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Everything posted by rainman_simulators

  1. rainman_simulators

    250*70 degree surround video

    advertizing removed pending proof of approval
  2. rainman_simulators

    Realistic joystick?

    I build the Rainman brand controls, all the cyclics that I produce are only ever fitted with high grade industrial robotics sensors, the cyclic is also available as a standalone unit.I can also fit it with a budget version grip which will also drop the cost a little further.
  3. rainman_simulators

    Realistic joystick?

    One of my customers has posted a review of the controls he bought from me here http://www.hovercontrol.com/cgi-bin/ib3/ikonboard.cgi?;act=ST;f=43;t=20965 I am always more than happy to answer questions in regards to the performance or customising of my controls as well. I have noticed that everybody is wanting hall effect sensors, I have been fitting an industrial grade robotics hall sensor in each of the cyclic axis and I am getting a 700 increment count across each of the axis. This is the sports plane sim with H300 style collective prototype.
  4. rainman_simulators

    What's Your Setup?

    Mark from Rainman Sims here, I have been doing more R&D over the last few days and I expect to have the new prototype H300 version of the collective ready in the next few days, as soon as it is done it will be going into a commercial sim environment for testing along with the sports plane version of the helisim, the sports plane version has toe brakes type rudder pedals instead of the tail rotor pedals, I will post the photos just prior to packing it to ship
  5. rainman_simulators

    Control inputs to game.

    Does anybody know the extent of the control inputs to the game ,my current helisim rig has pedals ,collective with twist throttle and hi resolution cyclic