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About tracyface

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Thanks for your reply :) Sorry for not explaining properly, I have uploaded only the bikey to our server and I have the JSRS15 mod on my side. It's very strange and i'm stumped for an answer :icon_rolleyes:
  2. Hi all Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I'm new to the forums and this could go in more than 1 section on here! I have uploaded the JSRS mod to our dedi server. If you go on Blufor, it works a treat, if you go Opfor then there are no 'roles' next to the slots i.e. 1-1-L, and whatever you chose you start the game as a bird. This only works if you choose Opfor. Help! I have taken JSRS off and it works fine again. Is there something I can do or have done? :j: Thanks in advance
  3. Hi all Is there a way we can set reoccuring messages? For example, the welcome message we have the rules. Is there any way we can have this repeated throughout the game rather than just appearing once? Cheers in advance!
  4. Hi guys Is there some kind of mod we can use whereby team members cannot destroy friendly buildings. I have been into a server where they had something like this in place. We always get one idiot who thinks it's funny to destroy one of our buildings/HQ and then disconnect. Banning them yes, we do it, but it just f*cks up the whole game! :mad: Any help would be appreciated. P.S - I am no good at all this scripting stuff, uploading a mod I can handle :) Thanks in advanace
  5. tracyface

    Event Handler

    Fantastic, I shall have a good old read, thanks kylania!
  6. tracyface

    Event Handler

    Cool, I will change the signatures!! Currently it's set to 1, didn't realise there was a 2! Thanks for the advice :)
  7. Hi All We've had some hackers in our server recently and they destroy everyone and everything in one hit, so think this EH might help us find the suspect. I'd like to run the Even Handler 'Killed'. I've looked everywhere to try and find how to do this but am lost. I can see the code (as per below link) but where on earth do I put this code? And then where is the information stored? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?100564-Beginners-Guide-to-Event-Handlers I'm a newbie and have no idea of coding and scripting so laymans terms would be great - I just rent a server from a company andthe extent of my knowledge is how to change the server config file and Battleye stuff, but that's about all. Thanks in advnace!
  8. tracyface

    Log kill messages

    If anyone has the answer to this I am also very interested!
  9. Thanks for the reply PvP. I checked in battley folder of main control panel of my server and could not see any script.txt. Do you have any link where I can find a template so I can copy & paste in my server? I googled script.txt and there are so many sites. Do you know any decent one where I can learn more about it? Regards John John25uk@hotmail.com
  10. i do not think you can do it mate. what i have done is upload the BENNY version in my main control panel of my server provider. very hard to do and took me 2 days. Play for instance in WASP server or XR server and you will see the difference in the game. In that BENNY version you can put specifically the game to start at 0800 in the morning for instance. if the game lasts for 9 hours as it has been a few times , you see it starts getting dark as the time in the game would be 1700. Very realistic.
  11. i agree with 'guesswho' it does work. i like my infantry and i do exactly the same thing.
  12. One hacker in my server could destroy all units from both sides, in CTI, at an instant after four hours of gaming. The console message did not show the killer. There was no way of knowing who it was as I only have a log, BErcon and a log on our server which states only who said what and who has come in (GUID code). My server provider tells me there is no other tool available within their servers. Does anyone know of any other tool or server providers who can provide me with a tool that I can see a log of who killed whom? That way I would be able to pick up the hacker who killed everyone at once and spoilt our four hour lasted game. Thanks in advance.
  13. I agree with all this. The only ones which seems to work are Dayz. I hope it's fixed soon as I am paying for this server which I cant use! Pathetic.
  14. tracyface

    ARMA 2 CO: Team Balance

    Yes I asked a question - 'Is there a way to auto team balance?' Of course it's easy before a game begins as I do not start until it's balanced, but when it's in play and people join THAT is my problem. If I wasn't having the trouble of people NOT using their common sense or just ignoring server rules, would I be asking the question in the first place? The simple answer would have been 'No, you cant'. To me that reply sounded like he was telling ME to use common sense, as I can't instill common sense into others!!! If he wasn't, then I apologise.