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About bobsbarricades

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  1. bobsbarricades

    Anyone interested in doing CO-OP?

    so the "missions" are different from the "campaign?" Good to know! ha, well I guess I'll check out the campaign's and see what they're like. What are the more popular infantry co-op community missions? I guess that depends on who I can find to play with though, so recommendations on finding the right group of guys? It seems like there are lots out there but...the wide berth of the game seems to have made the community much the same; everyone carving out their own little ArmA slice. It doesn't seem like going at it with 1 or 2 other people happens too often.
  2. bobsbarricades

    Anyone interested in doing CO-OP?

    When I used "core" I just meant the ArmA2 (non-OA) missions; I didn't know if just saying ArmA2 would be clear. I'll be interested in doing any missions from ArmA2 or OA. I figure it'll be best to play the campaign missions before diving into mods in full online play, yea? Plus if there are ways to handle the AI better I'd like to learn those tricks as I want to be able to play this with my brother this winter when he's home.
  3. ..with a noob? I'm going through all the OA tutorials trying to give this game the proper learning time but even in the tutorials I'm running into what turned me off the last time... the AI. I'd like to love this game but it's community is so intense it's hard to get your foot in the door without filling out some kind of application =/ Just curious if I can find somebody else in my shoes, or someone interested in working through some of the OA/Arma2 core missions in co-op that might be more experienced. That's the biggest + IMO that DR had over ARMA2 in the past - it was a lot easier to setup a co-op match =/ BTW I'm in USEast - don't know how important that is for connection purposes (but my home connection isn't the fastest that's for sure ^o^)
  4. I just wanted to make sure this was still the best way to do this. If I click on that file it loads CO, but I'm curious if there's a way to make this available in steam as well as if there are any updates that I should load to maximize my ability to play with others.