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About uknoppo

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  1. uknoppo

    Support Radio

    Hi I am trying to use Support Radio with an Unsung mission I am creating. I am having two problems that I am hoping you guys might know the answer to: 1. The Unsung M119 Arty does not work. They spawn OK, but there are no fire options when you open the Support Radio. Is there anyway of making it work? 2. I have managed to get remove transports and respawn them, but I can't do it for CAS. I am trying the following. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? remove: [WEST,"cas","Tiger-One"] call NEO_fnc_radioSupportRemove; respawn: [WEST, "cas", [getMarkerPos "NEO_mkr_cas_01", 270,"CSJ_UH1Gun","Tiger-One",0,{(_this select 0) addEventHandler["Killed", { execVM "respawn_tiger_one.sqf"}];}]] call NEO_fnc_radioSupportAdd;
  2. uknoppo

    RKSL - Foxhound LPPV 0.5 BETA

    Maybe I have a conflicting addon but a problem I have found is the AI gunners never fire. I tried putting them up against infantry, vehicles and armour and they did not fire on either. I tried the Ridgback and the AI opened fire as expected.
  3. I have been working on a sandbox Vietnam style mission that involves a lot of spawning to reduce the amount of units on the map at any given time. I have been having some trouble with the DSAI module. I'm guessing from experimenting with the DSAI module that it initiates when a game begins; I've found that if I place a group of BLUFOR and OPFOR on the map and hit Preview both sides speak. However if I start with a single unit (as I currently do in my mission) and spawn team members and OPFOR units after the game has started the DSAI does not seem to kick in, i.e. my team never speak and OPFOR say nothing. Interestingly I've noticed that I do get radio sounds for spawned RTOs and vehicles. If I am right that the DSAI only initiates when a game begins is it possible to run a script to get it to initiate when I want? E.g. I have a trigger to spawn OPFOR at a village when BLUFOR approach. Can I trigger the DSAI module after the OPFOR are spawned to make sure they speak? Thanks in advance for your help.
  4. uknoppo

    Taskmaster 2

    Hi Shuko I have been working on other aspects of my campaign, but am still stuck on synchronise existing tasks with newly spawned units. As I mention before I am using the script below to synchronise existing tasks but it tends to create duplicate tasks for units that already have the task. if (isServer) then { SHK_Taskmaster_showHints = false; SHK_Taskmaster_TasksLocal = []; // Array member: ["TaskName","TaskState",TaskHandles] if (!isnil "_this") then { if (count _this > 1) then { private ["_notes","_i"]; _notes = _this select 1; for [{_i=(count _notes - 1)},{_i>-1},{_i=_i-1}] do { (_notes select _i) call SHK_Taskmaster_addNote; }; }; }; /* Initially wait for server to send the task list for briefing. After briefing is created, add an eventhandler to catch the updated task list server might send. Wait for briefing tasks to be created before enabling taskhints. This prevents hints from briefing tasks from being spammed at the start of the mission. */ [] spawn { waituntil {!isnull player}; waituntil {!isnil "SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks"}; if DEBUG then {diag_log format ["SHK_Taskmaster> Tasks received first time: %1",SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks]}; private "_sh"; _sh = SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks spawn SHK_Taskmaster_handleEvent; waituntil {scriptdone _sh}; SHK_Taskmaster_showHints = true; SHK_Taskmaster_initDone = true; "SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks" addpublicvariableeventhandler { (_this select 1) spawn SHK_Taskmaster_handleEvent; }; }; }; You suggested I use SHK_Taskmaster_hasTask but I am not sure how to integrate that into the script above. Alternatively it occurred to me that if the script could be altered to only synch with a named unit it would solve my problem, ie when I spawn "man1" I could run a script to synch only "man1" with all existing tasks. This should stop the duplication issue. I think this should be possible but my scripting is not good enough to work out how to do it. Would you be able to help?
  5. uknoppo

    Taskmaster 2

    No, how would that work? (My scripting is still quite basic. The script I use that does half the trick I managed to find in a previous thread, I don't undertsand all of it).
  6. uknoppo

    Taskmaster 2

    Shuko I love this script but I am coming a bit unstuck and I hope you might be able to help. As far as I can tell this has not been covered already, apologies if it has. I am using taskmaster to add tasks using this format which works fine: ["Task1","Title","text",west] call SHK_Taskmaster_Add; In my singleplayer mission new units are spawned during the game that the player can teamswitch to. I want to be able to synchronise the exiting tasks with these new units. The script I am currently using does not quite work properly; the new unit gets the tasks but already existing units get an extra copy of the tasks too. Example: I start the mission as "Man1". I get two tasks using the code above; Task1 and Task2. When a new switchable unit is spawned, "Man2", I run my current script and Man2 gets Task1 and Task2 (which is good). But Man1 also gets an extra set of the existing tasks, so he has his original Task1 and Task2 and a duplicate of Task1 and Task2 (not so good). So, is there a way to synchronise the existing tasks between all units without those units that already have the tasks getting duplicates? I hope that makes sense. The current script I use is: if (isServer) then { SHK_Taskmaster_showHints = false; SHK_Taskmaster_TasksLocal = []; // Array member: ["TaskName","TaskState",TaskHandles] if (!isnil "_this") then { if (count _this > 1) then { private ["_notes","_i"]; _notes = _this select 1; for [{_i=(count _notes - 1)},{_i>-1},{_i=_i-1}] do { (_notes select _i) call SHK_Taskmaster_addNote; }; }; }; /* Initially wait for server to send the task list for briefing. After briefing is created, add an eventhandler to catch the updated task list server might send. Wait for briefing tasks to be created before enabling taskhints. This prevents hints from briefing tasks from being spammed at the start of the mission. */ [] spawn { waituntil {!isnull player}; waituntil {!isnil "SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks"}; if DEBUG then {diag_log format ["SHK_Taskmaster> Tasks received first time: %1",SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks]}; private "_sh"; _sh = SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks spawn SHK_Taskmaster_handleEvent; waituntil {scriptdone _sh}; SHK_Taskmaster_showHints = true; SHK_Taskmaster_initDone = true; "SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks" addpublicvariableeventhandler { (_this select 1) spawn SHK_Taskmaster_handleEvent; }; }; };