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Everything posted by Xptical

  1. 120GB Intel SSD here. FPS isn't any better, loading times are *slightly* reduced. My guess is that the game uses a lot of compressed data on the hard drive. The loading times are due to the CPU decompressing data and dumping it to memory; they have little to do with actual HD transfer rates...
  2. Hi all, This may be a bit of a strange question: I have a 42" LCD TV with 1920*1080x60hz support. It is run via HDMI to my computer. If I run at full 1080P with AA on, what, exactly is being AAd? Is it doing sub-pixel rendering/smoothing? I guess what I'm really asking is this: 1. Is it better to run a lower resolution with more AA, or a higher resolution with less AA? 2. If the 3d resolution matches the monitor's native resolution, does AA help at all? Thanks...
  3. I understand that part. But what I'm asking is that if the sim is rendering using every pixel on the screen, then does FSAA really make things any smoother?
  4. Xptical

    DC Amps.

    Not sure about lead-acid batteries, but Lithium-Polymer battery level can be measured by checking the resistance of the cells. Higher resistance == lower charge.
  5. Xptical

    Just a minor joystick question

    I know X-Plane can use multiple controllers. Can ToH?
  6. Xptical

    Looking below the helicopter

    If you watch any of the logging shows on cable, one of them uses a heli for getting logs out. It has a huge bubble on the pilot's door; left-side IIRC.
  7. Xptical

    Frame rate

    Can it log framerate over a flight and then average the data for the flight? Maybe report max and min framerate?
  8. Xptical

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    Same here. I can hover in XP and FSX, but can't in ToH yet. It feels like there is lag between stick movement and heli response which is causing pilot induced oscillation...
  9. Xptical

    Frame rate

    I looked at Afterburner user guide and didn't see anything about recording framerates...
  10. Xptical

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    What's your opinion of X-Plane, FSX, and/or Black Shark? Not a hijack, just wondering what those others feel like compared to TOH...
  11. I'm currently playing on Trainee. The main reason for doing so is that the gauges are completely un-readable on expert. Unless there is some way of getting the easy-read gauges back on the screen in expert... But I digress. I know about keeping my airspeed between 50~150 and my rate of descent at -5. But wouldn't you really use the rotor speed indicator to manage your fall? Why can't we see things like engine RPM, head speed, etc easily? Even if I pan my view over there, the cockpit gauges are virtually unreadable...
  12. I can understand some intentional tradeoffs. After all, in a sim, you can't "feel" what's happening. Even with RC helis, a lot of things just happen without conscious thought. But some of the things you guys have mentioned are just plain annoying; The soft tail rotor; the pitching in-flight, rate of climb/descent, etc...
  13. In my RC helis, an auto is usually pretty steep; 70°~80° descent. In the auto training, they set it up fairly flat and require you keep a lot of forward speed to make the spot.
  14. Xptical

    Saitek X-52 Settings

    Rodger that. Also, FWIW, in the training missions, the NUM+4,6 are sometimes broken. If you are in the left seat, they snap. In the right seat (at least for the autorotation mission) they function "properly".
  15. Hi all, I know Saitek has their SST software; that's all well and good. But I prefer to map most of the controls as buttons. Especially in a fairly uncomplicated sim. There just isn't much need to program deadbands, macros, and flight modes. So, in most sims, my right hand is busy with cyclic and rudder. And my left hand is relatively free. I like to map my view controls to the hat switch on the throttle. These are buttons 20~23 in the Windows Control Panel. TOH doesn't seem to recognize these keypresses. Any reason why TOH would fail to see these keys? Thanks.
  16. Xptical

    Saitek X-52 Settings

    Sad to hear. I downloaded SST and I'm working up a profile now. I mapped the NUM+4,8,6,2 into the left hat. 8 and 2 work as expected. Head stays down or up until I command otherwise. 4 and 6 don't work the same. They seem to be mapped to a "glance". I release the hat and the pilot's head centers. Some of the commands require right or left ALT or CTRL. I don't think SST has a way to decide which ALT/CTRL key is pressed. Does it really matter if I'm using a specific key?
  17. Xptical

    HeadTracking settings

    Don't forget about FaceTrackNoIR: http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/home/default.htm Similar to fretrack, but no need for a modded camera or LED cap.
  18. I never had trails enabled. I tried disabling pointer shadow; no joy. Finally, I changed the theme to Windows 7 Basic. Still no success. I tried changing Resolution_W & H and Render_W & H to my desktop resolutions. Still no in-game pointer. ---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 AM ---------- This morning, I sat down and played with a lot of things. I fixed it; for me at least. In the Windows 7 Resolution, there is an option to make the default text larger or smaller. Since this is a Media Center PC, I have the test set to "larger". When I changed it back to "Default", it works perfectly. Could the devs do some research into this and see if the game can be patched to work with all text sizes? Thanks.
  19. Same here. Bought the game today and I can't play it. Windows 7 x64. Steam platform. Desktop resolution is 1920*1080.