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About KBK

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  1. Hehe nah I figured that truck was important so I snatched an RPG from a dead hadji and blew that sucker up! Big truck with an Explosives sign on it, now way I'm not gonna light that candle up! __________ I was thinking about the starting position and the discussion you had before about randomizing it and stuff. What I would like to see, personally, would be a number of set starting positions and then randomize which one you start in. What I'm getting to here is to have a bunch of FOBs or PBs at places that seem natural, like the old military installations, the airports and such where it feels natural that an occupying force would set up a base. Have them permanently set up, defended ofc, so that you can randomly start in one and then go pay a visit to the others of you feel like it. Not too many though, only a handful so it still feels like you're in bandit country. But I have no idea how all this modding and mission making works so that may be a huge task and too much to ask for.
  2. Wow man this mission has potential to be something great! I told myself to only give it a 10 minute trial before going to sleep but an hour later I was knee deep in sheeaat! Really immersive and awesome! @JuggernautOfWar: I've been having the same problem with textures flickering between good and horrible quality, objects looking like they are taken out of Minecraft and stuff for the last couple of days. I played around some with the settings and I think the video memory was f*cked because when I changed that to Low and then back to Default it fixed the problem all in all. Just to make sure I changed all the other settings before maxing them out again and I havn't seen issues since. If you havn't already, give it a shot. I figured I'd do this yankee-doodle style and just cowboy my way through. Picked a medium size town on the map, Bastam, and figured it'd have some religious nuts to interrogate and sure enough the town was crawling with em. I pretty much rounded up half the town in the center street and began my mass interrogation. Woop-tee-doo I won't do that mistake again! In the corner of my eye I say a couple guys run off, they obviously knew what was going on. The gunner in my HMMV reported a spotter eyeing us from a hill and seconds later all hell broke loose. A couple civvies opened up on us with handguns but luckily their shooting was as tacky as their english and we just mowed em down much to the displeasure of their family and friends standing next to us on the street. As the gunfire faded we heard vehicles. Out of nowhere a couple of technicals armed with dshk'as rolled in from the east side of town and from the west two BTR-40s and a truck. That was a hell of an ambush they had in store for us. It's a miracle we made it out alive. Well, those of us that did. The new guy, the Pvt carrying the CG took a couple 50cals to the chest and was blown in half but the rest of us made it out in one piece. Poor guy was on his first mission first deployment. Should've paid some attention and not acted like he thought he was Arnold and maybe his parents wouldn't have had him delivered on their doorstep in a f*cking box. Anyway we managed to get some intel off of one of the women. Saddest poker face I've ever seen. She couldn't have lied about the colour of her panties even though she wore one of them burkas or dish dashs or whatever they're called. Bet she was a hottie under there. I know you're not supposed to talk to their women but f*ck that I'm here to do a job and it's not my fault this piece of worthless dirt in the middle of nowhere is all effed up. If I didn't know better I'd think she was coming on to me. Yeah, she totally was. Whatever. She told us she knew this guy who was some mid level commander, she even showed us where he lived, some piece of sh*t place called Huz... Huzurbsomething... Habadabaville. Sh*t, come to think of it if she knew that guy she was probably a f*ckin insurgent herself. She could've had a bomb vest under that derkaderk and blown us to hell and we would've been none the wiser. F*cking c***. If I ever go there again I'll detain that b*tch and let the MPs have some fun with her. It's a f*cking miracle we got there without hitting a hundred IEDs or getting ambushed. Hell, that trip took way too long 'cause of all the suspected IEDs and me having to crawl out and check em. But we finally got there. Set up the HMMV on a hill to provide overwatch with the 50 as the rest of us went to find the guy. We found him hiding in a hedge behind the houses like a little b*tch. Someone obviously saw us coming and warned him but instead of running he tried to hide. I gotta give it to him, I mean most people try to run and then die tired. But this guy, he just sat there as I introduced the business end of my 249 to his face. Called it in and like two minutes later those SF guys rolled in with their million dollar blackhawk. Dudes must've already been on their way. Creeps me out how they know all that sh*t before anyone even called it in. Bro I'd like to tap into their moneyvein though, the gear those guys are rocking is all f*ckin Gucci. Sh*t must cost a fortune. And then there was this guy in all his f*ckin bling space suit carrying an M14 like he's a cowboy. Bet he's an *sshole. Anyway the SF crew took the guy and split. We took a lap through town to try and find the guy who ratted us. Could be anyone. To be honest, it was probably the entire town. As we were talking to this guy saying he didn't know sh*t and wanted us to leave his little sh*thole town alone a f*cking RPG whizzed right passed us and hit I sh*t you not no more than 30m behind me. Those ragheads don't mess around and apperently don't give a sh*t if they blow their own guys up. I have no idea if anyone got hit in the blast by that one but everyone was screaming and running around knocking sh*t over. My 50 opened up on something, who knows what, and the rest of us tried to find cover and find out where the RPG came from. A second RPG flew right into the town and hit a woman in the legs or whatever she used to have under that dishkaderk. She landed in the middle of the street. That's the first time I've seen what a Taki woman looks like under the robe. I hope they look better Pre-RPGd because that sh*t was nasty. We opened up in the general direction where the RPGs came from. I must've emptied like three cans of 556. Whatever was in there sure was dead now, there's no way you could've lived through that. My gunner in the 50 told me we had incoming from the north so we repositioned and waited for them to come in range. I swear when we lit those f*ckers up it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The second burst I fired zipped right across two guys in a car, hit one of them in the head and it blew up like when you shoot a water melon, it was awesome. The guys in the other car got out and tried to make a run for it. F*ckers thought they could outrun a 50. I f*cking love tracers. It's like lazers ripping holes in people like some crazy space sh*t from old movies. F*cking ace! Anyway that's all for now. I'm gonna catch some shut-eye. Hope I don't get RPGd in my sleep.
  3. KBK

