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Everything posted by andrestander

  1. andrestander

    AK-74 and the AKM

    The AK-74 is the replacement for the AKM and its successor as on wikipedia. It also uses a different cartridge and has a lower recoil and a higher muzzle velocity. I don't get why do people insist that the AKM is a better option than the AK-74 then. Since arma is a milsim, what's good in real life should be good in arma too, right? In Dayz, the AKM kills zeds in 1 shot to the body while the AK-74 takes 2 shots to the body to kill it. Is that how rocket wanted to balance the game or it's just arma accounting for the larger cartridge the AKM fires? I also read in the ACE mod changelog that vanilla arma doesn't account for the rifling of the barrels, would this affect the AK-74 against the AKM somehow? How do I truly find out which rifle is better than the other in arma?
  2. 1 being an arcade shooter and 10 being just like real life. W/without ACE2. And how does Arma2 compare with BF BC2 or Cod in terms of realism?
  3. Hello this is my first post here. I find it hard to spot players at long ranges. Especially when they're prone as they appear no more than a couple of pixels on my screen. Should I play on the highest resolution my PC can handle? Should I sacrifice graphic detail for resolution? I have no idea what will help make enemy players stand out more on my screen. Also, a little un related question. But I am kind of new to Arma, where could I watch 'pro' PvP arma gameplays? or even tutorials/tips? Thanks in advance.