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About tucan

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  1. tucan


    Finally have found the solution. For those who run into the same problem: 1. install A2 and OA to separate folders 2. install Six Updater 3. in 6updater install OA beta ( - JayArma2Lib is compatible with it) 4. install other mods including ACRE together with JayArma2Lib 5. set the game folder in 6updater to your OA installation folder 6. set Preset to: A2 OA - A.C.E. 7. set Profile to: A2 OA Combined Ops 8. launch the game from 6updater
  2. tucan


    Thank you for quick reply:) I've tried arma2OA.exe but with the same result. I'm launching it via shortcut with following params: -noSplash -noFilePatching -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_USNAVY;@JayArma2Lib;@ACRE. I've A2 and OA installed in the same folder. Also tried to set the path to the installation folder in SU and launch OA from there or change the registry entries according to http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater+FAQ#Paths%20%28Game,%20mods,%20pack%20etc%29, nothing helped. Really don't have an idea where the problem could be and am afraid that simply reinstalling won't help much.
  3. tucan


    I've bought ArmA Anniversary edition, installed A2 and OA. When starting the game an error pops up saying: "JayArma2Lib: Incompatible version of ArmA2 or unable to check version." I've tried to reinstall both ACRE and JayArma2Lib, manually and via 6updater with no result. Could the problem be that my A2 version is 1.10.80665 while JayArma2Lib supports 1.09?