    [CAMP] Carrier Operations - Duala

    I've had some time to play through the campaign now and I gotta give you props for it man! I had a great time with the aerial missions as well as the sneaky ones. It feels so good to know that all those hours spent practicing carrier landings weren't wasted. :P The only little issue I had with the campaign was the Littlebird mission. While it is a little unrealistic to send a single AH-6 in to take care of the baddies in broad daylight, I understand why you chose this bird. An AH-1Z would've been the proper choice but it also would've made it too easy. The littlebird is also a wonderful machine to fly although very fragile. With the AI tuned up a notch, like I usualy play, they just turned their PKMs towards my bird and shot me down time and time again. It took quite a few tries and some creative flying to get the quick drop on the baddies and take them out with rockets while they were still in their trucks. If they were able to get out and spread out into the jungle I was toast. Apart from that it was alot of fun and with some polishing this is one of the better campaigns out there!
  4. KBK

    [CAMP] Carrier Operations - Duala

    I got em from the link. I always update my manually since software like Six Updater always have a buffer time to provide the latest updates. I've redownloaded and reinstalled the addons twice now, just to make sure the error is not on my machine. Edit: j_frost: Sorry I must have missed your reply, my bad. Maybe I should go see an eye-doctor hehe ;) I am only using the pilot provided with the F18, as instructed. That's the "mar_pilot" im blabbering on about. But it's obviously working for you guys, so I'll try again to iron out every bump on my part, I'll get back to you when I've done so. Edit 2: Success! I went through all of my modfolders and addon catalogues in search of errors and I found another file called "mar_pilot". How that one got there and what pilot it is I have no idea since I'm not able to see anything besides the BiS default and F18 pilots ingame. I deleted it however and then reinstalled all the F18 etc addons and viola! The hills are alive to the sound of an angry metal hornet!
  5. KBK

    [CAMP] Carrier Operations - Duala

    Any word on the Pilot issue that a few of us are experiencing? When loading the first mission, the mission is looking for "mar_fighter_pilot" instead of "mar_pilot" which is the name of the actual unit, and thus aborts/CTDs/whatever it does when it can't find units it's depending on. Yes, this is with all the latest versions of the F18, Pilot, Nimitz, campaign and so on. I havn't got it working yet due to this issue so I havn't been able to play the campaign but since I'm one of the flyboys I'm really looking forward to try it out.
  6. KBK

    [CAMP] Carrier Operations - Duala

    Mando Missiles is optional as far as I know, anybody who wants can just pop it in and use it. You don't need to make that a requirement, in fact, please don't! :P While it's really awesome and such, it can get really annoying in certain situations, especially in gunships, with all the targeting features messing eachother up and the HUD being excessively cluttered. About the pilot: I'm getting the same error as the other guy when trying to launch the campaign. It seems like you are either using a different pilot or the old pilot class name in your campaign structure. It's looking for "mar_fighter_pilot" (which was the name of the pilot in an older version of the F18) when the actual pilot addon (latest version) is called "mar_pilot". I'm using all the latest versions of the required addons, I even re-downloaded them just to make sure, and I'm unable to play the campaign.
  7. Edit: I was dumb. Great mission man, I'm having so much fun with this!
  8. KBK

