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Everything posted by PlacidPaul

  1. Ok, well this is easy to fix. I just edited to top of the script and placed in mission folder scriptName "coverMap.sqf"; /* File: fn_coverMap.sqf Author: Karel Moricky Description: Covers unused part of the map Parameter(s): _this: OBJECT - Area Trigger Returns: Nothing */ _pos = _this select 0; _posX = _pos select 0; _posY = _pos select 1; _size = _this select 1; _sizeX = _size select 0; _sizeY = _size select 1; _zoneProtection = _this select 2; _dir = 0; _sizeOut = 100000; _sizeBorder = (_sizeX max _sizeY) / 50; if (isnil "bis_warningDis") then {bis_warningDis = 100}; if (isnil "bis_minefield") then {bis_minefield = {}}; if (isnil "bis_minefield_explode") then {bis_minefield_explode = {}}; _colorForest = "colorkhaki"; _colorDesert = "coloryellow"; _colors = if (worldname in ["Takistan","Zargabad","Mountains_ACR","Shapur_BAF","Ardistan"]) then { ["colorblack","colorblack","colorblack","colorwhite","coloryellow",/**/"colorblack"/**/,"colorblue",_colorDesert]; } else { ["colorblack","colorblack",_colorForest,"colorgreen",_colorForest,/**/"colorblack"/**/,_colorForest,_colorForest]; }; for "_i" from 0 to 270 step 90 do { _sizeMarker = [_sizeX,_sizeOut] select ((_i / 90) % 2); _dirTemp = _dir + _i; _markerPos = [ _posX + (sin _dirTemp * (_sizeX + _sizeOut)), _posY + (cos _dirTemp * (_sizeY + _sizeOut)) ]; for "_m" from 0 to (count _colors - 1) do { _marker = createmarker [format ["zone_%1_%2",_i,_m],_markerPos]; _marker setmarkersize [_sizeMarker,_sizeOut]; _marker setmarkerdir _dirTemp; _marker setmarkershape "rectangle"; _marker setmarkerbrush "solid"; _marker setmarkercolor (_colors select _m); if (_m == 5) then { //_marker setmarkercolor "colorblack"; _marker setmarkerbrush "grid"; _marker setmarkersize [_sizeMarker,_sizeOut]; }; }; //--- White borders _sizeMarker = [_sizeX,_sizeY + _sizeBorder * 2] select ((_i / 90) % 2); //_sizeBorderTemp = if (_i == 90) then {_sizeBorder * 2} else {_sizeBorder}; _sizeBorderTemp = _sizeBorder; _markerPos = [ _posX + (sin _dirTemp * (_sizeX + _sizeBorderTemp)), _posY + (cos _dirTemp * (_sizeY + _sizeBorderTemp)) ]; for "_m" from 0 to 7 do { _marker = createmarker [format ["zoneBorder_%1_%2",_i,_m],_markerPos]; _marker setmarkersize [_sizeMarker,_sizeBorderTemp]; _marker setmarkerdir _dirTemp; _marker setmarkershape "rectangle"; _marker setmarkerbrush "solid"; _marker setmarkercolor "colorwhite"; }; //--- Warning if (_zoneProtection) then { _sizeTrigger = [_sizeX,_sizeY * 1.5] select ((_i / 90) % 2); _sizeCoef = 5; _marker = format ["bis_warning_%1",_i]; _triggerPos = [ _posX + (sin _dirTemp * (_sizeX + _sizeTrigger/_sizeCoef)), _posY + (cos _dirTemp * (_sizeY + _sizeTrigger/_sizeCoef)) ]; _trigger = createtrigger ["emptydetector",_triggerPos]; _trigger triggerattachvehicle [player]; _trigger settriggeractivation ["member","present",true]; _trigger settriggerarea [_sizeTrigger,(_sizeTrigger / _sizeCoef),_dirTemp,true]; missionnamespace setvariable [_marker,_trigger]; _trigger settriggerstatements [ "this", format ["%1_spawn = %1 spawn bis_minefield",_marker], format ["terminate %1_spawn;",_marker] ]; //--- Death _trigger = createtrigger ["emptydetector",_triggerPos]; _trigger triggerattachvehicle [player]; _trigger settriggeractivation ["member","present",true]; _trigger settriggerarea [_sizeTrigger,(_sizeTrigger / _sizeCoef) - (bis_warningDis * 2),_dirTemp,true]; missionnamespace setvariable [_marker + "_d",_trigger]; _trigger settriggerstatements [ "this", "{position _x call bis_minefield_explode} foreach thislist;", "" ]; }; }; //--- Black frame Inner _marker = createmarker ["zoneBorderInner",_pos]; _marker setmarkersize [_sizeX,_sizeY]; _marker setmarkerdir 0; _marker setmarkershape "rectangle"; _marker setmarkerbrush "border"; _marker setmarkercolor "colorblack"; //--- Black frame Outer _marker = createmarker ["zoneBorderOuter",_pos]; _marker setmarkersize [_sizeX + _sizeBorder * 2,_sizeY + _sizeBorder * 2]; _marker setmarkerdir 0; _marker setmarkershape "rectangle"; _marker setmarkerbrush "border"; _marker setmarkercolor "colorblack"; Then used this 0=[[4881.8057,5109.854,23.964317],[1900,1300],true] execVM "covermap.sqf" Then even someone without ACR can use it.
  2. I was hoping this function was part of the last patch, but it seems you have to have ACR dlc enabled. It's really nice, too bad.
  3. PlacidPaul

