapons_E_AmmoBoxes in ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\, Desert_E in ca\desert_e\ CA_Support in ca\modules_e\ssm\ CAWeapons_E_M252_81mm_Mortar in ca\weapons_e\m252_81mm_mortar\ Ind_MalyKomin in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_malykomin\ Ind_Vysypka in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_vysypka\, CARocks2 in ca\rocks2\ CAWeapons2_RPG18 in ca\weapons2\rpg18\ CAWheeled2_M998A2_Avenger in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m998a2_avenger\ CAWeapons_PMC in ca\weapons_pmc\, Shapur_BAF in ca\shapur_baf\ CAWeapons_E_RPG7 in ca\weapons_e\rpg7\ CAWeapons_E_Mk19_MiniTriPod in ca\weapons_e\mk19_minitripod\ CALanguage_missions_e in ca\languagemissions_e\ CAWeapons_E_Stinger in ca\weapons_e\stinger\ CATEC in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\signs\tec\ CAWater2_smallboat_1 in ca\water2\small_boat\, CAWeapons_SPG9 in ca\weapons\spg9\ CAStructures_PMC_Ind in ca\structures_pmc\ind\ CAWeapons_PMC_AS50 in ca\weapons_pmc\as50\, CAAir_BAF in ca\air_d_baf\ CAWeapons_E_STATIC in ca\weapons_e\static\, CAMusic_E in ca\music_e\ CAStructures_E_HouseA in ca\structures_e\housea\ CAWheeled_E_LADA in ca\wheeled_e\lada\ CA_Anims_Wmn in ca\anims\characters\config\wmn\, Takistan in ca\takistan\ CA_Animals2_Dogs in ca\animals2\dogs\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Mosque_small in ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_small\ Ind_Expedice in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ CA_Dubbing_Counterattack in ca\dubbing\counterattack\ CAMisc_fix_Str in ca\misc_fix\str\ CA_Missions_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions\templates\secops.west\ CAStructuresLand_A_MunicipalOffice in ca\structures\a_municipaloffice\ CAStructuresHouse_a_stationhouse in ca\structures\house\a_stationhouse\ CAweapons_ksvk in ca\weapons\ksvk\ CAStructures_PMC_Misc_Shed in ca\structures_pmc\misc\shed\ CA_Modules_E_UAV in ca\modules_e\uav\ CA_Missions_E_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions_e\templates\secops.west\ CATracked_E_T55 in ca\tracked_e\t55\ CAWeapons_E_Searchlight in ca\weapons_e\searchlight\ CA_Missions_E in ca\missions_e\, CAweapons_E_m107 in ca\weapons_e\m107\ CA_Anims_Sdr in ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\ CAWeapons_E_M110 in ca\weapons_e\m110\ CAWeapons_E_FIM92_static in ca\weapons_e\fim92_static\ CAStructures_A_CraneCon in ca\structures\a_cranecon\ CA_Modules_PMC in ca\modules_pmc\, CAWeapons_PMC_AA_12 in ca\weapons_pmc\aa_12\ CAVideo2_PMC in ca\video2_pmc\ CAWeapons_E_Podnos_2b14_82mm in ca\weapons_e\podnos_2b14_82mm\ CAWeapons_E_D30 in ca\weapons_e\d30\, CAAir_E_MI8 in ca\air_e\mi17\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_a_stationhouse in ca\structures_e\housea\a_stationhouse\ CATracked_E_T72 in ca\tracked_e\t72\ CAStructures_E_HouseC in ca\structures_e\housec\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Oil_Mine in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_oil_mine\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_CityGate1 in ca\structures_e\housea\a_citygate1\ CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1 in ca\air_e\uh1h\ CAWeapons_E_GrenadeLauncher in ca\weapons_e\grenadelauncher\ CAAir2_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air2\mq9predatorb\, CAAir_E_Mi24 in ca\air_e\mi35\ IndPipe2 in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe2\ CA_Modules_Marta in ca\modules\marta\ CAStructuresLand_Nav_Boathouse in ca\structures\nav_boathouse\ CAStructuresInd_Quarry in ca\structures\ind_quarry\ CAWater2_LHD in ca\water2\lhd\, CAWeapons_Kord in ca\weapons\kord\ CAAir_PMC_KA60 in ca\air_pmc\ka60\, CAStructures_E_Misc in ca\structures_e\misc\ CACharacters_E_Head in ca\characters_e\heads\, CALanguage_e in ca\language_e\ CAMisc_E in ca\misc_e\, CA_Modules_E_Weather in ca\modules_e\weather\ HALO_Test in ca\air2\halo\ CA_MPA_Challenges in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp_challenges\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Info_Board in ca\mp_armory\misc\info_board\ CAWeapons_E_AGS in ca\weapons_e\ags30\ CABuildingParts_Signs in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\signs\ CAStructures_E_Ind_IndPipes in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_pipes\ A_statue in ca\buildings2\a_statue\ CAWeapons_E_Colt1911 in ca\weapons_e\colt1911\ CAWeapons_E_Makarov in ca\weapons_e\makarov\, CABuildings in ca\buildings\ CAStructures_IndPipe1_todo_delete in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\ A_GeneralStore_01 in ca\buildings2\a_generalstore_01\ Farm_WTower in ca\buildings2\farm_wtower\, CAMisc_fix_air in ca\misc_fix\air\ CAMisc_fix_Ch2 in ca\misc_fix\ch2\, CASounds_Missions in ca\soundmissions\ CAWater in ca\water\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Concrete_Wall in ca\mp_armory\misc\concrete_wall\ CAWheeled_E_SUV in ca\wheeled_e\suv\, CA_Animals2 in ca\animals2\ Ind_Shed_01 in ca\buildings2\ind_shed_01\ CABuildings2_Misc_Cargo in ca\buildings2\misc_cargo\ CABuildings2_A_Pub in ca\buildings2\a_pub\, CACharacters in ca\characters\ CASounds in ca\sounds\ CAStructuresHouse_Church_05R in ca\structures\house\church_05r\ CAWeapons_Metis_AT_13 in ca\weapons\metis_at_13\, CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\ CAWheeled2 in ca\wheeled2\, CAWheeled2_MMT in ca\wheeled2\mmt\ CAWheeled3_TT650 in ca\wheeled3\tt650\, CAMusic_PMC in ca\music_pmc\ Mods: ca Distribution: 1485 Version 1.60.87580 Fault address: 009D6EA1 01:005D5EA1 E:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe file: co30_domination_2_60t_west_oa (__CUR_MP) world: takistan Prev. code bytes: 45 F4 8B 0B 8B 7E 64 89 46 5C 8B 45 F8 89 45 FC Fault code bytes: 8B 01 FF 50 10 3B C7 0F 4D C7 48 39 45 F8 7E 03 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:E1824A50 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000 ESI:E1824A00 EDI:0000000C CS:EIP:0023:009D6EA1 SS:ESP:002B:1956FEA4 EBP:1956FEBC DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010246 ======================================================= note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\case-1489\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\arma2oa.mdmp
  17. case1489

