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Everything posted by PlacidPaul

  1. The ACE spectator is very nice. Does anyone know if there is a script for it in vanilla? onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs _this call ace_fnc_startSpectator that's how i have it
  2. You could also useUPSMON. The script has a demo that comes with. In this demo you will see a guerilla team run to road, plant mines then run back to cover and wait for ambush. You can then use the demo to understand how it was done, very simply.
  3. I haven't allowed myself to get really hyped about ArmA3 yet. So i haven't read much yet. But i know the campaign is single player, and this is disappointing. But, I very much understand why, and actually think its a good move. But, that's not what should be discussed here. I'm interested in what long time OFP/ArmA players expect out of the single player campaign. Being that it is not COOP, it should be no holds barred! This is why it's a smart move by BIS. I'm not even sure if anyone gives their campaigns much attention, except (CWC) which was single player. Should the campaign have a ulterior purpose, besides bringing a immersive dynamic story? I definitely believe the campaign should have a purpose, showcasing the mission editor. That goes without saying right? Every mission should have this goal. SinglePlayer missions should be missions that anyone can make in the editor. This should be the first look at highlighting every cool thing we can do in the editor. One possible purpose could be to focus on, attract, and cater the new players. This is often done by leading the player, by spoon feeding game mechanics and responsibility. :j: Although even veteran players will need some mechanic adjustment, how many missions will be wasted on this? I really prefer games that throw you in the fire, theses games are nearly dead. But, I find them much more replayable. I believe the majority of armaholics could gag at these "throw away missions", lose interest and put the campaign away. It really depends on how much handholding happens over how many missions. I hope this is kept at a minimum. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to see what they do. As it seems something they are actively trying to improve upon the past. My expectations are like i said no holds barred, particularly with the purpose of showing the players how awesome the game can be with the use of the Mission Editor.
  4. PlacidPaul

    Single Player Campaign/ Purpose and Expectations

    It sounds crazy, but so many shooters could learn something from that masterpiece. But, I don't think they should, they have so much of their own games to learn from. I just hope they understand what the best was and why. Everyone brings up CWC, but they have heard that before. One problem with a highly dynamic campaign is that, it has to be good enough to play again for the dynamic parts to be worth the bother. What's the point if the user doesn't know how dynamic it is or ever care enough to go back and see? The player has to be aware that he is making choices and that there are consequences. If you do this with characters, they have to be memorable enough to notice their gone and to understand the impact of them missing. The other route could be optional objectives, that impact further missions. A little dry and boring. It's not nearly as interesting as good characters dying.
  5. I played this with one friend (in ACE) and we really enjoyed it. It definitely fits the style of mission i like. My only criticism is that the Cherno objective turns into a bit of a shooting gallery. It might have something to with the pipe on the pier and AI pathfinding. Only a couple groups to the north came out of pier. Seems like everyone got stuck out there. That objective also seemed more like the final objective due to the amount of enemy ai. Conversely, the objective in Electro was very reactive and the ai did maneuver and flank us very well. Overall it was great, loved the objective updates with no real briefing. Do you have more older missions?
  6. PlacidPaul

    User mission requests!

    Umm....... OK, I don't think it fails. I'm not sure why i'm compelled to help with this problem, but here goes Urban-Conquest-by-tvig0r0us It can be adjusted, so have at it!
  7. PlacidPaul

    user mission list,

    I would use something like that aswell. But, like you said so many players have different tastes. It would however be helpful if it was something consistent and in more of a editorial manner. Maybe something similar to metacritic would be the proper approach. But that would take a large community effort to be effective. Not many people return to armaholic to score a mission that they previously downloaded. Until BIS has a mission database that you access in game and then can score mission upon completion, this won't happen. OR one persons critical review would be very entertaining. That would be a very tough and large responsibility. We all know how the internet encourages extreme behavior without repercussion. But, if it was the right person it would be awesome. But, I think that would be a full time job, starting years ago.
  8. PlacidPaul

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    * edit * scratch that = not sure about 1.6
  9. Does it freeze only for BattleEye required servers? I currently have this problem, and I'm problem solving with support from B.E. It is quite frustrating to get the complete freeze. Plus, i never had this problem until sometime in september.
  10. PlacidPaul

    Improved and simplified Mission Editor?

    I hope they don't remove features, but I think they can make things more simplified. The more user interface that represents code (like syncing) the better. Don't laugh, but the 3d editor from little big planet by media molecule has some great examples of this. Something that they do is color coding objects into groups or arrays. This is something i think would help the low level editor (without colors) A user interface that groups objects. Click on the interface group name of your choice and highlight all the units. This is something from ....:j: Dragon Rising editor that i really liked. You could group entire OPFOR side, subcatagories of areas, and subcatagories within thoughs areas, within User Interface. Then reference them in script. Also, make in editor object-sets with User Interface. Basically, put any object into sets including triggers and waypoints, this doesn't spawn from beginning, but spawns whenever you want. I guess it would be like some kind of sub sqm or it creates sqf from within editor, i don't know. This would help many beginners. Beginners should make simple missions, but don't, maybe the editor should focus on what it takes for a complete mission created simply. Objectives and Briefings are probably the farthest behind section in the editor for beginners. I really have no complaints with the editor, I think it's awesome. If there's something you think it can't do, just search more. I probably does. When BIS acknowledges trying to make things "simpler", I don't think this should raise any alarm for the old editor veterans, it shouldn't need to become limited.
  11. I was wondering the same, but then just started using this {doGetOut _x;} forEach units grp What i liked about this was there are no voice commands being spoken, everyone just gets out.
  12. PlacidPaul

