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10 Good

About kordax

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  1. kordax

    I expected a 'Planes' Showcase'

    No, he is a smart ass. He want's to prove us he is very smart and act like "well known fan" here. You must respect him, ha. Bucketnate Nobody cares what you expected. People gave lots of cash for deluxe edition, to support "poor" developers. Mission completed. :rolleyes:
  2. kordax

    Showcase Review

    Only ignorant fan boys can ignore the fact, that weapon recoil is nearly zero on rifles (I'm not even speaking about 45 acp smgs lol). I remember a recoil back to Alpha (they were feeding veterans) and present recoil. It's clearly, katipo666 was right... "Probably because thats one part of the market they hope to entice?" They want a market of cod kids spraying auto fire, end of story. It's like your favourite metal band started to sing about ponies with Justin Bieber.
  3. kordax

    Showcase Review

    How can 270km^2 with 50% of water be great? You sir are another fun boy. Trust me, this game will get a lower rating than all previous arma series... but even when everyone will rate it low, you fanboys will be the ones who jump around and scream "THIS GAME IS COOL YOU F** I WILL FIND YOU IRL GO PLAY COD".
  4. kordax

    Boehmia, be reasonable, and honest.

    Okay, you know it better.
  5. kordax

    Boehmia, be reasonable, and honest.

    Your butts are on fire. I think it's also because of one thing: This game doesn't worth the price.
  6. TBA? Doesn't tell me anything :O
  7. You made my day... i was tired filtering non-dayz servers today, thnx for awesome update.
  8. so? of course, because it's not updated.
  9. My video options works well, PPAA and ATOC added to UI. (Russian version) Also, how much time left for linux 1.62 server?
  10. kordax

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    haha, nice one then, you got me BIS
  11. kordax

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    And this? http://www.arma2.com/images/stories/2_fog.jpg (112 kB)
  12. It was the same with 1.60 RC's Just wait some for final release and relax. I'm not playing more than 2 weeks, just because waiting for 1.62 Final Release and 1.62 Linux server. and im sexy
  13. kordax

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Stay here for a while and wait until somebody
  14. kordax

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Keep it up, lmao... i feel that i'm forced to LAUGH!