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About MoreThot

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  1. MoreThot

    Thinking about buying...

    Yeah i've got a pretty decent rig, im about to upgrade my video card from the nvidia gts 250 i think, to the nvidia gtx 580 along with a new power supply, all intended for bf3 though.
  2. Hey guys, I've been thinking about purchasing this game but i had a few questions to ask first... Most important is my joystick, im using a pretty basic joystick, a Logitec Attack 3, it works perfectly when im flying in arma 2 whether im just transporting or in a gunship. I was curious if i am going to get the same results flying in take on helicopters as i do in arma? also, i was wondering if there will be any military aspect to this game? It mostly seems civilian from what I've seen, personally i like a little bit of "danger" and such out of my flying like there is in arma flying into a ao and back out continuously while under fire without going down. Is there going to be anything comparable to this in the game? Right now I'm currently all in Battlefield 3 right now so im just curious as well to know if this will be worth it or should i just stick with jumping on arma 2 and stick with my flying there?