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About Kadafi

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. thx for the mod, its really good one, i love this p-47, this damned fighter is so beatyful, just love it <3
  2. Kadafi

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    this map looks gr8... lookin forward :)
  3. yeah guys, i just wanted to know.calm down, we can wait.. however, this mod looks epic, love this vehicles, lookin forward.
  4. hi guyz when will you publish the mod? looks awesome :)
  5. Kadafi

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    hey guyz how many maps are there?
  6. hi guys I need a map in the second world war. it schould be a destroyed city, with bombed-out roads... the most buildings schould be destroyed. http://www.caltrops.com/images/bf1942-berlin.jpg http://jkamd64.jk.funpic.de/tests/games/bf1942/bf_berlin.jpg it schould look like battlefield 1942 berlin, stalingrad or charkov... Are there any maps witch looks like that? Or can someone make a map like that? thx 4 the answers
  7. Kadafi


    yeah, it works, thank you for ya help
  8. hey guyz Cud someone show me a script dat brings the soldiers 2 cheer? thx :bounce3:
  9. Kadafi

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    thx 4 the answer, i even think dat cud be the best mod 4 arma
  10. Kadafi

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    This mod wud be awesome.. :) is there also the island Iwo Jima? And are the AI able 2 start or land on carrier?
  11. Thanks to yall guys, but I found the files: "pa_landrover6x6" and "pa_landrover6x6.pbo.NZDF3.bisign" If some1 av the same problem, check this files. Good N8 :D
  12. Hallo guys In the beginning I want to say that my eng isnt good, so u ll find a lot of mistakes, but wu carres. My problem is, u can see the feets of the pilots through the most chopper and some jets! It looks like the pilots are standing in the choppers.. I ve got alot of mods, so i dont realy know witch of them damaged or deleted those files. It was maybe the vietnam "unsung" mod, but I cant delete this mod, i need it cause i like 2 make vietnam missions... however, i love flying around with hueys or other helis and this mistake spoils all that fun :( Can some1 pls help me? i have arma 2+ oa + reiforcements.