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About gulfy32

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  1. gulfy32

    [COOP] Dynamic Combat Generator

    Still can't figure out the hostage rescue, I had a cable tie and tried Win key on him but there was no arrest button. Tried the regular scroll arrest and still nothing. What am I missing?
  2. gulfy32

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    No, for all other units pressing CAPSLOCK for TFAR just pops up trying to do in game voice. Doesn't seem like any of the TFAR keybindings work like CTRL+TAB to change volume. EDIT: It seems to be something with this in the initplayerlocal.sqf and reinitY.sqf Once I turned off reinitY for JIP players the radio started working for them. gameMenu = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",
  3. gulfy32

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    We've tried to get TFAR working as well. Commander works, and the rest of the team works 1/2 the time. I looked through the RPT on the server and didn't see any issues. EDIT: It seems to be JIP clients. Maybe something to do with the initPlayerLocal.sqf
  4. Has anyone had the problem with static / crackling voices when plugin is loaded in teamspeak, but without the game running? If I have output device set to my headset JABRA PRO 930, I get the distorted voices, but if I switch to onboard sound for output, I hear voices fine.
  5. I found the problem, I changed the name of the server on the war room, so the name in the alive.cfg changed.
  6. I'm getting the error when loading one of my missions after adding the alive database module. The error files the RPT file until you shut the server off. ALiVE Global INIT ALiVE Global Init Timer Started ALiVE [m_0|1] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT Error in expression < 0; _char = _charArray select _pos; if (_char == 58) then { _key = toString _t> Error position: <_char == 58) then { _key = toString _t> Error Undefined variable in expression: _char File x\alive\addons\sys_data\fnc_parseJSON.sqf, line 91 Error in expression <"_char"]; _char = 0; _char = _charArray select _pos; if (_char == 58) then { _> Error position: <select _pos; if (_char == 58) then { _> Error Zero divisor File x\alive\addons\sys_data\fnc_parseJSON.sqf, line 90 Error in expression <"_char"]; _char = 0; _char = _charArray select _pos; if (_char == 58) then { _> Error position: <select _pos; if (_char == 58) then { _>