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About JeProject

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    Private First Class
  1. JeProject

    What's the point in the campaign atm.

    Yeah it's all stuff that will eventually get fixed. If it was still beta I'd not have a problem. It's just worrying when the devs give the impression some of this stuff isn't a big deal for a mil sim. Anyways, I bought BlackShark2 so I'll be getting my killing machine fix in the air until Arma3 doesn't feel like I'm playing Bad Company 2.
  2. JeProject

    What's the point in the campaign atm.

    Not as campaign breakers, as immersion breakers. I haven't loaded the campaign. Some people like playing games, some people get their kicks from simulations. I've already moved to DCS now that the TOH engine isn't being added but Arma3 can't even get rifle scopes half right which is its bread and butter surely? If that makes me hard to take seriously on an Arma forum then there's not much hope is there. I know these things take time but BI just seems confused about what they are actually trying to create.
  3. JeProject

    What's the point in the campaign atm.

    Yes I have filed several bug reports @ http://feedback.arma3.com. I know some of them are not that important as far as getting the game to run stable are concerned. The zooming thing is that if you have your scope up, the area around the scope is still zoomed in and further to that if you use trackir to look about that is all zoomed in too. It's left me designing missions that don't require zoom optics. When ever I travel inside an APC I can see what's outside in other peoples visor reflection. These and other things are all bugs that are already on the bug tracker. For me these are quite major "bugs" though I really see them as just currently missing features. They effect all aspects of play in all missions and the only reason I brought up the campaign is because to me it seems odd to even bother working on it with these kinds of current "problems" still in place. Thousands of others have said it before that they should focus on the engine and let the community do the rest. I guess after all the waiting and constantly trying to get back into the game after giving it a few weeks I just wanted to vent some frustration. I'm left somewhat milsim-less because I don't want to go back to Arma2's engine/gfx and yet too much of the Arma3 experience is currently not on par with Arma2. "This is clearly a joke, 'seeing outside vehicles from the reflection of AI passengers visors'... " I don't get you. This is what I see when I'm in an APC with other AI team members.
  4. JeProject

    What's the point in the campaign atm.

    What was the purpose of yours. You didn't even read my initial one properly where I mentioned that the zoomed in freelook on scope was really ruining my experience. Maybe there's a mod that can help? Then you told me to go play another game. I'm not wasting my time "complaining" about arma3. I'm trying to get other people's take on things. You contradicted yourself saying there's too many other bugs yet the campaign experience was great. I feel I'm wasting my time talking to you tbh. ---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ---------- Yeah I know, and as such I haven't tried it yet. Was more curious as to why they are spending time working on it rather than fixing other stuff. ---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 PM ---------- I know you guys must get sick of people whining about shit but common, have you lost all desire to talk about the reality of stuff? Just because I am disillusioned about the game doesn't mean you have to defend it to the death. I'm not bashing it completely. Can't talk to console loving IRL friends about Arma. Can't talk to other Arma users about Arma. Shelf it for a year and come back to it or what then?
  5. JeProject

    What's the point in the campaign atm.

    "There are more important game-breaking bugs to worry about" that's sort of my point. "Also, you can look around when you have your weapon scoped, invest in TrackIR or a FreeTrack device." That's not at all what I said, I do have TrackIR5. ---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 PM ---------- [/color]There aren't any better mil sims than the arma series. I was just making the point that I would rather my campaign experience happen next year and be complete than ruin it playing it any time soon. You're not really a warrant officer you know (unless you are) you can lighten up a tad.
  6. JeProject

    What's the point in the campaign atm.

    Oh right that's ok then.
  7. Who in their right mind is going to even start playing the campaign until things like being able to look around zoomed in with the scope and seeing outside vehicles from the reflection of AI passengers visors are fixed? What a joke. There's more immersion in some turn based strategy games than Arma3 atm.
  8. How do I disable or move the white hand cursor/icon that appears letting you grab a weapon? I went to where one of my ai men got hit and the stupid thing kept getting in my vision as I was aiming down the road because there was a weapon lying near me. Every time I play Arma3 something happens that makes me think in many ways its been a massive step back and I have to check that I didn't somehow actually go buy, install and run bf4 by accident.
  9. I know this is an old thread but the issue is not. I just wanted to say thanks to both of you. I just spent the last 30 mins thinking my new CH pedals were knackered and it wasn't till I added a massive dead zone and it was still happening I started to think maybe it was the actual helicopter. Didn't realize the choppers in Arma3 had gotten that advanced tbh. Thanks for the reassurance.
  10. JeProject

    AI men stuck

    Team switching was something I did not think to try as I've only ever used it once on the campaign mission where you have to clear the road of mines. This I will def try when/if it happens again. Can I also team switch to another squad though if it happens to them again? That ARD mod sounds very interesting in general but I'm not convinced it will help this situation, though I'm still going to get it. It's def not because they are under fire and I've had it happen when they are set to aware. I'm pretty confident controlling friendly AI and until I started having this problem I've never had any real difficulties apart from the usual sporadic and rare retardation of mostly vehicle driving units driving into trees and the like. It feels to me more like a routing problem, where the AI can't decide the best way to go, although I have obviously tried setting a new waypoint for them and still no joy. I'll be giving the Chen map a go tonight with All around defense cos that mod sounds awesome. We'll see how I get on.
  11. JeProject

    AI men stuck

    That's alright mate no problem, it's a very weird issue and I've never come across anyone else with it so it's obviously circumstantial rather than a general bug. It hasn't happened at all whilst playing on Takistan and it's only ever happened on Chen which I've been to scared to play in case it happens again. Maybe something to do with the buildings on it.
  12. JeProject

    AI men stuck

    Well it was happening with No mods and no scripting. The only thing I had was me and my squad and another squad I was controlling using High command. I know what you're saying about keeping it basic to test but how basic can I make it. Just me and another AI man walking about for ages till he can't move?
  13. JeProject

    AI men stuck

    No mods. I should've also mentioned it's Combined Operations. I'm using several other vanilla modules besides HC though: Simple Support, the 3 First aid, ambient and environment ones. I don't know if any of these are related and it takes too long for the problem to arise to definitely determine if it's these by process of elimination. ---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ---------- Also now that I think about it I'm fairly sure it has only happened on Chenaraus. If it happens again I will try and video it using my phone and upload it.
  14. JeProject

    AI men stuck

    I keep finding my friendly AI men getting 'stuck' in nothing. I can see they are trying to move when I tell them but are glued to the floor. At first I only noticed this happening to high command subordinates and put it down to the AI being retarded, but now it's happening with units in my squad. I've also had all my units rifles disappearing. Been looking into whether I might have triggered FADE or something. For the moment Arma2 is unplayable and it always happens when I'm fairly far into a mission so it's extra frustrating. Edit: Version 1.62.95248 Edit: Looking further into fade I don't think it's that as my accuracy of weapons is fine. Help :(
  15. I'm flying the OA Apache with an AI gunner. I tried mapping one of my joystick buttons to Next Target, which is also set to tab. The joystick button was not working however tab was. I disabled tab for Next Target and tab still chooses the different targets. So it appears either there's a choose target bind option specific to aircraft (and it's not Next Target in All Controls that I need to use) that is not being displayed in all controls, or the binding is hard coded and being ignored by whatever is chosen in settings. ---------- Post added at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ---------- Nevermind I think I have just found the answer here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?68045-Next-Target-command Though I haven't tried it yet.