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Posts posted by shibidiboo

  1. In mission 04, Coltan Blues, after I beat the mission it simply fades to black, and then nothing happens. I've tried restarting the mission several times, I've tried lowering my graphics, closing all background applications (Steam, skype...) but it always follows that exact behavior- After beating the mission it fades to black and nothing happens.

    This is on Operation Arrowhead only. No mods, I have ARMAII but its not installed.

    Intel Core2 Duo (3ghz)

    Nvidia GTX470

    4GB RAM

    hey man, had the exact same problem what i did to get around it is right after i downed the last su25 and got the task complete, i just held down left shit and the - on the keypad let go (nothing new is going to appear) but even though you dont see anything like i thought a cheat menu or new window would pop up or something which nothing did so you just type endmission, and it will clear it. I got all tasks completed and everything so it didnt discredit me for missing any parts. hope this helps.
