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About Cobra6

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  1. 4. Try enabling you TrackIR as a controller in the option menu, that way it should function like normal. you need to enable it, otherwise it won't work properly, can't see any sane reason why though if it's connected to thesystem. 13. True, I've experienced that a lot. Cobra 6
  2. Cobra6

    Minimizing still

    No biggy, we found it :) Cobra 6
  3. Accessibility can be achieved by turning off the realism options you don't want. The last thing we need (and want) for that matter is making this game more accessible to a larger audience. That is what happened to Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six as well, and look where they ended up. They turned from great games in ~2000 to dumb CoD/MoH clones and destroyed their own very essence. Keep the ArmA series as it is, if you want accessibility go play Operation Flashpoint 2. ArmA should remain the military simulator that it is, that is what got it it's dedicated and large fan-base and that is why it sells. Cobra 6
  4. Cobra6

    Chopper moves backwards

    My helicopter goes onto it's right side instantly, it's really REALLY hard to keep it somewhat straight when going for a slow collective. Cobra 6
  5. Cobra6

    Minimizing still

    You might be correct, the setting is not in the your_nick.TakeOnHProfile like said before but in TakeOnH.cfg I'm experiencing these minimalisations as well, I'll try out the fix. Cheers, Cobra 6