    trigger help

    unitsName in thisList Make sure you have its activation set to Anybody
  4. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle The return value is object, so when you do this _heli = in front of createVehicle you are naming it. But, that will not work in global space, so name it heli =. You can use player in heli, not player in _heli in a trigger
  5. Sorry, didn't see that you wanted it empty. I think then just name it global heli instead of _heli local
  6. [color="#FF0000"]([/color]{alive _x} count units gAlpha == 2[color="#FF0000"])[/color]; This is what I use. The trigger doesn't need a radius and should be set to none
  7. Not sure about return values of createVehicle, maybe try BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle. Remember to place a function module. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle trans = [(getMarkerPos "spawn"), 0, "B_Heli_Attack_01_F", west] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; helo = trans select 0; allCrew = trans select 1; grp = trans select 2; I did not test that
  8. PlacidPaul

    Making the AI Sandstorm fire?

    This was for arma2, but could help....http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159633-Ambient-Fire-loop-with-random-hold&p=2452844&viewfull=1#post2452844 Also, his random additions to the script really help make it look and sound more immersive.
  9. I came across a instance (mission editing) where a unit had extra items in the backpack. It was not doubled, but additional pipebombs, ir strobes, smoke, m67s. This was a engineer unit, when I switched the unit to rifleman it was as should be. There where no mention of these items in the LEA scripts generated, so I guess it was being loaded after LEA? I did not have extends arma2 loadout checked. Thought I should mention it. Let me know if you need more info.
  10. you can put this in a gamelogic object PAPABEAR=[West,"HQ"]; sideChat for papabear will show as CROSSROAD PAPABEAR=[West,"airbase"]; sideChat for papabear will show as FIREFLY Which is a little strange, but it is another option. Not sure if this way can be altered at all. I think you can get papabear, but I can't remember. I don't think you can get rid of the 1, but you could have SABER ACTUAL 1, wait that sucks.. lol
  11. Like this... this setGroupID ["Saber"]; grpSaber = group this; then saber1 sideChat "hello";
  12. Have you seen this site? http://www.kylania.com/ex/?p=31
  13. PlacidPaul