    [SP] Zero

    Seems that my savegame on this mission has gone corrupt :( Time of day (ingame): ~19:30 Number of saves: 9 + 1 Continue point Progression: Both militia groups hired, Supply depot and Radio tower raided/destroyed, camped in the hills above the SW harbour. Error message: "Cannot load HDD:/Documents/ArmA 2/Saved/missions/Clay_Zero.chernarus/continue.ArmA2OASave" Tried changing which savegame it loads from but I get the same message about the other savegame files. Might be an error in my client though? I'm not too familiar with the guts and gears of ArmA2 so I don't really know. ================================= I absolutely love the dynamics of the mission. After having successfully stolen alot of equipment including a much needed ammo truck from the supply depot, I was hungry for more. It was already dark when I spotted a convoy consisting of two offroad vehicles and one ammo truck, all ripe with fuel and munitions. So we quickly set up an ambush at a chokepoint. Needless to say they didn't stand a chance. Going through the corpses I found something invaluable, a pair of NVGs was strapped to the leader's head. My luck was greater than I had imagined, three fully fuled vehicles, ammo up to my ears and a major nighttime advantage! It turned out though, that I was not the only one who held great value to that convoy. Shortly after their demise the familiar thunder of heavy helicopters came rolling over the hills. Two Mi-8s began dropping troops just to the north of our position and accompanying them on the ground was a BMP-2 and a Pickup(PK). We jumped in the vehicles and tried our best to escape but the wall of bullets was too thick. The ammo truck was hit first and went up in a ball of fire, burning the driver alive. Their BMP then made quick work out of the other two vehicles as they tried to speed out of there. Out of ten brave, only four made it back alive. I traded six of my men and half of my ammo (I employ the Navy Seal tactics of escape, keep that trigger scolding hot while you make your retreat) for a pair of NVGs. Don't bite off more than you can chew eh? :D
  9. KBK

    [SP] Zero

    Fantastic mission! You really caught the feel of being the underdog and having to resort to guerilla tactics. I got a bit bold (lazy) after having taken the Supply Depot by force and it didn't take long before I got my face kicked in by a counterattack :D I guess I should've just picked up what I could carry and gotten the heck out of there :D 5/5
  10. KBK

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Alert! Greenhorn about to post, ready your flamethrowers! First off I want to thank you for this fantastic addon, it is truly one of the great additions everyone should put in their ArmA2 client. I have however encountered a rather annoying issue when combining this aircraft with another addon, yeah you guessed it, the Nimitz carrier (props to respective owners). I feel the need to mention that I have spent about an hour or so exercising my google-fu and searching these forums for the same issue but I havn't come across it yet, which sort of makes me afraid I'm the only one missing out on these addons' full potential. Now to the point. The problem occurs when landing on the Nimitz carrier and it behaves in such a way that I believe it is related to the aircraft in question rather than the carrier, but as I'm no wizard when it comes to addons I could be wrong. I point the plane along the on-board runway, drop the gear, flaps, tailhook and reduce speed to about 250kph, let the plane glide towards the appropriate landing zone, touch the deck and floor the throttle (so to speak) to simulate an actual carrier landing. So far so good, the wheels hit the deck just fine and the hook catches the cables and stops the aircraft. However about midway through the deceleration the landing gear starts to retract into the aircraft, playing the retraction animation and all, and ends up setting the aircraft on it's belly, causing severe damage. Any attempt to launch the aircraft turns it into a giant fireball travelling at 196kph and shortly after launch hitting the ocean. Now, I have ofcourse tried landing other aircraft than the F18 on the Nimitz carrier and they all do fine, F14s, F15s, F16s, F22s, F35s, Eurofighters and so on and neither of them have this issue, they all work just fine. I have also tried different approach vectors, speeds etc as if that would have any effect. I even went so far as to uninstall the entire game, removing all the addons and downloading them again after the fresh install but the problem persists. I am, ofcourse, using all the latest versions. I don't really know if You can do anything about this problem or if there would have to be some sort of collaboration to find our what's going on. I'm also sorry if this has been reported several times before, I have not been able to find anyone else describing this exact problem but then again I have been known to not always find everything that's lurking around the interwebs.