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About Sneagle

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  • Interests
    Grafik und Design, Flightsim, Painting for MS-Sim
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  • Biography
    Old Flightsimmer with a lot of Aircraftpaints for FS2000 up to FSX
  1. Sneagle

    (solved) 03 - The Cove

    Fly under 300 feed, if there is no one, you must see the group 3 a little south behind the two boats. Fly slow ( 150 knt ) to enter the marker for the wales. 3Green, Sneagle
  2. Sneagle


    Is there any Chance to create my own livery for the Light Chopper like this: ................Sneagle
  3. Sneagle

    (solved) 03 - The Cove

    Have take this Contrakt with this Steps: First, follow the Boat 1. Film group1 2. Fly to the Cargo ship 3, Fly West and film group 2 4. Fly north and film group 3 When this step finish and you are on the way back to Heliport, see a smoking Boat right hand side. Stop your fly to Heliport and hover for some times over the boat. After Message " Coast Guard will Informed about this " you can flight back to Heliport Sorry for my English, German User
  4. Sneagle

    (solved) 03 - The Cove

    3 Parts to Film. The second west of the Container Ship TheThird North 8 Look on the Map After this 3 steps and you are on the way back to Heliport see a Smoking Boat. Stop flying and Hover over it So the Coast Guard will be informed about this, than you can fly back to Heliport. Sorry for my English, German User