    Need help with my squad.xml

    ok hear u go CA_Modules_E_UAV in ca\modules_e\uav\ CA_Missions_E_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions_e\templates\secops.west\ CATracked_E_T55 in ca\tracked_e\t55\ CAWeapons_E_Searchlight in ca\weapons_e\searchlight\ CA_Missions_E in ca\missions_e\, CAweapons_E_m107 in ca\weapons_e\m107\ CA_Anims_Sdr in ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\ CAWeapons_E_M110 in ca\weapons_e\m110\ CAWeapons_E_FIM92_static in ca\weapons_e\fim92_static\ CAStructures_A_CraneCon in ca\structures\a_cranecon\ CA_Modules_PMC in ca\modules_pmc\, CAWeapons_PMC_AA_12 in ca\weapons_pmc\aa_12\ CAVideo2_PMC in ca\video2_pmc\ CAWeapons_E_Podnos_2b14_82mm in ca\weapons_e\podnos_2b14_82mm\ CAWeapons_E_D30 in ca\weapons_e\d30\, CAAir_E_MI8 in ca\air_e\mi17\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_a_stationhouse in ca\structures_e\housea\a_stationhouse\ CATracked_E_T72 in ca\tracked_e\t72\ CAStructures_E_HouseC in ca\structures_e\housec\ CAStructures_E_Ind_Oil_Mine in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_oil_mine\ CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_CityGate1 in ca\structures_e\housea\a_citygate1\ CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1 in ca\air_e\uh1h\ CAWeapons_E_GrenadeLauncher in ca\weapons_e\grenadelauncher\ CAAir2_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air2\mq9predatorb\, CAAir_E_Mi24 in ca\air_e\mi35\ IndPipe2 in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe2\ CA_Modules_Marta in ca\modules\marta\ CAStructuresLand_Nav_Boathouse in ca\structures\nav_boathouse\ CAStructuresInd_Quarry in ca\structures\ind_quarry\ CAWater2_LHD in ca\water2\lhd\, CAWeapons_Kord in ca\weapons\kord\ CAAir_PMC_KA60 in ca\air_pmc\ka60\, CAStructures_E_Misc in ca\structures_e\misc\ CACharacters_E_Head in ca\characters_e\heads\, CALanguage_e in ca\language_e\ CAMisc_E in ca\misc_e\, CA_Modules_E_Weather in ca\modules_e\weather\ HALO_Test in ca\air2\halo\ CA_MPA_Challenges in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp_challenges\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Info_Board in ca\mp_armory\misc\info_board\ CAWeapons_E_AGS in ca\weapons_e\ags30\ CABuildingParts_Signs in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\signs\ CAStructures_E_Ind_IndPipes in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_pipes\ A_statue in ca\buildings2\a_statue\ CAWeapons_E_Colt1911 in ca\weapons_e\colt1911\ CAWeapons_E_Makarov in ca\weapons_e\makarov\, CABuildings in ca\buildings\ CAStructures_IndPipe1_todo_delete in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\ A_GeneralStore_01 in ca\buildings2\a_generalstore_01\ Farm_WTower in ca\buildings2\farm_wtower\, CAMisc_fix_air in ca\misc_fix\air\ CAMisc_fix_Ch2 in ca\misc_fix\ch2\, CASounds_Missions in ca\soundmissions\ CAWater in ca\water\ CAMP_Armory_Misc_Concrete_Wall in ca\mp_armory\misc\concrete_wall\ CAWheeled_E_SUV in ca\wheeled_e\suv\, CA_Animals2 in ca\animals2\ Ind_Shed_01 in ca\buildings2\ind_shed_01\ CABuildings2_Misc_Cargo in ca\buildings2\misc_cargo\ CABuildings2_A_Pub in ca\buildings2\a_pub\, CACharacters in ca\characters\ CASounds in ca\sounds\ CAStructuresHouse_Church_05R in ca\structures\house\church_05r\ CAWeapons_Metis_AT_13 in ca\weapons\metis_at_13\, CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\ CAWheeled2 in ca\wheeled2\, CAWheeled2_MMT in ca\wheeled2\mmt\ CAWheeled3_TT650 in ca\wheeled3\tt650\, CAMusic_PMC in ca\music_pmc\ Mods: ca Distribution: 1485 Version 1.60.87469 Fault address: 009D6D71 01:005D5D71 E:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe file: co30_domination_2_60t_west_oa (__CUR_MP) world: takistan Prev. code bytes: 45 F4 8B 0B 8B 7E 64 89 46 5C 8B 45 F8 89 45 FC Fault code bytes: 8B 01 FF 50 10 3B C7 0F 4D C7 48 39 45 F8 7E 03 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:E446E550 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000 ESI:E446E500 EDI:0000000C CS:EIP:0023:009D6D71 SS:ESP:002B:139EFEA4 EBP:139EFEBC DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010246 ======================================================= note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\case-1489\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\arma2oa.mdmp but the sad part is it is not just me my clan get it all the time to
  18. case1489

    Need help with my squad.xml

    nope to [FRL]Myke on seeing if what he give me help out and Okay am not sure what the 2^n format is all I got is GIMP 2.0 and Paint.net to edit the photos and i use texView 2 to make my photos into PAA format
  19. case1489

    Need help with my squad.xml

    Nope still not working still crashes and says reinforcements pack has stopped working and that is wot i am doing but will check it out
  20. case1489

    Need help with my squad.xml

    ok ill tri these and let u no if it works
  21. hello can i get a Operation Nortstar Reskin Replacement Pack ? i want it to replace the US army
  22. Squad name - U.S.A BattleGuns Timezone/location - CST USA Squad gamemode preference - Warfare BE , co30 Domination Contact email - case1489@yahoo.com Website address - www.battleguns.freeforums.org