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About nPulse

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  1. nPulse


    The jazzy theme reminds me of the fun I had with SimCopter years ago :)
  2. Thanks for helping me out :) Yep, I've tried to remap the controls by using the default g940 profiles. But still its way to sensitive to fly with.. It's strange because in DCS:BS it's working just fine. The collective isn't really the problem, I think it needs some sort of damping. Even if I leave the cyclic untouched, add some collective, the helicopter immediately starts moving :/ I wonder how your sensitivities and deadzones are set, and what are your ForceFeedback Control Panel settings for the device?
  3. Yes its calibrated. The joystick is indeed very sensitive. As soon as add just a little collective, the helicopter starts moving in all directions and crashes. I cant get it in a stable hover :(
  4. Hi, I'm using a Logitech G940 but the sim is unflyable with it. The take-offs and landings are hard even in the tutorial mode... I've tried changing deadzones, sensitivities, changed the forcefeedback behaviour. Even turned it off, installed the logitech profiler software again.. But without any luck. Does someone have the correct sensitiviy settings and deadzone settings? Or any other ideas? :confused: Thanks! :)