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About Velcon

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  1. Velcon

    L85A2 Release

    Are there any chances of getting a public release on the l85? I saw them in VCB's youtube videos and they look phenomenal.
  2. Well, they added those options to the ingame menu, so no need for that anymore.
  3. Sorry for my late reply but I had some issues getting that beta patch to work. But it is all sorted now. It´s working and I am still able to connect to the clan´s server. Thank you for your help, mate. One thing though, could you maybe post your Arma 2 config, so I can try out your settings, as you seem to got it to work properly.
  4. Ok, after some testing I can say, that bug is still present. I did change my Texture Filtering Quality to High Quality. And the problem with ppaa is, that it´s only available in the new beta patches and I can´t use them because I won´t be able to join my clan´s server then.
  5. Hello, I am getting extremely weird graphic bugs when enabling Anti-Aliasing on my 7850. I took some screenshots to show you what they look like. http://imageshack.us/g/339/arma2oa2012052720005789.jpg/ That sort of bug only appears when I´m running and using the bionical zoom (holding the right mouse-button down or using + on the numpad) at the same time. It appears on Chernarus and Takistan, aswell as on custom maps while playing with and without mods (dayz, ACE, etc.). My system specs are: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 at 3.2 Ghz - stock cooler, no oc 4 GB of OCZ DDR2 Ram 500 Watts Power Supply Sapphire Ati 7850 OC Version, running the 12.4 ATI Drivers. Drive settings: http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/2342/unbenanntzhu.jpg (183 kB) The game is running with the following settings: Changing the settings doesn´t help, the only thing that avoids that bug is disabling anti aliasing. I really hope somebody is able to help me out, as this bug is very annoying.
  6. Velcon

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    They deserve every single bit of attention for such a remarkable game. Thank you for making a game that has never failed to amaze me.