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Everything posted by Vostok

  1. Hi. Sorry for my english in advance. My server runs perfectly on Debian (with 20/30 players) with or without mods for over two days. I just did a clean install of the server, I applied the update 1.62.96687 and I disabled BattlEye and referencing my server by Gamespy on the file "server.cfg". To disable proper referencing: reportingIP = "noreport"; on the server.cfg
  2. Hi, I wonder if there was a mod that would add "parade/ceremonial gear" for soldiers of the USMC ? like that : http://www.gap-airsoft.fr/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Standards6486.jpeg Thank you ! Cordially
  3. Hi, I wonder if there was a mod that would add parade gear for soldiers of the USMC : like that : http://4gwar.files.wordpress.com/201...set-parade.jpg Thank you ! Cordially
  4. Vostok

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Hi guys, What the differences with "Warfx Particles"? EDIT : I found my answer, sorry for inconvenience
  5. Vostok

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Thank you very much. I was actually doing to upload my RPT file, write a repro steps and missio... but you were faster. Awesome ! I understood how to operate the tickets, so now I can tell you problems more easily ;)
  6. Vostok

    ACE for OA 1.11

    My English is not very good, I can not understand the whole process to write a ticket. that's just what I understood I had to do : Edit : I use "verify and repair", maybe my problem is solved ? I'll let you know when it's over Edit 2 : No change :/
  7. Vostok

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Yes. We use CSW for several versions and we never had problems :( The wound system, C4/explosive work with the self interaction menu/interaction menu We do not notice other problems. Example: take a base plate for mortar,we approaches the area where we want to move, then use Interactive Self interaction menu or interaction menu and ... nothing, nothing appears ! Ps : I take this opportunity to thank you for this awesome mod ;)
  8. Vostok

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Yes. The explosive work, wound system also. We do not notice other problems
  9. Vostok

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Hello guys. All my team moved to ACE² 1.12 but we have all the same bug : it is impossible to assemble a mortar, heavy machine gun... This is normal? Thanks.