    Placid Packs

    Dam, I never saw that email, until now. Sorry about that. But, I think I agreed with most of those issues in the email, but I guess I didnt' fix enough. I just quickly fixed some script errors now, as when released, I had -showScriptError with no s in my target line.:confused: Embarrassing. These shouldn't have messed much, you will gain support as you complete objectives. I think it says that in briefing, is that at least functioning? About ACE wounds I don't have it enabled. How did it seem like ace wounds? Team structure is fucked, will add medic to each team. I sometimes hate in group respawn how sometimes one person uses all my respawns, so I had it that way. will change. As far as weapons and team structure I will change to more of a normal set up. That tall backpack is weird with ace aswell. But, I never thought not having rockets would be that bad, there are rockets on nearly every enemy team, and only one Vodnik, and uaz. Enemy density was thinned out since the early version you played, and some should not go hunting you UPSMON style, plus extraction is optional without final objective complete. Will look this over again. I was kinda blown away by what you guys can handle, with my hydra mission, but different map different weapons. The briefing html with two meanings, i'm not sure yet, will try to fix. Probably should haven't emailed you the first version, sorry about that. Let me try to fix some issues.
  14. I'm using this /* fatty's ambient artillery tool (faat) version 1.0 by fatty Forces an AI gun (e.g. cannon or rocket artillery) to fire at regular intervals at a defined target. Gunners will persist until out of ammo or dead. CAUTION: the guns fire live ammo, so be careful where you aim! Required Parameters: Artillery Piece (object) - object to begin firing. Target (object) - target at which the artillery piece will fire. Suggested target is an invisible H setPos'd several hundred metres above the gun. Optional Parameters: Delay (number) - delay between shots in seconds (default is 10 seconds). Disable aiming AI (boolean) - prevents AI gunners from engaging other targets (default is true). Enable auto-rearm (boolean) - enables automatic rearming of gun after every shot (default is false). Examples: nul = [big_gun, gun_target] execmVM "faat.sqf"; nul = [rocket_artillery, house, 20, false, true] execmVM "faat.sqf"; */ private ["_gun","_target","_delay","_disableaim","_autorearm"]; _gun = _this select 0; _target = _this select 1; _delay = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {10}; _disableaim = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {true}; _autorearm = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {false}; if (_disableaim) then { {_gun disableAI "_x";} foreach [move,target,autotarget,anim]; _gun setCombatMode "BLUE"; }; (gunner _gun) lookAt _target; While {alive (gunner _gun)} do { sleep _delay; _gun fire (weapons _gun select 0); if (_autorearm) then {_gun setVehicleAmmo 1}; }; }; I have tried, but can't get it. :( I would like to have a 15 second break for every 5 second or so of fire. If it's random somewhere between that would be nice. Thanks
  15. This worked out exactly as you said. I had thought that using the ACE invisible targets would be the same, but I couldn't get it to work, not sure. SO I have a invisible helo, which now has the ace group marker on the map.:rolleyes: Maybe I can make that work to my advantage. Thanks for the great help Rydygier! Could thisbe explained a little, the ceil is the only part of your changes I don't get. _amnt = ceil (random 10); Oh, and moving the target to different spots would work nicely now...
  16. That looks like dwarf to me,... Or i guess little person. Lol does he stay this way? Is he combat effective? Sorry but I can't help but see hordes of little people storming a airfield. He doesn't look to be crouched though. If he's stopped he would be on knee, right?
  17. Nice improvements, thanks very much! This is somewhat annoying, is there any way around this? It eventually goes 360 deg. In my situation it's not terrible, but would love to actually get it to target something, it looks like their drunk.
  18. I played with just two friends (3 total), we couldn't make it past valantines house. We just couldn't survive inside, they take alot of shots. Though we could just suck, we don't play zombie mods much. Also, i hosted and could not see the briefing in one instance, but it did work after backing out and reloading. But, we really liked the mission and would love to see more. Possibly a parameter or scaling for low number of players.
  19. PlacidPaul

    Placid Packs

    *NEW MISSION (ESBEKISTAN)* Objectives are, secure Zregurat, and investigate presence of Russian Spetsnaz operatives. Then await further orders, you can guess the rest by the title. This mission uses RUIS - Random Unit Invasion Script 1.2 by Igneous01 I also found a new source of sound files! Over 2000, some crap, but with audacity the good ones can be broken into even more. If anyone is interested take a listen, and give my a P.M. on how to get them. This mission uses group respawn, but your group will receive reinforcements at some point. It also uses the BIS health modules, as it felt necessary. BACKLASH co10 ACE Description: Investigate Zregurat, reports claim Russian Spetsnaz supporting insurgency. http://www.mediafire.com/download/bct68zffxdl8j2s/Co10_ACE_Backlash.esbekistan.pbo requirements A2 A2 OA ESBEKISTAN ACE @tvig0r0us, thanks for the encouragement buddy. Summer has been very busy here. Hope we can get together soon. Would love to help test UC for A3, please give me notice so we can. I know all you need is free time to make it purr. Shameless promotion here -Urban-Conquest-by-tvig0r0us
  20. Something wrong in the description results in a crash to desktop. That could be it?
  21. HOLO_init.sqs is a part of arma2, you would have to unpack the game to see. I have noticed some inconsistencies with ace and holo, and never understood why or got to bottom of it. And not just my missions.
  22. OK this somewhat works, but is it the right way to do it? if (alive (gunner _gun)) then { for "_i" from 0 to 20 do { sleep _delay; _gun fire (weapons _gun select 0); if (_autorearm) then {_gun setVehicleAmmo 1}; }; }; sleep 5; nul = [tung1, target,.2,true,false] execvm "faat.sqf"; it no random :(
  23. I think the demo comes with radio triggers, activations in them. One funny thing about the demo is that there is no functions module on the map, so it no work without cba or no functions module. That one threw me for a loop.
  24. This sounds good. Did you try it? Have them attack two waypoints, drop a guard trig at one, the ungaurded wp should move to reinforce guarded. I have a mission that you need to repel RUIS or atleast half. But, having trouble finding way to end mission witout using time. does anyone have a good technic for conditions, maybe half of ruis or.....? I don't know, killing all of them seems like way to much.
  25. Try this demo mission, it will add a flashlight by key press. I'm not sure where I got it, so I'm sorry can't give anyone credit. http://www.mediafire.com/download/gv837o2lonxsa8v/lightkey.Desert_E.rar It doesn't look great, but it is a flashlight script