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About Krikit386

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  1. How does one spawn a dismembered torso? I know how to make one, like hitting an infantry unit with an RPG, but how can I place one in the editor? I'm trying to make a mission where as your floating down in your parachute, you look around, only to see what's left of your co-pilot floating down, also. I got all the scripting done, I just need to find out what the torso is called.
  2. Thanks for the help, high five!
  3. So how do I recreate a destroyed object inthat it will be destroyed when the game starts? I know that you can adjust the health slider, which works ok, but it doesn't look to good, seeing the people and vehicles die right in front of you. It's also annoying trying to create plane crashes without said plane having to crash into a tree or something similar. And before you ask, yes, I checked the BIKI. I also used the search function on the forums.
  4. So how do I make a helicopter pick up a pilot using an if-then statement? So far, I get that I need to put if (pil1 setCaptive false) then but I have no idea what to do next. Can someone help me out?