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Everything posted by Vex550

  1. Vex550

    Squad Control

    Hi, I am a big fan of your series, but have always had difficulty with something. I can not set up proper attacks with squads because I can not tell them to hold position and open fire. This is more noticeable as a problem if you trying to operate a platoon using the higher command functionality. I can set up many of the things in the editor, but that takes away much of the fun and challenge of trying to do it real time in situations that are not planned. These are the squad abilities / options I would like to see in future updates of this game: Ready [support] weapons Hold ground, Open fire Face direction Execute order #1 at time A Set sequential orders requiring time or prompts to continue Ability to tell a squad to send only a portion of itself to do something With these options it would be much easier to set up intricate attacks in game to unknown situations as they arise. Essentially I am asking if you could expand the squad leader / higher command functionality. For all of these, I do mean set them up in game, not the editor. As an example, if you wanted to take a group of squads and clear an area, you will have a very hard time controlling them to work together without shooting each other. Anyway, I really do like what your team is working on; keep up the good work. -Vex
  2. Vex550

    Squad Control

    I think telling your squad to assault an area and then going back to make sure it doesn't happen until a set time is a bit clumsy. Also, its only in 5 minute blocks, full control of the time would be nicer. This is more about the hold position / open fire.
  3. Vex550

    Squad Control

    If it were possible, I would of course love to see predefined platoons, companies, etc. I would like it if these organisations operated as expected. A bonus would be to include the options in the editor to see how they operate and make your own organizations that operate differently. I would like to see that other stuff as a start though.