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Everything posted by heli_flying

  1. what tools i need to do it?:confused: thanks ;)
  2. heli_flying

    First "Community Patch"

    yes, when the helicopter gain speed without dampers it become unstable but the trick is tweak the horizontal stabilizer lift coefficients to ensure enough counter force to the rotor natural nose down moment with speed, the lack of force in the stabilizer is evident when you past the 80 knots and the helicopter still flying leveled with a exaggerated fuselage nose down attitude the real behavior is a exponential and progressive need of forward cyclic input with speed to maintain the helicopter at the same level and the body attitude less negative due to the nose up moment induced by the horizontal stabilizer in this picture is evident the forward cyclic input with speed but the helicopter body still almost leveled:
  3. heli_flying

    First "Community Patch"

    i think this one may help with the control feeling: </FCSComponent> <FCSComponent type="FCSRotationDamper"> <YawController P="0.0" D="0"/> <PitchController P="0.0" D="0"/> <RollController P="0.0" D="0.00"/> </FCSComponent> P="0.0" disable the damping system and you get direct control like in the real one (h-500)
  4. heli_flying

    First "Community Patch"

    where i can write this commands??
  5. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    there is a manual from rtdynamics page: http://www.rtdynamics.com/v2/wp/2008/rotorlib-fdm/ click in evaluate, follow the installation instructions and look for the programmers guide 3.1.1 this explain with detail every value in the .xml file
  6. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    in this lines: </Blades> <Controls A1UL="6.5" A1LL="-6.5" B1UL="13" B1LL="-13.0" thetaLL="8" thetaUL="17.3" useExtendedCollectiveRange="false" /> </AerodynamicFeatures> </Rotor> A1= roll control input left/ right limit B1= pitch control input forward/backward limit thetaLL= collective lower limit thetaUL= collective upper limit
  7. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    i found a clue the last night about the ground effect: <Blades twist="-6"> <LiftCoefficient> 0 0.5 1.0 1.8 3.0 5.0 <----height from the ground in meters -180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -176 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 0.5133 -168 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.855 -160 0.665 0.665 0.665 0.665 0.665 0.665 -152 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 -144 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 0.8525 -136 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 0.7225 the last column are the values the rotor will use above this height, the same for the drag
  8. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    i use cpbo.exe when you run this for first time the program create a registry association to every folder and later to repack the folder just right click and select "create a pbo", in win7 run as administrator download it from this link: http://www.kegetys.net/dl.php/tools07072010.zip the folder to repack need config and prefix files in other words the last air_us_h folder air_us_h/h_sim/air_us_h and this is your new air_us_h.pbo work in the same way like the original put this one in the addons folder
  9. yes it work put this repacked subfolder into the addons folder, but do a backup first!!
  10. in the extraction you get the folder: air_us_h\hsim\air_us_h in the repacking process you need repack the last sub folder: air_us_h\data, helicopter_heavy... put the repacked pbo in the addons folder
  11. heli_flying

    Gun in freeflight

    armed private helicopter with miniguns and rockets pod, the pilot is armed with one m-4 carbine
  12. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    Thank you, i'm sure this can help a lot!! i have found some problems at high speed with pitch i attached this to the horizontal stabilizer, the real helicopters are more leveled in cruise the h stabilizer need to be more powerful with speed. Another bug is the main rotor rpm gauge in the medium, this one show the engines rpms instead the main rotor rpms, is there some way to get the main rotor rpms in the game? via script or something..:rolleyes:
  13. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    i think this one can do the job for the light in expert without auto trim but push your left pedal starting in freeflight mode!!
  14. heli_flying

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    that is the lift coefficient vs angle of attack and the lower list is drag vs angle of attack , nightsta1ker you are right when you say this is a tedious work :o my light.xml file in the spoiler (work in progress):
  15. heli_flying

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    you can change it yourself ;): 1.backup the original file first!! 2.unpack the air_us_h.pbo file located in the folder addons with Extractpbo (put dpbo.dll in the same folder) 3.in the extracted folder go to air_us_h > h_sim > air_us_h the last sub-folder is the folder you need repack to create the new air_us_h.pbo file (i do it with cpbo) 4.in this folder you have the 3 more sub folders medium, heavy and light into each folder you have a .xml file ej: Light-GenHeli600-DesktopSim.xml this is the config file to the light i edit this file with the notepad 5.repack and test (repack the sulfolder air_us_h> h_sim > air_us_h instead the entire extracted folder) note: locate the tools folder in the desktop and run as administrator (win 7 and vista) personally i've found the default ( ib= 1200 ) too low in the medium, with 1800 ~ 2200 improve the control authority and almost cancel the roll tendency with collective input due to the tail rotor high position, set the yaw control damper to 0 ~ 0.5 to get yaw torque effect
  16. the medium helicopter have 2 couples of engine rpm gauges that's fine in the way to improve the safety, but just a little mistake... :confused:where is the main rotor rpm gauge??? :confused: try to shut down both engines in flight and see there is 2 "main" rotor needles going down to zero but your still alive(first push down the collective) and the helicopter is with total control the only reference to the main rotor rpms is the vibration in my force feedback joystick :(
  17. if there is wind you have found your ghost ;) apply rotor brake and see what happen
  18. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    this appears to be lift vs angle of attack but why in columns? what mean this columns? 0, 0.4, 0.6.... :rolleyes:reynolds number:confused:
  19. yes is the maximum glide speed in a md500d, this speed in almost all helicopters is the best to do auto rotations just try it ;)
  20. the best autorotation speed in a md500d is 80knots in the game the "light" have similar behavior, you even need push up the collective a bit to avoid over speed the rotor
  21. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    thank you so much :) i can make a working pbo now
  22. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    i need repack to see the changes? i am totally new with this game thanks ;)
  23. heli_flying

    PBO view

    i tried eliteness with the file air_us_h.pbo unpack the file but i can´t repack the folder just show me the error message "No sqm or config detected pbo" :( there is a special settings to repack the folder? thanks in advance ;)
  24. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    i tried with pboview but no extract nothing just say "no arma pbo", i find collective maximum and minimum values, the minimum value is to high 8 degrees this is the reason this one is almost unable to auto rotate and no decent faster when the collective is in full down position, normal values in a real helicopter are around zero o even negatives values in asymmetrical foil blades but in the other hand if with 8 degrees you just need add weight and this is able to auto rotate mean the rotors flight dynamics are amazing!!
  25. heli_flying

    flight model editing

    many thanks ;) i can edit this file but eliteness dont let me reconvert the pbo file just show the message "No sqm or config detected pbo" when i try to convert the folder air_us_h :(