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About azreal64

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  1. azreal64

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Nice to see a new version of this released, especially since I haven't played ArmA II in so long. My only question is this; is this new v6 version compatible with the latest patches for ArmA II, OA, and ACE? I think the last time I used this addon, a new patch for OA had been released, and the two weren't compatible, so in the end I had to use an earlier OA patch.
  2. Hey guys, just wanted to stop by and say how awesome MCC is. I pretty much gave up playing ArmA II until I stumbled upon it. Anywho, I had a quick question. I'm trying to get the fastroping option to work. I can call in the helicopter (using Chinook) and get it into position, but I can't seem to find the option on how to deploy the actual ropes. I see them in the cargo bay, but that's as far as I get. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.