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Posts posted by SatchboogieUK

  1. Hi everyone,

    I just registered to the BIS forums to share an idea I had about making military intelligence play a bigger role in the game (Particularly in MP warfare!)

    I'm a huge fan of the warfare mode in arma 2 and I was just thinking, how great would it be if they implemented a system into the next game where enemy soldiers who were cut off from their lines could be captured as POW'S and returned to your HQ to be interogated so you could gain intelligence about certain areas of the map, for example force strength in major enemy towns, strengths and weaknesses in enemy lines, defences, enemy HQ locations, ambush locations, AA site locations etc...

    Any info recieved from POW's could create new side missions in the game mode to disable AA sites or artillery sites, it could also just make it easier to exploit weaknesses in your enemy's lines. I think it would add a whole new dimension to the game and it would make you think twice about just openning fire on anything that moves.

    I also think that adding this system to the game would give so much more depth to the game mode, and would make you think more, for example it would be much more worth while to go hunting for ejected pilots from downed enemy planes or finding chopper crash sites to find any survivors which could be useful for helping you gain information which could make tactical decision making easier.

    Finally it could add to the buildings that you can construct in the came such as - POW holding areas and intelligence tents.

    Anyone agree, disagree or would like to expand on the idea?

    (I'd just like to make it clear at this point that you making your character personally interogating/torturing enemy soldiers wouldnt come into the game, im not sick lol)

    I'd love to hear any views or ideas you might have about this concept.


