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About Mithious

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  1. Hi everyone, I'm new to TOH (and helicopters in general). I've been going through the training and haven't had any issues while in flight but I'm running into what seems to be a strange issue on take off. I'm sitting on the ground with collective fully down. If I move the cyclic (I'm using an X52 pro) I can see the rotors tilting. If I release the stick they visually return back to their original position. If I now increase collective to take off my helicopter immediately tilts alarmingly in whatever direction I last had the cyclic. For example. If I push the cyclic fully forward, then release, the rotors tilt forward, then go back again. If I now take off, without touching the cyclic, the helicopter just somersaults forward and I crash. This is making it very difficult to take of as I've absolutely no idea which direction it's going to lurch violently as soon as it starts to leave the ground. Any ideas? I know I could avoid moving the cyclic at all, however if I need to abort the takeoff I then run into this issue again.