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Everything posted by LETHALFLOW



    Hi all. So I've been watching many videos on YouTube of squads of people using VoIP and what looks to be user made missions. The missions seem fun and the team-play is amazing. I was wondering how I could find people like this to play with and how I can get invites? I don't have any friends who play Arma so it's tough to play with anyone but multiplayer. Also I would prefer to play on Operation Arrowhead if possible. Thanks a bunch, the help would be appreciated.
  2. Hi all, I'm looking for a squad or clan I can join who play tactical missions together with VoIP. I enjoy being led by a squad leader and being given objectives with other team mates. I love playing as an AT soldier (preferably), rifleman with scope or machine gunner for suppressing enemies. I also prefer to play Arrowhead but the original version is fine as well. Please PM or email me at Lethalflow@hotmail.ca if interested in recruiting me or playing some missions. Thanks!!


    Thank you orlok, I'll be sure to post there. And as for PR, do you mean Project Reality? I've played that mod on BF2 and loved it. I know it's on beta stages but do many people play it? Enough for a full server at least?