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Awesome, glad to see your back working on this. I'm sure your skill has grown since first releasing this island. I actually thought the town in near the center (with only northeast access), made for some interesting options. I have a mission with blockades on the only three accesses to that valley. One was in a narrow valley, IMO hope this stays. I've looked everywhere for something similar, can't find it. But, I will enjoy whatever you decide to do. Your maps are the best! Thanks for all your work.
  13. Have you tried this, I know it works with SeaHawk. I Just call this sqf with onActivation of Waypoint, didn't have a problem. But, I didn't read the whole thread, so i'm not sure of your problem Helo1 fire "CMFlareLauncher"; sleep 1; Helo1 fire "CMFlareLauncher"; sleep 1; Helo1 fire "CMFlareLauncher"; sleep 1; Helo1 fire "CMFlareLauncher"; sleep 1; Helo1 fire "CMFlareLauncher"; Also, the script has to run on the machine the driver of helo1 is local to.
  14. PlacidPaul

    Recommended MP framework.

    This is another Link that is helpful Multiplayer_scripting. Also, Locality_in_Multiplayer. Although, the multiplayer scripting is dated. It would be nice if someone could update the sqs to sqf.
  15. Can someone tell me the arma equivilent to this LUA code totaldestruction = 0; totaldestruction = totaldestruction +1; if totaldestruction == 4 then dosomething Can you keep track of values and add to them in this way, with publicVariables in arma? I have many optional objectives, I'm looking to find when certain numbers of them have been completed. Say ten optional objectives, I want to know when 3 of them have been completed, but it doesn't matter which ones. Each objective completion gets a corresponding -> tskObj1done=true; publicVariable "tskObj1done" There are probably many ways to do this, but was wondering about pulicVariables and values.
  16. PlacidPaul

    Recommended MP framework.

    Obviously arma is extremely flexible , and everyone has their own tastes. So many mission makers try to make something that is for everyone. But, in my opinion this just waters down the intended experience. This is the problem with the mainstream videogame industry, each game tries to appeal to a wide audience for obvious reasons ($). So games don't have the vision they once had, and there just a combination of what people have previously liked and bought. So, I say focus on the specific experience it will give the player, that's what makes a great mission. The arma community is large, this should allow mission designers to focus on their vision without trying to please everyone. Everyone doesn't have to like it. But, they should be able to easily find something they do.
  17. PlacidPaul

    Recommended MP framework.

    I hope there's some constructive responces to this question, as it's something i've been constently searching and un-pbo-ing missions to see what others have done. This is something that has been helpful http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_framework#Remote_script_execution_.28RE.29. Though, I haven't been using alot of Remote Execution. It's just something to get your head wrapped around the list at the bottom. I've been using Public Variables in combonation with isServer and !isDedicated, and its enough for my low level right now , but i don't know crap.:p As far as Viewdistance, it's jsut my opinion. But, I think the mission designer is better off setting viewdistance and it's very important to the gameplay of the mission.
  18. PlacidPaul

    ACR Patrol rearming Possible?

    No, I don't know anything about a error? I just got a failed mission, then it overwrote my last save.
  19. PlacidPaul

    ACR Patrol rearming Possible?

    I tried heading south to other base to find ammo. The mission ended, and i lost my save! :mad:
  20. PlacidPaul

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I'll second that. I have a mission that needs a wall breach to prisoner. I was hoping to just use C4, but it doesn't do anything. Only satchels worked. So yes, C4 seems underpowered. But, i bet it might look strange to have a whole wall disappear with smaller explosion. Really all i've ever use it for is disabling vehicles.
  21. PlacidPaul

    ACR Coop Missions Pack

    This is because the mission is set in or near winter. The ground doesn't show up because it's cold. Seriously, i'm not kidding, change the date and you'll see.
  22. PlacidPaul

    mission title issue

    The in game mission name is entered in Name: field, within the INTEL box. Near mission description, time, date, weather, and independent side. The name you enter when saving is only for mission files in your documents.
  23. PlacidPaul

    FHQ Coop Mission Pack 2

    I would agree with that! They are very well made, and i'll probably refer back to them many times. I played most of them with friends and had no problems in ACE. We haven't had any deaths until "Bor never changes"! Can't wait to complete that one properly. Have the FHQ functions and multiplayer framework been published anywhere, looks nice. Though i'm still very noobish and haven't done any FSM, i'll probably look through these multiple times. Thanks for the great missions. Loved the design!
  24. PlacidPaul

    BEClient not responding

    I decided to unistall battle eye and see if it could solve anything. I wasn't sure about how to reinstall B.E., but i thought i heard you can just join and it will reinstall then. I think this worked and i was able to join B.E. server! But, then it seemed to stop working. So i tracked down my location of the new B.E. and only found a .dll in Users/admin/appData/Local/arma2OA/, so i deleted this and tried again. It will work if i'm getting a fresh ingame update of this dll. But, then needs to be deleted again. Does anyone know whats goin on with this?! Or if i did or how to reinstall batteye properly?
  25. PlacidPaul

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Is there anyway to force AI to switch the weapon on their back to hands or secondary slot? Alternatively, it might be nice if Parachute worked while on back, rather than secondary slot. Eliminating need for switch.