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About nycapken

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  1. nycapken

    Ladder climbing

    Thanks people, Are all ladders in the Arma2 and ArmaOA able to be climbed or just some of them? How about with the ACE@ mod? Ken ---------- Post added at 08:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 AM ---------- It seems to be ACE2 I am having the problem. I just went into Desert in Arma2 and climbed the Oil Rig with no problem. In Ace2 I was unable to get the green action symbol. Is there a command in Ace2 for climbing? Thanks Ken ---------- Post added at 08:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 AM ---------- Nevermind, Found the answer just use middle mouse in ACE2. Different action then Arma2. Thanks for the help. Ken
  2. How to climb a ladder? Thanks Ken
  3. nycapken

    Night Missions

    Thanks Loyalguard! Thats what I was missing.
  4. How does one create a night mission? Can night be set in the editor or does it require a script? Thanks
  5. nycapken

    No OPFOR in Map View

    No I wasn't talking about map markers. I discovered finally that you only see enemy forces when you get fairly close to them. Thanks anyway for the suggestion. Ken
  6. nycapken

    No OPFOR in Map View

    Thanks Beagle ---------- Post added at 04:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ---------- I don't have those difficulty levels. I am set on novice and still do not see the enemy on the map when in battle. Only see them in the editor. Ken
  7. I have seen you tube videos where during a battle the map is brought up and Opfors are shown in red on the map. I only see friendlys. I am using the ARMA2 CD version updated to 1.10. Is there a way to show them also.
  8. I'm just trying to add an ammo box in the mission editor. When I select class, ammo is not listed. Is this not how it is to be done. Ken
  9. ARMA2 cd version. Updated to 1.05 and then 1.10. I don't have any way of adding ammo. Should i not be able to select Unit-Class-Ammo? Ken